Professor of Magic

Chapter 358 Lesson 1 Independent Study

Chapter 358 Lesson 1 Independent Study
Fenol College.

In the classroom where the sign of "Class Three, Grade Two" had been hung up, the former Class Three, Grade One, who had been full of vitality and bustle at any time, were all moaning and sluggish at this moment.

"Ms. Lin hasn't come back yet." Lilita looked at the empty podium in front of the classroom, sighed extremely sadly, and simply lay down on the desk, as if she had been exhausted.

"Really, it's been more than half a month since school started. Why hasn't Mrs. Lin come back? I don't know why I went there." The tower also became lifeless.

"Fasino, why don't you ask Vice President Capaci again?" Feili hesitated for a while, and couldn't help but suggested to Fasno.

The standard smile on Fasno's face has also turned into a wry smile at this moment.

"Ferry, this is the fourth time you've asked me this question today." Fasno glanced in the direction of the vice president's office, frowning slightly. "I asked the vice president early this morning, and he said that there is still no news about Mr. Lin, and that he will notify us as soon as he has any news." Somewhat helplessly, he spread his hands to Fei Li: "The vice president will not Will you lie to us?"

Feili nodded hesitantly. Although she believed that Vice President Capaci would not lie to them and the students for the news of Teacher Lin, the second school year has already started for more than half a month, but Teacher Lin has not heard from him. Why? so that she doesn't feel worried.

Fasino winked at Vince, Vince shook his head slightly, and at the same time showed a questioning expression to Fasino, Fasino also shook his head slightly.

The two frowned at the same time.

Given the power of the families the two of them belonged to, even if a mosquito was hiding somewhere, they would probably be able to find it.

But until now, the two of them still haven't found any information about Lin Yuan, which is really unbelievable.

This Mr. Lin must not have disappeared on the Farinos continent, right?
Thinking of this, Fasno suddenly thought, Mr. Lin once said that he came from the Eastern Continent, so... did he suddenly return to the Eastern Continent?

wrong!Fasno immediately denied his own idea.

Even if Teacher Lin wanted to return to the Eastern Continent for some reason, he would not just leave without saying a word.At the very least, he will come back to say hello to the students.

unless...unless he...

"Could it be that something happened to Mr. Lin?" Larch, who was watching Fasno and Vince's flirting eyes, suddenly exclaimed.Obviously, he also thought of this problem. "Otherwise, it is impossible for him to have no news. Or... Mr. Lin is... dead..."

"Shut up!" Before Larch could spit out the word "death" completely, the other students in the classroom had already shouted in unison.

All the eyes looking at Laqi were full of anger and killing intent, which made Laqi, who has always been bold and carefree, swallowed involuntarily, and swallowed all the rest of the words.

"Stupid Larch, if you can't speak, don't say it." Lilita stood up, pointing at Larch angrily and reprimanded. "How could Mr. Lin... how could... In short, Mr. Lin must be fine! He must be delayed because of some important things, so he can't come back for the time being."

"That's right, how could Mr. Lin leave us alone." Even the honest man Feiere stood up and retorted. "By the way, didn't Teacher Lin say that she would go to the Fairy Forest with Sister Shaluo during the summer vacation? Maybe they had a good time and forgot..."

Ferre couldn't go on.To say that Lin Yuan would forget to come back to class because of his own fun, even he himself didn't believe it was possible.

Fiere wanted it, and so did the other students.

Since Lin Yuan couldn't be that kind of irresponsible teacher, the fact that he hasn't come back to class until now can only prove that something must have happened to him.

And what happened to him must be very serious, otherwise there would be no news about it.

What could be so serious?
The slightly lively atmosphere in the classroom just because of scolding Larch suddenly fell down again.

"Stand up." At this moment, Natasha's voice suddenly sounded.

"Whoa, whoa-"

Almost like a conditioned reflex, more than half of the students stood up.Immediately after they reacted, Qiqi looked at Natasha in astonishment.

What time is it, Natasha is still in the mood to joke.

"Although Teacher Lin is not here, our class is still going to be held." Natasha's expression did not reveal any meaning of joke. "You all look at what you are doing? If Mr. Lin came back now and saw that we were all chatting in the classroom, but not talking about magic, what would he think?"

The students froze for a moment, and a trace of shame suddenly appeared on their faces.

"But... But Teacher Lin is not here, so I don't have the heart to study at all." Xiu Ni couldn't help muttering.

"That's right. Besides, Teacher Lin is not here, and the college has not arranged for other teachers to teach us. What should we learn?" Locke spread his hands.

"If the academy sends another teacher, will you accept it?" Natasha asked back.

"This..." Locke froze and immediately shook his head. "Of course I don't accept it. No other teacher can teach better than Mr. Lin."

"That's right." Natasha looked around the classroom and asked again: "Do you think what Locke just said is correct?"

"Of course!"

"That's right, let other teachers teach us, I'm the first to object!"

"That's right, I only accept Teacher Lin to give us basic theory courses, and I don't want other teachers."

Natasha smiled and nodded with satisfaction.

"Then what do you think Mr. Lin is better than other teachers?"

"This one……"

The students frowned in thought.

"Natasha, you didn't ask this question well. Teacher Lin is much better than other teachers. How do you ask us to answer?"

"Yes. How can I make it clear in a while, if you let me choose the one I think is the best, it will be Teacher Lin who makes me feel close, and will not be condescending like other teachers."

"I agree. Mr. Lin is like our friend, we can discuss issues together, instead of Mr. Lin teaching us unilaterally."

"I think the best thing about Mr. Lin is that he has always taught us that there is no fixed pattern in magic. After thinking about this, I think magic is much more fun."

"I'm not like you, I think..."


After the students finished expressing their opinions, Natasha smiled, pointed to herself and asked, "Do you know what I think is the best thing about Mr. Lin?"

"Which point?" The students looked at Natasha curiously together, even Fasno was no exception.

They all want to know what special thoughts this Natasha, who has always been valued by Teacher Lin the most in the class and calls her the most understanding in the class, has any special ideas.

"Self-awareness." Natasha replied slowly and word by word. "You have talked about many advantages of Mr. Lin, but you have forgotten what Mr. Lin has always emphasized, which is also the most basic point, that is our self-awareness."

"Self-consciousness? This has nothing to do with Mr. Lin's magic teaching, right?" Except for a few students such as Fasno and Lilita, the other students in a large class all showed surprised expressions.

"Could it be that what you just said about 'Mr. Lin is easy to get close to' is also related to magic teaching?" Natasha retorted with a smile.

"What's the difference..." Casuto, who had given the answer just now, muttered.

"Actually, if you think about it carefully, most of the inspiration and education Mr. Lin gave us has nothing to do with what we generally think of as magic teaching." Natasha continued. "And I think the most important point is self-awareness. Don't you think that the reason why our class can open such a large distance from other classes in just one year is that it is stronger than other students of the same grade. The biggest factor is Is it because we have self-awareness?"

"This..." The students seemed to understand a little bit, but they were still not very clear.

"For Mr. Lin's emphasis on self-awareness, I understand two points. One is that we must have our own ideas, not what the teacher teaches, and we learn. For example, Mr. Lin has always said that although there are countless kinds of magic, there is no magic. Not all of them are suitable for us. How to choose depends on ourselves. And there is not only one way to use each kind of magic. How to use the right magic at the most suitable time and in the most suitable way is We need to think about it ourselves.”

The students found that Natasha at this moment was very similar to Lin Yuan's appearance in class.

"In summary, although we have to learn magic from the teacher, our thinking cannot be the same as the teacher. This is the first point I understand."

"What about the second point?" Larch asked loudly.

"The second point..." Natasha pointed to several people. "It is to have the ability to learn independently. That is to say, when the teacher is not around, we must also be able to learn magic by ourselves through reading, discussion and other methods. At the same time, we must have the habit of learning automatically. It can't be like just now, Lin The teacher wasn't there, so they just chatted in a daze in the classroom."

The few people who were pointed out by Natasha couldn't help blushing. They were all very idle just now, and they didn't think about magic at all.

Although this has something to do with the atmosphere in the classroom, after being pointed out by Natasha, it also made them feel ashamed.

"Do you know that during the period when I returned to Fasti, I insisted on learning magic by myself every day. Although there is no teacher Lin's teaching, I can't discuss and share with you, but even so, in In those days, my understanding of magic has also improved a lot." Natasha said again. "Mr. Lin once said that every hard work yields a harvest. As long as we devote energy to learning, although each person's improvement rate is different, there will always be improvement. Teacher Lin also said a word, sailing against the current, if you don't make progress, you will lose money." Retire. If we are doing nothing like this every day, maybe when Teacher Lin comes back, we will find that we have been surpassed by other students in the class."

Natasha's expression suddenly became serious, and her tone became a little heavier.

"You...are you willing to let Mrs. Lin see that our class is being compared to other classes?"

The students were all stunned, and then all of them looked solemn and shook their heads vigorously.

"Of course not!"

"How is it possible! Our class three in the first grade is the strongest!"

"Stupid, it's Class [-], Grade [-] now."

"Oh yes, our class three in the second grade will always be the strongest! Those scumbags in other classes will never try to surpass us!"


Natasha put a smile on her face again, nodded slightly, and said, "Okay, students, let's start class."

"But Natasha, what class do we have?" Larch asked most of the students' questions.

"Didn't Teacher Lin assign summer homework?" Natasha smiled and blinked. "I believe that Mr. Lin is definitely more than just assigning homework, so I want to collect everyone's summer homework first and put it together for discussion."

The students looked at each other and had to nod in agreement that this was a good idea.

Judging from the past year's experience, Lin Yuan did not miss the target once.

So everyone took out the summer homework they had prepared long ago and asked Natasha to collect it one by one.

When he came to Fasino's table, Fasino smiled at Natasha and praised in a low voice: "Good job."

As the class monitor, although Fasno can rely on his prestige to restrain the students, let everyone go to class honestly and quietly.But he knew that he could only last for a while, and it would be difficult to suppress his classmates for a long time, so he didn't make any moves at the beginning.

Unexpectedly, today Natasha stood up against everyone's expectations, and just a few short words changed the students' thinking, turned everyone's originally depressed mood into an upsurge, and successfully maintained the order of the class.

Because it is very clear that this is the result of the difference in personality between the two, Fasno did not feel depressed, but sincerely expressed his praise to Natasha.

But Natasha just smiled, accepted Fasno's praise, and then her smile turned into a wry smile, and she replied in a low voice: "This won't last long, if Teacher Lin doesn't come back, it won't work after all."

Fasno also smiled wryly.

Why didn't he know that this was an expedient measure, but what could be done?

During the more than half a month when Lin Yuan was away, the students in class three felt deeply how much he meant to the entire class.

Without Lin Yuan, Class [-] of the second grade seemed to have been drained of all energy, not to mention learning magic, and even the usual laughing without any interest.

"Wait patiently, sometimes there is no news but good news." Fasno comforted Natasha with reasons that he didn't even believe. "If something really happened to Mr. Lin, it would be easier for us to get news about him."

Natasha nodded slightly, he understood Fasno's meaning.

With the abilities of the families of these students in the class, if they are fully mobilized, it is not an exaggeration to say that they know the Farinos continent like the back of their hands.And if something happened to Lin Yuan, it would definitely not be a trivial matter, and it is impossible that no information was revealed.

However, during this period of time, the mainland of Farinos has been calm, and there has been no unusual news, so this may prove that nothing happened to Lin Yuan.

"I hope so." Natasha sighed softly and walked to the next student.

After a while, Natasha put away all the students' summer homework and read it briefly.

These summer assignments are thick and thin, detailed and rough.

Thick and detailed, represented by Hank, almost records the progress of each day, and even writes down the thoughts of every moment.

The thin and rough ones are headed by Vince.This kid's summer homework is only a piece of paper, on which he simply writes down the level at the beginning of the summer vacation and the current level, and then makes a comparison, saying how much he has improved, and then it is over.

"Vince, if Mr. Lin saw your homework, it would be strange if he didn't scold you." Natasha raised Vince's share and frowned.

"Hey, anyway, Teacher Lin scolded me a lot, so I don't care about it one more time." Vince said with a playful smile. "This summer I'm busy going...cough, looking for Hilda to exchange experiences, so...cough cough..."

Everyone gave him contemptuous looks. This kid is obviously busy picking up girls.

Under everyone's gaze, even Vince's cheeky face couldn't help turning slightly red.

"This is the most important thing in life, I believe Teacher Lin will support me!" Vince argued strongly. "Besides, I want Teacher Lin to scold me now, but he's not here..."

There was a sudden silence in the classroom.

Fasno wanted to throw a wind blade over immediately, Vince, this guy, Natasha managed to turn the atmosphere around, but he was so ignorant that he immediately wanted to destroy it.

Natasha acted as if she didn't hear it, she just nodded and said with a smile, "That's fine, I'll put it aside for now and see how Teacher Lin scolds you when she comes back." She praised her other homework. "Look, other people are not as lazy as you, and they have done their homework very seriously."

After a pause, he continued: "Students, Mr. Lin made it very clear when he assigned the summer homework. He hoped that we could understand our own strengths and weaknesses through comparisons before and after the summer vacation, so as to To improve yourself in a targeted manner. Now that everyone has written their own evaluations of themselves, why not describe them to other students to see if their analysis is correct. And if you compare with each other, you should also It will inspire you."

The students looked at each other and agreed to Natasha's proposal.

"Okay then, let's start with Lilita."

Lilita stood up without hesitation: "My advantage lies in the flexible use of magic, such as..."

After the students explained themselves one by one, everyone found that Natasha's proposal was really good.

After listening to other people's self-analysis and combining with their own situation, many students will come up with many new ideas. Although they don't know whether it is right or wrong, it is much better than no idea anyway.

More importantly, when students are analyzing themselves, other students will keep putting forward their own opinions and pointing out the inadequacies in the other's self-analysis.

For example, Fiere said that his disadvantage is that he does not have enough magic power, so every time he uses magic, he uses lower-level magic to save magic power, and at the same time spends more energy on the changes of low-level magic.

But he was pointed out by several people that his current magic power is indeed not enough, but the magic power will increase after all, and will not stay at such a low level forever, so he can't just use low-level magic at all times, so slightly higher-level magic will be because of Used too little and not mastered well.

In addition, Fiere's research on the changes of low-level magic is a bit too much. The energy consumption is too high, and the improvement is negligible, which is not worthwhile.

On the contrary to Ferre, Hank thinks that he has enough mastery of low-level magic, and his magic power is enough, so he needs to study more high-level magic.

This was also pointed out by the students.

Low-level magic is the basis of all high-level magic. Because the magic elements contained in low-level magic are not high, it is easier to understand the characteristics of this department of magic by studying low-level magic, which will help magicians master high-level magic.

It is absolutely not advisable for Hank to give up low-level magic.

In this way, the classroom of the third class of the second grade became active again.

As before when Lin Yuan was here, the students would often argue endlessly over a single issue.Although many times the debates are too subtle and even get into the horns, but often someone will suddenly pop out a very meaningful sentence, which is an inspiration to everyone.

The reason why these students can improve so quickly is that apart from Lin Yuan's teaching, their discussions also play a vital role.

Amidst the heated discussions, time passed as quickly as ever.

Natasha looked up and found that it was almost time for get out of class to end, so she followed Lin Yuan's example and clapped her hands vigorously.

"Students, get out of class is about to end, and today's discussion will end here first." A hesitant expression flashed across Natasha's face, and then turned into confidence. "Although there is no result yet, I believe that everyone has a deeper understanding of their own level and strengths and weaknesses. In the future, in the process of learning and researching magic, they can be more targeted."

Natasha secretly sighed in her heart, if Teacher Lin were here, he would definitely be able to sum up better.

"Let's end today's class here first. But I want to remind everyone that although Teacher Lin will not come back in the next few days, we must not relax and must work hard to improve ourselves. When Teacher Lin comes back At that time, we will let him see that our third class in the second grade is still the strongest in the whole grade! Do you have this confidence?"

In the end, Natasha's voice had become unusually high.

The students who were shocked by Natasha's rare expression froze for a moment, then nodded in unison and answered loudly.

"Of course there is!"

"Okay, let's go to dinner after class."

Natasha and the students packed up their things and got up to leave the classroom.

But when they got up together and turned to the door of the classroom, they froze together again.

The face that appeared at the door, although it was so thin that it almost changed its appearance, but the pair of radiant eyes, the two straight eyebrows, and more importantly, the kind smile hanging on the whole face with the corners of the mouth raised, made me feel very happy. All the students recognized it immediately.

"teacher LIN!"

(End of this chapter)

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