Professor of Magic

Chapter 355 Day 13 Parting Advice

Chapter 355 Day 13 Parting Advice
Two days later, when Lin Yuan and Jaipur were making the last few minor adjustments to the magic circle, Old Man Hawke and Grand Magister Sargeras finally returned.

But to Lin Yuan's surprise, it wasn't just the two of them who came back, there were actually four strong sweaters following behind them.

Glancing at the clothes on these four people, Lin Yuan couldn't help but asked in a low voice to the old man Hawke: "I said, why do you bring a few death row prisoners here?"

"Of course it's for an experiment." The old man Hawke replied. "Although we are very sure about this teleportation, it is certainly safer to experiment with a few people first."

"Experiment?" Lin Yuan was startled. "Do experiments with living people?"

"What? Is there any problem?" The old man Hawke gave Lin Yuan a surprised look, as if it was a matter of course.

A trace of unbearableness flashed across Lin Yuan's face, but he just shook his head and didn't say much.

After all, this is the continent of Farinos, not the original world. It is a waste of effort to talk about human rights here.

"How is the adjustment of the magic circle?" the old man Hawke asked again.

"Except for a few very small places, everything else has been adjusted." Lin Yuan glanced at the magic circle in the valley and nodded: "If there is no accident, we can start tonight."

"So you have already mastered the usage of this magic circle?"

Lin Yuan gave old man Hawk an angry look: "Do you think I'm an idiot? Can't master a magic circle in three days?"

The old man Hawke laughed loudly, and turned to discuss with Jibril.

Lin Yuan turned his head to look at the death row prisoners again, only to find that all of them had curiosity or excitement on their faces, and no expression of fear at all.

"Didn't old man Hawke tell them what they're going to do?" Lin Yuan couldn't help muttering in his heart.

The afternoon passed by, and with the assistance of old man Hawke and Grand Magister Sargeras, Lin Yuan and Jibril quickly completed the final adjustments, and the entire magic circle was ready.

And through the process of adjusting the magic circle in the past few days, Lin Yuan has become very familiar with this magic circle. It is just a thought, and the magic power in the body will flow instantly. After a while, a more than ten meters high and four to five meters wide A huge portal appeared in front of everyone.

"Well, not bad." After observing the situation of the portal for a while, the old man Hawke nodded in satisfaction. "Jaipril, the effect of your magic circle is really extraordinary. Even Lin's weak magic power can create such a large portal."

Meeting Lin Yuan's glaring gaze, the old man Hawke asked, "Lin, how long can you maintain this state?"

"Keep it?" Lin Yuan was startled, and made a calculation in his heart. "If it keeps going like this, it will be fine for a day or two."

When he said this, Lin Yuanke was really proud.

Although he was only able to create such a huge portal through this strange magic circle, compared to the old man Hawke and the other three, he was able to maintain a portal of this size for one or two years. For a long time, it is by no means so easy to do.

Unexpectedly, old man Hawke frowned and shook his head when he heard Lin Yuan's answer.

"No, only one or two days is not enough, Lin, you'd better keep this state for a week or even longer."

Lin Yuan couldn't help being stunned, and then he widened his eyes and said angrily to the old man Hawke: "Are you kidding me? A week? You think I'm a superman. Don't say that my magic power is definitely not enough, I'm afraid I'll starve to death long ago."

The old man Hawke's expression was very serious, and he said, "I'm not joking. Lin, if you can keep it for longer, the hope that we can come back from there will be greater."

Lin Yuan was taken aback for a moment, and then understood.

This experiment is not simply to send the old man Hawke to another world. If everything goes well and it is possible, they still have hope to pass through this portal and return to this world from there. .

And if all of this can be successful, it means that the few of them have mastered a method to travel between the two worlds at will.

Although it seems to be very imperfect now, and the success rate is unknown, but if this can be achieved this time, then as long as more research is done in the future, it is not impossible to realize the commonality of the two worlds.

The Farinos continent is shared with the original world?
Lin Yuan's mind was blank.

For a moment, he couldn't imagine what consequences this would cause.

"Hey, Lin, why are you in a daze, we are running out of time, you should quickly think about how to maintain this state for a longer time." Old man Hawke woke Lin Yuan up from the sluggish state. "Aren't you the best at achieving the best results with the least magic power? I believe you will be able to meet my requirements."

"Ah... oh, it's on me." Lin Yuan responded and nodded confidently.

In fact, when the old man Hawk made this request just now, he already had some ideas.For example, when he uses this magic circle now, he doesn't have any idea of ​​saving magic power at all, but always holds the idea of ​​doing his best, for fear that the portal is not strong enough.

But looking at it now, it is unnecessary for the portal to be so high and wide. The tallest of the three, Old Hawk and the others, is only less than two meters tall, Grand Magister Sargeras.

With a thought, the magic power input into the magic circle was instantly reduced by half, and the portal also changed from the original ten meters high and four or five meters wide to less than three meters high and two meters wide, which is not as good as an ordinary residence gate. not too much.

In this way, the time that Lin Yuan can maintain this state has directly doubled, and now he is confident that he can maintain this state for more than three days.

However, this is still far from the one-week requirement of the old man Hawke.

Lin Yuan constantly adjusted the speed and frequency of magic input in the body while experiencing the changes in the portal.

It is not an easy task even for him to meet the requirements of old man Hawke while ensuring the stability of the portal.

It wasn't until the next afternoon that Lin Yuan found an optimal balance between these two requirements, and the originally huge portal was compressed by him even smaller.It's just that compared with the huge but dark and uncertain facade at the beginning, the current portal looks small and powerful.The entire two-meter-high, one-meter-wide facade is blacker than the purest graphite.

In the area covered by the portal, you can't feel anything at all except black.But outside the portal, even just to the left and right of the gate, there are completely two worlds.

Seeing this portal, old man Hawke nodded in satisfaction.

"Okay, Lin, it should be fine."

Lin Yuan withdrew his magic power, and the strange magic element fluctuation in the valley immediately returned to normal because of this portal.

"Very good, Lin, you are indeed a genius. You have achieved this level of effort in just one day. I'm really not mistaken." The old man Hawk patted Lin Yuan on the shoulder with a hearty laugh.

Lin Yuan didn't even have the energy to throw him a blank stare. The continuous day's research on the portal not only exhausted the magic power in his body, but also exhausted his mind because of his analysis and research all the time.

Seeing Lin Yuan's current state, the old man Hawke didn't say much, and motioned him to rest.

Lin Yuan returned to the cabin, fell on the bed, and fell into a deep sleep in an instant.

When he woke up, he found that the wooden house was covered with silver light, and when he looked up, Ellis, who was no longer round, had already climbed into the air.

This time, he fell asleep from the afternoon when Salas hadn't gone down the mountain until now that Ellis had replaced Salas.

Rubbing his head, he found that after a deep sleep, his spirit had fully recovered. Lin Yuan got up and walked out of the cabin.

As soon as he went out, he saw the great magister Sargeras in the distance pointing at the magic circle on the ground and saying something to those prisoners.

Judging from the few words floating in the wind, it seems that they are telling the precautions to those prisoners.

"Hey, tell the mice to be honest and not to make trouble?" Lin Yuan curled his lips, still unable to completely let go of the in vivo experiment.

"Counting from the left, the first one is called Keanu. Because of a quarrel with someone, he killed 13 members of the other party's family with a knife. Among them, the oldest was 83 years old, and the youngest was just four months old."

Lin Yuan turned his head in astonishment, looked at the rare serious expression of the old man Hawke, and wondered why he made these words.

The old head of Hawke didn't see Lin Yuan's questioning gaze, and continued talking on his own.

"The second one is called Sam. He is a perverted rapist. He only rapes and kills girls under the age of ten. So far, he has raped and killed sixteen girls, the oldest of whom is ten years old. The youngest is only six years old."

"The third one is called Newell. He is only 17 years old this year, but 87 people have died under his command. He is a famous killer. But his main targets are ordinary civilians."

"The fourth is Ni..."

"Okay, needless to say." Lin Yuan interrupted old man Hawke. "What are you telling me this for?"

Only then did the old man Hawke turn his head, look at Lin Yuan, snorted suddenly, and said, "I just want to say that these guys deserve death, and it's pointless for you kid to sympathize with them."

Lin Yuan was startled, and couldn't help feeling a little moved.

I thought I was covering it up very well, but the old man Hawke still saw it.

Moreover, as the old man Hawke, he actually came to tell him these materials in order to adjust Lin Yuan's mood.

"I know very well that since they are prisoners on death row, they must die for more than a crime," Lin Yuan said. "However... it feels a little uncomfortable to use living people as experiments."

It is difficult to explain to old man Hawke the awareness of human rights that he cultivated in the original world, so Lin Yuan can only be vague.

"Feel uncomfortable?" Old man Hawk snorted coldly. "There are so many things that will make you feel uncomfortable in the future. Lin, if you can't even let go of this, I'm afraid your life will be very difficult after the three of us leave."

Lin Yuan looked at the old man Hawke in surprise, why did his words sound a little like what Jibril said a few days ago?
"Lin, have you ever thought about what will happen if the three of us leave?" Old Hawke asked.

Lin Yuan shook his head: "I only know that the consequences will be serious, but I can't tell you the specifics."

"Since the few of us have decided to leave, no matter how serious the consequences are, it has nothing to do with us." Old Man Hawke said. "But there are some people who can't leave. This has a lot to do with them. And this includes you. Lin, have you ever thought about what you will do after we leave?"

Lin Yuan was stunned again, this question was not only somewhat similar to Jibril's question, it was exactly the same.

"Jiapri also asked me this question a few days ago..." Lin Yuan whispered.

"What about your answer?" Old Man Hawke asked.

"I haven't fully thought about it yet." Lin Yuan shook his head and replied.

"Completely?" the old man Hawke asked with a frown. "Does that mean you already have an idea?"

"Well, it's just that the time is too short, and many specific things can't be considered now."

"Oh? That's good. As long as you have your own ideas, I believe that with your intelligence, this idea must be good." Old Hawke nodded with relief. "I'm too lazy to ask you what you want to do. I just want to remind you that after we leave, many things and people will be different on the Farinos continent. Maybe, before The people you were friends with will now see you as an enemy, and you have to remember that."

"Of course I understand that." Lin Yuan smiled wryly.

Before this, he often considered the old man Hawke as a backer, and he pretended to be a tiger in many places.

When everyone knows that the old man Hawke is gone, and that Lin Yuan has no backing, it's no wonder that those who were afraid to deal with him before won't tear their faces away immediately.

The old man Hawke suddenly sighed, and looked at Lin Yuan with a little more kindness in his eyes.

"Lin, although I have only been with you for a short year, you are the first kid besides Cuomo who dares to stare at me. It really suits my appetite. I don't want my mother-in-law, so I don't Talking nonsense to persuade you to go with us. But you insist on staying here, I don't want you to encounter any problems, so now I have some things for you. They are some gadgets I have collected over the years, necessary You may need it sometime. Even if you don’t need it, it’s probably worth a few gold coins if you sell it. You kid has been poor as hell, I know.”

Lin Yuan dumbfoundedly took the space ring handed over by the old man Hawke.

After this period of research and the continuous teaching of the old man Hawke and the three of them, although his magic power has not yet reached the level of a magister, he has already mastered space magic to a certain extent.

At the very least, opening the interspatial ring is not difficult.

"Wow, these... these... I don't know any of these... what are they?"

Seeing the curiosity on Lin Yuan's face, old man Hawk really wanted to scold him.Take out any item in this ring and show it to other magicians, I am afraid they will be crazy about it immediately, but this kid doesn't know any of them.

If the old man Hawk knew the idiom of playing the piano to a cow, he would probably use it on Lin Yuan immediately.

"You will know when you reach your strength, I am too lazy to explain to you one by one." After giving Lin Yuan an angry look, the old man Hawke waved his hand and said: "Besides, these things are just some auxiliary gadgets. It may be useful when you are weak, but when you are strong, these things are completely dispensable. For example, I have never used these things since I became a great magister. If you really want me to If I explain it, I really don’t know all of it.”

This time it was Lin Yuan's turn to throw the old man Hawke's eyes.

Isn't he talking nonsense? With the strength of the great magister, of course there is no need to use any magic props, but there are currently only these three great magisters on the Farinos continent, but the three of them will leave this place soon. The world is gone.

"One year." The old man Hawk suddenly stretched out a finger. "Lin, remember, the news of the three of us leaving can only be concealed for a year at most. During this year, no one will dare to trouble the Kus Empire, Feynor Academy and you. But if I and Sa There is no news from Glass for a year, some people are afraid that they will make some moves, and no one knows what will happen at that time. So Lin, in this year, you must seize the time to improve your strength. Of course, it would be best to be a great magister like us."

Lin Yuan rolled his eyes again, from a seventh-level magician to a great magister within a year?Do you think this is those YY novels in Seale Bookstore?
The old man Hawk also knew that he was talking nonsense, he smiled embarrassedly, and said: "Actually, if you can become a magister, you already have enough strength to protect yourself. With your special four-element mix Magic and the understanding of magic, as long as you become a magister, I believe that unless there is another great magister, no one can do anything to you."

Lin Yuan nodded. Although he is only a seventh-level magician now, when he was in the Magic Word Forest, he had practiced with a few monsters.Facts have proved that in one-on-one situations, he can easily beat a seventh-level monster, and tie with most eighth-level monsters.Even in the face of level nine monsters, in most cases, they can rely on their super high flying speed to escape.

A ninth-level monster can already be compared with a high-level magister. If Lin Yuan allows himself to be promoted to a magister, then he has enough confidence to compete with a ninth-level monster, and he can also compete with a high-level magister.

At the very least, it is impossible to lose easily.


Lin Yuan said with a bitter face. "I said old man Hawke, even in the Forest of Whispering Words, it only took me a month to upgrade from a level [-] magician to a level [-] magician. Do you want to level up from a level [-] magician to a magister within a year? Unless the magician There are magic eyes in the language forest every day."

"It's up to you to figure out a solution yourself, I don't care." The old man Hawke stared at him, and said confidently: "In short, that's all I have to say, you can figure out what to do."

After finishing speaking, ignore Lin Yuan, fly to Sargeras, whisper a few words with him, the two of them looked towards Lin Yuan together, and then Sargeras flew over alone.

Seeing this great magister who took care of him from the moment he appeared, Lin Yuan showed a friendly smile and said, "Why, do you have something to say?"

(End of this chapter)

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