Professor of Magic

Chapter 356 The 14th day of magic resonance

Chapter 356 The 14th day of magic resonance
Sargeras also smiled, and replied: "Of course, both Japril and Firnas have explained something to you. If I don't come, they will definitely say that I am not enough friends."

Lin Yuan couldn't help smiling.

Although the Grand Magister Sargeras is one of the two famous Grand Magisters on the Farinos continent like Old Hawk, their personalities are quite different.

The old man Hawk was laughing and laughing most of the time, looking like a cynical old urchin.

Sargeras, on the other hand, is more serious almost all the time, which is very consistent with the image of stability, wisdom, and kindness that most people think of as a great magister.

Although Lin Yuan hasn't known him for a long time, he has come into contact with him more times than many people.But even so, he rarely saw Grand Magister Sargeras joking.

"Then... what do you want to tell me?"

"Actually, I think the two of them must have considered the future matters very carefully, and there should be nothing for me to add." The great magister Sargeras smiled. "So I don't have anything to explain, it's just..." He took out a thick note-like thing from his arms and handed it to Lin Yuan. "This is some of my own understanding of magic that I have compiled in the past few days. You can read it when you are free. It should be of some help to you."

More than just having some help!
Lin Yuan stared wide-eyed at the note in the hands of the great magister Sargeras, thinking that this is what so many magicians dream of. How could the magic notes written by the great magister himself be as simple as some help.

Lin Yuan is sure that if he takes this thing to auction at Wendnor Auction House, it will definitely sell for a much higher price than "The Theory and Fundamentals of Mixed Magic".

You know, "The Theory and Basics of Mixed Magic" is just the names of the old man Hawke and the great magister of Sargeras signed on it.


"Take it, there's nothing embarrassing about it." Grand Magister Sargeras waved his hand to block Lin Yuan's words. "It is thanks to you that the three of us can realize our wish to go to a new world. Besides, I have known you for almost a year. To be honest, I have never seen any magician who is as capable in magic as you are." Outstanding talent. Many times I even wonder if you will be better than Grand Magister Fenor."

The corner of Lin Yuan's mouth twitched, and he didn't know what expression to use to face him.

It seems that the old man Hawke and the great magister Sargeras really don't know that Japril is Fenor, otherwise how could he say such a sentence.

"Judging from your progress this year, I think you are very likely to break the record of Grand Magister Fenor who became a Grand Magister at the age of 47. But it's a pity..." Grand Magister Sargeras really showed a smile on his face. A look of regret. "I'm afraid I won't see it."

Lin Yuan said dissatisfiedly: "What are you talking about, this experiment will be a great success, I'm sure."

"I hope so." Sargeras smiled, without arguing with Lin Yuan on this issue, and said: "Money, power, treasures, etc. are all external things, even if they are given to you, they will not help you much. Only you Your own strength has improved, and this is the real help to you. So apart from this note, I will not give you anything else."

"That's enough!" Lin Yuan quickly answered.

Just kidding, compared to this note, money, power, and treasures are nothing.As long as Lin Yuan's own strength is strong enough, even strong enough to become a great magister, then all these things will come automatically.

However, old man Hawke and Sargeras, the great magister, could they have colluded, why did they all speak so seriously, as if Lin Yuan would definitely be in danger once they left.

"Perhaps... this is the inevitable concern of the elders for the younger generation." Lin Yuan could only explain this in his heart.

Speaking of which, Japril is much older than old man Hawke and Grand Magister Sargeras, and she is a veritable predecessor of them, but because both Japril and Lin Yuan came from the original world Come on, they are still from the same time period, so Lin Yuan doesn't have any self-consciousness as a junior in front of her.

"Very well, I know you are not a greedy person." Grand Magister Sargeras nodded in satisfaction. "Since this is the case, I have nothing to say. In the next few days, we will devote ourselves to this experiment without distraction, so what should be explained and reminded, I will tell you now. As for us leaving What happens next is up to you.”

Lin Yuan nodded seriously.

These two great magisters came here to exhort him with such earnestness and earnestness, which shows that they still care about him very much in their hearts.

Early the next morning, the group had breakfast, and after Lin Yuan finished meditating, the formal experiment began with the announcement of Old Hawk.

When walking towards the teleportation formation, Lin Yuan was somewhat excited.

This is the first time on the mainland of Farinos to conduct an experiment of crossing planes, and the object of crossing is the world he was in before.

If successful, it means that he hopes to return to the world where he has lived for more than 20 years and has various relationships.

If it fails, the best result is that he loses hope of returning to the original world, and the worst result may cause the death of the three existing great magisters on the Farinos continent.

And among these three people, there is also a time-traveling senior who is also the most talented magician on the Farinos continent, but now she has become a dwarf woman, Fenor.

Lin Yuan blinked hard a few times, exhaled a breath of foul air, trying to calm down his mood.

"Lin, start."

When the old man Hawk gave an order, Lin Yuan turned his mind, and the magic power in his body began to pour into the magic circle according to the optimal arrangement and ratio he had obtained after nearly a thousand experiments.

A few seconds later, a flawless portal with a height of more than two meters and a width of nearly two meters, which even the three great magisters present could not fault, appeared at the predetermined position.

The old man Hawke nodded to Japril, who bent down to pick up a stone, the magic power in her palm condensed, left a magic mark on the stone, and then threw it towards the portal.

After the stone was thrown into the portal, it didn't produce ripples like throwing it into the water as expected by several death row prisoners. Instead, it seemed that nothing was thrown into it at all. The facade of the portal remained motionless without any reaction.

After several minutes, the old man Hawke suddenly said, "How is it?"

"I can't sense it." Japril shook her head.

The four of them looked at each other with excited expressions on their faces.

Since Jibril said she couldn't sense it, it means that this stone didn't just go to the original world for a while and then come back like when she asked Lin Yuan for an experiment before, but it really went directly to another world. So much so that Japril has not sensed it until now.

"Let me try." The old man Hawke also picked up a stone, made a magic mark and threw it into it just like Jaybril.

Another few minutes passed, and the old man Hawke also shook his head, but his face was full of smiles.

It seems he got the same results as Japril.

In order to avoid the occurrence of small-probability events, next, the three great magister-level figures kept picking up stones and throwing them at the portal.

The portal, on the other hand, was like a monster with its mouth wide open and its stomach was unknown. It swallowed so many stones, but it didn't respond at all.

But with the passage of time, the three of them still did not sense any magic imprint, which proved that these stones really went to another world through this portal, otherwise, with the strength of the three of them, it is impossible not to sense it.

"It seems that the first step of the experiment was successful." Looking up at Salas who was about to rise into the air, the old man Hawke stopped what he was doing and signaled for lunch first.

"Now we can confirm that through this portal, objects can indeed be teleported away from the plane we are in." The old man Hawke concluded while gnawing on the tasteless bread. "But we have no way to be sure whether they have gone to another plane."

"According to the experiment I did with Lin some time ago, it should be certain." Jaipuri interjected.

The old man Hawke nodded, and continued: "Okay, let's first make sure that those stones did break through the space barrier and reached another plane, but we can't confirm now whether they all went to the same plane. "

"Yeah, since there really is another plane, it is difficult for us to be sure that there is only one new plane. If there are multiple different planes, then the three of us also pass through the portal..."

"It's very likely that you went to a new plane alone, instead of being together?" Lin Yuan took a bite of the bread handed over by the great magister Sargeras, and continued vaguely.

In order for the experiment to continue, he must keep the portal open all the time, so he must always input magic power and cannot leave the teleportation array.

Fortunately, he has already developed the ability to eat while maintaining the portal in the past few days, so there is no problem for the time being.

"It's possible." Grand Magister Sargeras nodded in agreement.

"No, I don't think there should be many planes." The one who didn't want this result was of course Japril. "According to the experiments I did before, there are many stones that brought back certain objects in another world, indicating that they all went to the same plane."

Lin Yuan glanced at Japril, knowing that she must be talking about the stone with chewing gum on it.

In addition to that stone, among those stones that she asked Lin Yuan to experiment with in the Fasdi Principality Prison, there should be another part of the stones that came back with something that also belonged to the original world, otherwise she would not be so sure.

The old man Hawke and the great magister Sargeras looked at each other. They also had a lot of doubts about Japril, but after all, they were both great magister-level figures like her. I would lie about these issues, so I didn't doubt the authenticity of these words.

"But you have no way to guarantee that all the stones go to the same plane." Old Hawke waved his hand. "So we're going to do some experiments in this area to prove it."

Japril's eyes lit up: "You mean..."

"That's right, it's magic resonance."

"Okay, this is a good way, but it's just the three of us, isn't it a little less?"

"It's enough. Anyway, as long as you can sense it, it's more convenient for three people. Besides, it's too difficult to find a magician with enough ability temporarily."

"Okay, let's go now..."

"Wait!" Lin Yuan finally couldn't bear to interrupt them. "What is this 'magic resonance', and what is it?"

The three of them glanced at Lin Yuan in unison. The great magister of Sargeras was still kind-hearted, and explained to Lin Yuan: "The so-called magic resonance is actually based on something similar to the magic imprint. It's just that it is different from the magic imprint. , magic resonance is usually used by most magicians together, so that there will be two or more magic imprints on the same object at the same time. The magic imprints of different magicians are naturally different, and they will also affect each other .If magicians who use magic imprints at the same time cooperate with each other, different magic imprints can interact with each other to produce a special wave of magic elements. If the level of the magician is high enough and the cooperation is good enough, it can even light Magic can be generated by magic imprint."

"Yes, many magicians have studied this thing a long time ago, and used this principle to create many magic traps. However, because this technology is very demanding to use, it was gradually abandoned." Hawke added. road.

"What do you mean..." Lin Yuan thought for a while, and said, "You can use this magical resonance to produce a magical effect on the marked object... But what does this have to do with what we just said?"

"Of course." The old man Hawke smiled. "The reason why we can no longer feel the magic imprint on the stone we threw at the portal just now is because we can feel the magic imprint, only because it affects the fluctuation of the surrounding magic elements, and then we perceive it."

Lin Yuan couldn't help but secretly stunned. According to this, these magic imprints are simply sensors, and Old Hawke and the others themselves are the information receiving stations.

"But if these stones go to another plane, we won't be able to sense them because the magic element fluctuations caused by the magic imprint can't penetrate the space."

"Could it be possible to sense it after using magic resonance?" Lin Yuan asked.

"It's not that simple. What we need to do is to use magic resonance to create a small space portal on the marked object, so that the fluctuation of the magic mark can break through the space and pass back here."

"But this doesn't make sure that they went to the same plane, right?"

"Okay." Jaipur said. "Because the fluctuations of the magic imprint will change under the surrounding environment of different magic elements, if the magnitude of these changes is the same, then we can confirm that these marked stones have gone to the same plane."

"Is that so..." Lin Yuan thought for a while and nodded.I have to say that this should be the only way at present. "Then the last question, how to generate a small space portal on the marked object through magic resonance? You should also know that now only my four-system mixed magic can produce this space-breaking portal, but..." Lin Yuan Spread your hands. "But I don't know how to use magic marks, let alone magic resonance."

"Lin, the magic imprint is not a difficult thing, but the magic resonance just needs the cooperation of two magicians, so it's not difficult. So..." Looking into Lin Yuan's gaze, Japril said, Suddenly there was a bit more banter.

"So what?"

"So you have to receive special training again."

"Depend on!"

(End of this chapter)

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