Professor of Magic

Chapter 359 Lesson 2 Lin Yuan Returns

Chapter 359 Lesson 2 Lin Yuan Returns

The sound of cicadas outside the window came in clearly, seeming to remind people that although September has already entered, summer is not far away.

Lei Suo was bored watching a few bugs buzzing and flapping their wings on the window sill, but he was thinking about what to have for lunch later in his head.

"Damn Teacher Bruno, why do you like dragging the classroom so much?" Laisuo looked at the teacher who was still drooling on the podium, and thought in his heart. "I'm going to be late, and I have to wait in a long line. Maybe even my favorite stir-fried lizard slices are gone."

"... You must write down what you said today, and there must be no mistakes..." Fortunately, knowing that the get out of class is about to end, Bruno is also preparing to make a final summary.

"Cut, just copy what's in the book, don't even talk about your own opinions, it's no class." Laisuo curled his lips in disdain. "Ms. Lin's class is still the most interesting. But what did Mr. Lin do and why hasn't he come back?"

"...Then that's it, today's class ends here, after you get out of class..."

Laisuo's butt has left the stool, as long as Bruno says the word "end of get out of class", he will rush to the cafeteria immediately.

Just now.

"Oh oh oh oh-"


"Wow ha ha ha ha--"




A burst of cheers like a mountain roar and a tsunami suddenly sounded not far away, causing everyone to pause.

Bruno also stopped his final summary, glanced in the direction of the cheers in surprise, shook his head, muttered "those guys from Class [-]" in a low voice, then waved to the students below, indicating that the get out of class was over .

Seeing the students rushing out of the classroom one after another, Laisuo stopped his feet, hesitated for a moment, and ran in the direction of Class [-], Grade [-].

In the classroom of Class [-], Grade [-].

"Mr. Lin! You are finally back!"

"Teacher Lin! Miss us!"

"Yes, Mr. Lin, if you don't come back again, I... I will..."

"Don't cry! Teacher Lin is back, why are you crying!"

"Didn't you cry yourself..."

Lin Yuan smiled slightly, raised his hands and made a downward movement, signaling the students to calm down.

"Okay, okay, don't get too excited, it's just been more than two months, it's like I'm dead."

Several female students who couldn't help crying burst out laughing. This Teacher Lin can turn their crying into laughter so easily.

"Ms. Lin," Natasha wanted to forcefully suppress the excitement in her heart, but she found that she couldn't do it at all, so that she was so choked up that she couldn't speak a complete sentence.

Even Zhuo Na, who always had a cold face, could not hide her excitement at this moment.

In fact, compared to other students in the class, because she wants to learn mixed magic from Lin Yuan, she has more contacts with Lin Yuan than other students, and naturally her relationship with Lin Yuan is much deeper than ordinary students. many.

"Okay, I know you all have a lot of questions to ask. If this is the case, then I will delay your lunch time." Lin Yuan clapped his hands and said. "Go back to your seats, and I'll tell you the answer."

Lin Yuan's prestige was almost paramount in the hearts of the students. As soon as he gave an order, the students immediately returned to their seats obediently and sat down.

"Hey, it was supposed to be time for dinner after class, but I kept you guys here. This should be regarded as procrastination." Looking at the students who were sitting well, Lin Yuan smiled self-deprecatingly. "This is the first time I've been procrastinating since I became a teacher. It's really a stain on my life."

The students suddenly burst into laughter.

That's right, Lin Yuan almost never does things that disgust them, and of course he won't procrastinate.

"Okay, now that I'm here, feel free to ask any questions you have."

"Ms. Lin, why did you come back now? Did something happen to you?" Lilita was the first to raise her hand to ask.

"Would you believe me if I said that I got lost for a few days on the journey of life?" Lin Yuan replied with a smile.


Not only Lilita, but all the students gave Lin Yuan a contemptuous look.

Lin Yuan smiled slightly, his answer was not a joke.

Seeing the old man Hawke and the three of them go into the portal with his own eyes, and then didn't see any information from them for nearly a month, which had a great impact on Lin Yuan.

As Old Man Hawke and Grand Magister Sargeras both asked him, what is he going to do in the future?

During the last two days in the valley and the few days after returning from the valley, he considered countless issues back and forth before he sorted out the thoughts in his heart and determined what he was going to do next.

Old man Hawke is right, he only has one year now, and if he doesn't do some things, it will be even more difficult to do in the future.

Of course, Old Man Hawke's affairs and Lin Yuan's thoughts cannot be told to the students for the time being.

"Well, actually, I was researching a magic with Dean Firnus and Grand Magister Sargeras. Because it happened to be at a critical time and there was no way to clone, so it took so long." Lin Far away.

"Master Dean? And Grand Magister Sargeras?" The students froze for a moment, and then showed expressions of sudden realization.

Of course, they knew very well that the relationship between Lin Yuan and the two great magisters was extraordinary. In addition, the two great magisters often pulled Lin Yuan to do experiments before, so it was not surprising to find him again during the summer vacation.

"What magic took so long to study?" Xiu Ni couldn't help shouting. "Even the two great magisters and Mr. Lin will take you so long. Is this magic... a new forbidden spell?"

"Tch, it's not easy for the two great magisters to use the forbidden spell. Even if they study the new forbidden spell, it will definitely not take so long." Vince gave Xiu Ni a white look, then touched his chin, and speculated: " Since Teacher Lin is necessary, it must have something to do with mixed magic. Am I right, Teacher Lin?"

"That's right, it's indeed related to mixed magic. Vince, you're still very clever." Lin Yuan nodded with a smile.

Raising his hands to stop the students from asking, Lin Yuan said: "Don't ask me about the details. The two great magisters said that I am not allowed to disclose until it is completely successful."

There was no surprise on the faces of the students.

Any magician who develops a new magic is a very private thing, and if he steals it without the consent of the magician himself, he will be condemned by all magicians.

And although the magic that the two great magisters studied together must be extraordinary, but no one has the guts to inquire about it when they don't want to reveal it.

Laqi looked Lin Yuan up and down, and suddenly said with a smile: "Mr. Lin, it seems that you have been tortured very badly by the two great magisters."

The students all nodded in agreement.

Isn't that right? Not only is Lin Yuan's face thinner now, but even his magic robe has several holes. If it wasn't for his good spirit and sharp eyes, the students would suspect that he had just been released from prison.

Oh no, when he was in Fasdi Principality, Lin Yuan came out of the prison clean and fat.

"Ms. Lin, before the holiday, I told you to take a good rest during the summer vacation. Unexpectedly, you are now thinner than before the holiday." Fei Li gritted her teeth, looking at Lin Yuan with a distressed look. "The next time I see Dean Firnas, I must protest to him."

"That's right, our teacher Lin is really exhausted and no one will teach us, so who will accompany us for our loss." The rest of the students echoed.

A wry smile flashed across Lin Yuan's face.Next time I see Dean Firnus?I don't know if I will have a chance to see it in the future.

"Do you guys want to rebel? You are so courageous that you actually want to trouble Mr. Dean." Lin Yuan pretended to reprimand the students, but immediately said with a wicked smile: "But you don't need to take risks, I have already blackmailed you. It’s a lot for him, and the benefits are enough.”

"What's the benefit? Let's hear it?" The students were very interested. What they got from Dean Firnas was absolutely extraordinary.

"Some gadgets, I will show you when I have a chance." Lin Yuan turned his head and glanced out the window, and found that the grass in the college was already full of students having a picnic. "Now that you have seen me and know what I am doing these days, the most important thing to do next should be to eat."

Vince rolled his eyes and suggested, "Students, Mr. Lin finally came back. Let's not go to the cafeteria today. Why don't we go to Wendnuo to have a good meal? My treat!"

"Wow, Vince, you are actually willing to treat me? It's so rare!"

"Tch, I finally got Mr. Lin back. It's no big deal to invite a guest once. How is it? Is there anyone who doesn't want to go? Tell me quickly."

"Nonsense, who doesn't want to go? Let's go."

"I don't want to go..." Lin Yuan raised his arms with a wry smile. "I just rushed back, and I came to see you before I returned to the dormitory. What I want to do most now is not to eat, but to go back, take a shower and have a good sleep."

The students looked at Lin Yuan again in unison, and nodded together.

Lin Yuan's face is obviously haggard now, and his body is also a little dirty. It really looks like he hasn't had a good rest for many days.

"You guys go, gather at my dormitory after school at night, and then we'll go to Chanel Restaurant to have a good meal."
After walking out of the classroom with the students, Lin Yuan declined the kindness of several students who wanted to send him back to the dormitory. After they left, he did not return to the dormitory, but turned to the direction of the deputy dean's office.


"Come in."

Lin Yuan pushed open the door of the vice president's office, and at a glance, he saw the vice president Kapaqi crouching on the desk carefully reviewing official documents.

On his left, there was an exquisite lunch that was not even half hot.

Hearing someone coming in but not speaking for a while, Vice President Capaqi looked up with a stunned expression.

"Lin, when did you learn to knock on the door?" Vice President Capaci said.

Lin Yuan smiled. Every time he came to the vice president's office, he knocked vigorously on the door, and even rushed in. It was indeed the first time he knocked on the door normally like today.

"Why are you in a daze, find a seat for yourself." Vice President Capaci pointed at Lin Yuan casually, and then took two bites of the lunch on the left. "Just now I heard that your kid is back, what's the matter? Did you go to see your precious students first?"

"Hey, Mr. Vice President, those students are not only my treasures, but also the treasures of our Finol College." Lin Yuan smiled triumphantly.

"Of course I know that." Vice-President Kapaqi didn't deny it, paused, and then asked: "President... didn't come back with you?"

Lin Yuan found that Vice President Capaci had a complex expression when he asked this question, with concern, anxiety, worry, and even a hint of bewilderment.

"No." The old man Hawke once explained that he had already told Vice President Capaci all about this matter, so Lin Yuan had no intention of hiding it.

"Then... did it fail?"

"It's not a failure." Lin Yuan frowned and thought about it, but decided to tell all the details.

After listening to Lin Yuan's narration, Vice President Kapaqi stood up and walked around the desk twice.

"So, the dean and the others should still be alive, but they don't know why, so they can't come back for the time being?"

Lin Yuan nodded and agreed with Vice President Capaci's summary.

"Although we have proved that things from another plane can also come to the Farinos continent through teleportation magic, we don't know if the living people can come back. Maybe the dean and the three of them are researching there, but the time is just a matter of time." ..."

Vice President Capaci thought for a while, then suddenly waved his hand and said, "We must treat them as unable to come back."

Lin Yuan was taken aback for a moment, and then he understood Vice President Capaci's thoughts.

From the point of view of the entire Feynor Academy, of course, I hope that Old Hawke and the others can come back as soon as possible.However, in terms of long-term and overall planning, as the current top leader of the college, Vice President Capaci has to think from the worst point of view. Otherwise, if something really goes wrong, it will be too late to respond .

Deputy Dean Capaci pondered for a while, and continued: "The dean was right before he left. We can only delay the news of their disappearance for a year at most, so within this year, we at Feynor College must do something about it. Make all the preparations." Turning around and forgetting to glance at Lin Yuan, Vice President Kapaqi frowned and asked, "Lin, have you considered this matter?"

Lin Yuan smiled relaxedly: "Master Vice President, don't forget, I watched the President and the others leave this world with my own eyes."

"That's good. You've always been smart, so I won't say anything more." Vice President Capaci nodded, then waved his hand. "Lin, now only you and I know the dean's affairs, so if you have something to do in the future, and it is related to this secret, you'd better come to me to discuss it, and I will definitely give you the best Support, understand?"

Lin Yuan nodded silently. He did have some things he wanted to do, but these things might not be approved by Vice President Capaci.

After discussing some matters with Vice President Capaci, Lin Yuan got up to leave.

When he opened the door and was about to leave, Lin Yuan suddenly stopped, turned to Vice President Capaci and said, "Master Vice President, there is a saying in my hometown called 'the body is the capital of the revolution', which means No matter what you do, keeping your health is the most important thing, so..." Lin Yuan pointed at the already cold lunch on the table: "I hope that the vice president will pay more attention to his health in the future."

Vice President Capaci was taken aback for a moment, looked down at the lunch on the table, then looked up at Lin Yuan, and scolded with a smile: "Why do you have the same accent as Dr. Luna, you kid? You are really lenient."

Doctor Luna?That stern beauty flashed through Lin Yuan's mind.

"In short, that's it, I'm leaving." Lin Yuan shrugged, closed the door and left the vice president's office.

After explaining the old man Hawke's affairs to Vice President Capaci, Lin Yuan temporarily let go of the big stone in his heart, returned to the dormitory without even taking a shower, lay directly on the bed, and fell into a deep sleep in an instant.

A few hours later, it was hunger that woke him up.

Unable to resist getting up from the bed and rubbing his stomach, Lin Yuan remembered that in the last two days in the valley, plus the two days when he rushed back to Feynor College, he hadn’t eaten anything for more than four days up.

If you are not hungry, you will see the undead.

Searched the dormitory, but found that because he knew he would be out of the dormitory for a long time, he didn't have any food reserves at all.

Looking down again, raising his cuffs and sniffing, Lin Yuan had to admit that he really didn't have the courage to walk out of the dormitory with his current image.

After staying there for two seconds, Lin Yuan cursed angrily, suppressed the terrible hunger in his stomach, stripped off his clothes, and rushed into the bathroom.

Then just as he buried himself in the bathtub, he heard a few shouts from the door of the dormitory.

"teacher LIN?"

"Ms. Lin, we are out of school."

But the students came as promised.

Lin Yuan hesitated for a moment, but decided to stand up and open the door for the students. After all, he didn't want to be misunderstood by the students as releasing their pigeons.

But as soon as he got up, a familiar voice sounded outside the door.

"Huh? Why are you here?" It was Sara.

"Ah, sister Sara, you're here too." It should be Xiu Ni's voice. "Ms. Lin asked us to look for him in the dormitory after school, but he didn't open the door when we came."

"Should be asleep." It was Feili who took care of Lin Yuan the most. "Why don't we wait here for a while and let Mr. Lin have a good sleep. I think he looks like he hasn't slept for a long time at noon, and he has dark circles under his eyes."

"Huh? Is Lin so tired?" Sha Luo's surprised voice sounded.

"Yeah, sister Sara, you haven't seen what Teacher Lin looks like at noon, it's very scary." Lilita explained quickly. "We thought he was abused by the dean, it was so miserable."

"Then let's stop standing here and go in and have a look." Shalo's voice was clearly concerned.

"Go in? The door is locked... Huh? Sister Sara, you actually have the key!"

"It's broken!" Lin Yuan thought to himself.

Hearing the sound of the key being turned and the door being opened, Lin Yuan remembered that in the past, because Sha Luo always came to study problems with Lin Yuan, Lin Yuan simply gave Sha Luo a key in order to facilitate her access.

"Huh? There's no one on the bed." Vince was the first to discover the problem.

"The quilt is still warm. It seems that Mr. Lin has just woken up." Of course, it was Fasino who could calmly make such an inference at this time.

"Could it be that he went out just now?" Xiu Ni asked.

"No, there is only one way out from here. We came here together. If Mr. Lin just went out, we couldn't have missed it." Hank replied.

"Look at these clothes, they are all worn by Mr. Lin at noon, why are they thrown all over the floor?" Li Lita's question brought everyone's attention to another direction.

"The sweat on these clothes hasn't dried yet, it should have been taken off not long ago."

"Oh, that is to say, Mr. Lin just got up, took off his clothes, and is still in this room..."

"Don't guess, I'm taking a shower!" Lin Yuan finally couldn't help it, and responded loudly.

The room suddenly fell silent, and after a few seconds, the students burst out laughing at the same time.

"Haha, Mr. Lin, I'm really sorry to interrupt you taking a bath."

"Haha, we really know how to pick the time, and we actually chose to come in when Mr. Lin is taking a bath."

"No, thanks to Sister Shaluo, if it wasn't for her key, we would still be blowing outside."

"Ms. Lin, do you want someone to rub your back for you? I'm very good at it."

"Come on, Vince. Your thin arms and legs don't have any strength. Mr. Lin, I recommend Casoto, he has great strength."

"Damn, Larch, you let Casoto go, you want to murder Mr. Lin, right?"


While listening to the students' ridicule, Lin Yuan quickly scrubbed his whole body.

It's a pity that he didn't take a good bath for a long time, and his body was too dirty, so even though he increased his speed, it still took a lot of time.

After taking a shower, Lin Yuan discovered a more serious problem.

When I came in just now, I didn't bring any clothes at all, and now there is nothing in the bathroom that can be used to cover up except for a towel!
You can't just wear this towel around your waist and go out to meet those students, right?
Lin Yuan immediately shook his head. If that was the case, he would not be immediately regarded as a perverted teacher.

After hesitating for a while, Lin Yuanyang said in a loud voice: "Hey, you guys stop making trouble, find someone to help me bring some clothes in."

There was another silence in the room, followed by bursts of laughter.

"Ms. Lin, so you are so open-minded, do you usually come out naked to change clothes when you take a shower?" Larch shouted loudly.

"Larch, do you feel that your skin is itchy because you haven't been given private tutoring recently, huh?" Lin Yuan said viciously. "Stop talking nonsense, it's you, Larch, go to the closet next to the bed and bring me a suit of clothes."

After a while of whispering in the room, Lin Yuan heard the sound of rummaging through boxes, and then Larch shouted: "Mr. Lin, the clothes are here."

Lin Yuan just got up from the bathtub and pulled the towel to dry himself.

Just then, the bathroom door creaked open.

"Larch, you put it there..." Lin Yuan turned his head, and just halfway through a sentence, he immediately froze.

Holding the clothes in his hands, he opened the door and walked in, but it wasn't Laqi, but Sara!

"Sara, you... you... why is it you!" Lin Yuan was so shocked that he even forgot to cover himself.

Although separated by a layer of water mist, it was still possible to clearly see that Sha Luo's face was flushed red, as if she had just been in a sauna.

After glancing at Lin Yuan's naked body, Sha Luo put down the clothes in a panic, and immediately backed out.

The students outside burst into laughter again.

Lin Yuan immediately understood that the students must have pushed Sha Luo to do it.

But why did Sara agree?
Lin Yuan's eyes fell on the clothes Sha Luo brought in, and a satisfied smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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