Professor of Magic

Chapter 360 The third lesson

Chapter 360 The third lesson
"About your summer homework, Natasha did a great job, so I won't say more, you just need to continue discussing and comparing according to her arrangement." Lin Yuan said. "Now I am more concerned about another issue."

"What's the question?" the students asked curiously.

Now they are in a large box in the Chanel restaurant.

After Lin Yuan came out of the shower, the students immediately surrounded him and Sha Luo to the Chanel Restaurant.

Although Lin Yuan was so hungry that his chest was on his belly, he really wanted to take advantage of Vince's treat to have a big meal and comfort his stomach, but Shalo stopped him by saying that people who have been hungry for too long should not eat more .

So he had no choice but to sip porridge, while helplessly accepting the students' stares like "Mr. Lin, you are a strict wife".

Feeling helpless and bored, and feeling uncomfortable watching the students eating happily, Lin Yuan simply started his first class for the students this semester at the dinner table.

Who knew that the students not only didn't feel disgusted at all, but they all seemed very excited because they hadn't heard Lin Yuan give them a class for a long time.

Throwing all the problems encountered during the summer vacation and the past few days of study, Lin Yuan almost didn't even have time to drink porridge.

After finally dealing with the students' problems, Lin Yuan thought of a problem he had summed up these days.

"The question is, what is magic?"

"Ms. Lin, if I remember correctly, you asked us this question in the first class, right?" Lilita frowned.

"No, it's the second class. In the first class, Mr. Lin just asked us to introduce ourselves." Vince corrected.

"Okay, it's the second class. But Mr. Lin, why do you still ask us this question now?" Lilita asked in puzzlement.

Looking at the puzzled faces of the other students, Lin Yuan smiled slightly: "When I was your teacher a year ago, the reason why I asked this question was to understand your understanding of magic and your purpose of learning magic. .Now I ask this question, which is actually the same as a year ago. I just want to see how well you understand magic after a year of study, and whether your purpose of learning magic has changed."

"That's it..." Lilita tilted her head and thought for a while, and replied: "Mr. Lin, I think my purpose of learning magic has not changed, it is to become stronger! When I was young, my parents were always bullied by others. I thought, if I can become a magician and become stronger, I can protect my father and mother and keep them from being bullied."

The other students looked at Lilita in amazement. This was the first time Lilita talked about her childhood, and it was unexpected that she came to learn magic because of this.

Lin Yuan was also slightly taken aback, but of course he wouldn't be as obvious as the students.

"Okay, the purpose is very clear. But Lilita, will your parents still be bullied by those people?"

Lilita froze for a moment, shaking her head.

"Of course not. Since I was admitted to Feynor College, those people never dare to bully them again."

"Then why are you studying magic so hard now?" Lin Yuan asked.

"This..." Lilita's eyes were a little dazed. "Maybe... Maybe it's because more people like my parents are not bullied."

"Very good, after learning magic, use your own power to protect the weak, Lilita, your purpose is worthy of praise." Lin Yuan cast affirmative glances at Lilita, making her face blush slightly. "But Lilita, have you ever thought about how to actually do this?"

The redness on Lilita's face gradually turned red, she shook her head, and replied in a low voice: "No."

Lin Yuan's eyes slid away from her face, and turned around the faces of other students.

"Lilita didn't think about it carefully, what about you? Has any of you seriously considered this? Do you know what you are learning magic for? Even if you know what you are for, then you know what to do to achieve your own. purpose?"

The students were either dazed or ashamed. For a while, there was no sound in the huge box.

Sha Luo gave Lin Yuan a strange look, not understanding why he threw such a heavy question to the students as soon as he came back, it didn't seem like his character.

"Mr. Lin, I study magic purely because I am interested in magic itself. The purpose is to study magic. It shouldn't be difficult to achieve this." Vince hesitated and said.

"This purpose is also normal." Lin Yuan nodded. "But Vince, do you think the current magic research can help you fully understand magic?"

"This..." Vince frowned and thought for a while, then nodded uncertainly. "It should be ok. I don't understand a lot now, it's because I'm not good enough. If I can become a great magister, then these won't be a problem."

The students were all thinking about the question raised by Lin Yuan, but no one booed Vince this time.

"Even if you really become a great magister, it doesn't mean you know all the magic." Lin Yuan shook his head. "The dean and the great magister of Sargeras often told me that they both have a lot of magic that they haven't mastered, and new magic is emerging one after another, and it is impossible to master every one of them."

"Then..." Vince scratched his head, and looked at Lin Yuan wonderingly: "Mr. Lin, what exactly do you want to say?"

Lin Yuan's eyes turned around the faces of the students around him, but he didn't answer Vince's question, and said with a smile: "The questions I mentioned just now, you should keep them in mind first, I don't ask you to give them to me right now. Answer." After a pause, he continued: "Starting tomorrow, I will take you out for a walk, and you may have an answer when you come back."

The students were taken aback, went out for a walk?

"Mr. Lin, are you going to be a mercenary? Okay, okay." Larch rubbed his hands excitedly.

The eyes of the students also brightened. Last year, the month when Lin Yuan took them out as mercenaries for the first time left a deep impression on them.Not only were they able to experience the life of mercenaries that they would never have access to at ordinary times, but they also taught them a lot of new knowledge about magic in the process, changing their previous understanding of magic.

It can be said that they are able to improve so quickly now because they have laid a good foundation in that month's mercenary life.

"Unfortunately, I let you down." Lin Yuan shrugged and said with a smirk: "This time, I'm not going to be a mercenary, but to really go out for a walk. But don't worry, I promise you won't regret it."

The students looked at each other with dazed faces, wondering what kind of medicine Lin Yuan was selling in this gourd.

The next day, when Lin Yuan brought the students to Hanke's Farm, the students were even more surprised.

"Mr. Lin, are you here to let us harvest again?" Larch asked, pointing to the golden fields that had already entered autumn. "At our current level, it's really easy."

The students nodded in unison. After studying for this period of time, their level has improved a lot since the last time they came here.

"No, I don't need you to do anything this time, I just want you to see it." Lin Yuan smiled. "Look carefully at what these people on the farm are doing, and then think about how you can help them if you use magic."

Although the doubts in the students' hearts were getting deeper and deeper, they knew very well that Lin Yuan would never lead them to do anything meaningless, so they followed Lin Yuan's instructions to observe carefully.

In the next few days, the students lived in Hank's farm and witnessed a series of tedious but orderly processes such as harvesting, picking seeds, turning the fields, and planting again.

There are often students who can't help but go up to help, and Lin Yuan doesn't stop them, but this time they are not allowed to use magic.

"Why? Isn't it faster to use magic?" Lilita was the first to question this.

"What's the point even if it's soon this time? Do you guys come to help every harvest? Even if you really come to help every time, there are still countless Hank farms on the Farinos continent. Can you help everyone?" Lin Yuan's answer made the students unable to refute.

But Lilita's eyes brightened: "Mr. Lin, if you make a magic item that ordinary people can use, but the effect is the same as when we use magic, wouldn't it be possible to do this?"

Lin Yuan glanced at Lilita, and suddenly laughed loudly: "Okay, okay, Lilita, you react quickly. That's why I brought you here this time." Looking at the stunned expressions on the faces of the students, he again He continued: "But this is just one of the purposes. You will naturally know the real purpose after a while. Now you should think about what Lilita said first."

Lin Yuan didn't say anything, and the students didn't ask any more questions. According to his instructions, they experienced the harvesting process of the farm without using magic.

Soon, many students came up with various ideas. For example, Fasno proposed to make a simple magic circle and store a few wind blades. As long as someone controls it, the harvest can be completed simply and quickly.Another example is that Lilita proposed to make a tool, store a whirlwind in it, and then put the harvested crops in, so that the strong wind can be used to complete the crop separation process.Also like...

For these ideas of the students, Lin Yuan did not offer any suggestions or opinions, but just let them think boldly, and it is best to do some experiments to verify it without affecting the harvest of the farm.

So during the few days when Lin Yuan and the students were at Hanke's farm, the people on the farm would often see them getting themselves covered in dust and dirt because of the failed experiments.However, they were all in high spirits, which made the people in the farm wonder.

Four days later, when the students became more and more interested in these studies, Lin Yuan took them away from Hanke's farm.Then the group set off from Windnor, headed northwest, and arrived somewhere in the northwest province of the Kus Empire two days later.

"Mr. Lin, you are asking us to build the road this time, right?" Vince asked looking at the situation in front of him.

What appeared in front of the students was an engineering site where roads were being built.

Fasno glanced at the construction site, and said with some surprise: "This should be the No. [-] road between Wendno and Limans City, the capital of the Northwest Province. I remember that construction started two years ago. Why are you here now? ?”

"I heard from my father that it seems that the progress of this road is very slow because there are too many mountains to pass through." Vince replied.

Fasno nodded and turned to Lin Yuan: "Mr. Lin, you brought us here because you want us to study how to increase the speed of road construction through magic?"

Lin Yuan really wanted to roll his eyes, this Fasino must be too smart.

"Uh... that's pretty much the way to say it. You can observe first..."


Suddenly there was a loud noise ahead, interrupting Lin Yuan's words.

The direction of the loud noise was clearly the construction site. Everyone looked in astonishment, but saw smoke and dust billowing in front of them, and a hill that originally blocked the road had collapsed in half.

"At least level eight magic!" Mulu suddenly affirmed.

Everyone nodded. It was obvious that this was the effect of magic. Judging from the momentum of the magic and the fluctuation of the magic element still felt after being so far away, Mulu's guess should be fine.

"Strange, why is there such a senior magician here?" Vince asked in wonder.

"Just go and have a look." Lin Yuan was also a little surprised, beckoning, and led the students to run to the place where the noise was made.

After Vince showed the emblem of the Croll family, the group successfully met the director of the project and the magician they guessed.

To everyone's surprise, this magician was sent by the Imperial Academy of Magic of the Kus Empire, and the purpose of his coming here was to assist the progress of the project.

"This is actually not the first time." The magician who called himself Campbell knew the identities of Lin Yuan and the students, so he didn't hide much. "The magicians of the Royal Academy of Magic are often sent out to do some things to assist in the construction of various infrastructure projects in the empire."

The expressions on the faces of the students were a little weird. Originally, in their minds, the magicians of the Royal Academy of Magic should be supported by the Kus Empire and do nothing. Why would they need to come out to work?Could it be that the Kus Empire can no longer afford to support such magicians?

The doubts on the faces of the students were too obvious, and Magician Campbell saw it immediately, and said with a smile: "There has been no war on the mainland for more than 20 years. If we magicians don't find something to do, how can we show value?" Woolen cloth?"

The students nodded half-understanding. The education they had received since childhood made them think that magicians should be respected by everyone and not worry about survival.

Now it seems... that doesn't seem to be the case.

Lin Yuan smiled slightly. Although it was an accident to meet the Campbell magician this time, it saved him a lot of effort.

There are some things that someone else tells the students far better than he can.

"Mr. Lin, why did you come to this kind of place instead of attending classes in the academy?" Campbell asked Lin Yuan again.

"I'm taking the students out this time to experience it and do some practice by the way."

"Practice?" Campbell turned his eyes on Lin Yuan and the students, and shook his head: "Mr. Lin, although I know there are many geniuses in your class, they are only second-year students after all, and their level should be... "

"Of course they can't use eighth-level magic, not even me as a teacher." Lin Yuan laughed. "But that doesn't mean they can't do anything, does it?"

Campbell looked at the students again, saw their expressions of anticipation and eagerness, and nodded slowly: "Okay, then follow me these few days and see what you can do."

Although he agreed to ask the students to help, Campbell was only looking at the face of Lin Yuan and Feynor College, and he didn't expect these students who were still very weak in his opinion to be able to help.

But in the next few days, the performance of these students made him have to look at him with admiration.

That's right, it's impossible for these students to cast a powerful eighth-level or ninth-level magic like his mid-level magister, and they can't blast half of the mountain in one breath.But their precise control of magic and arbitrary changes allowed them to do many things that Campbell could not do.

What surprised Campbell even more was the creativity of the students.

For example, a small stone mountain was encountered in front of the construction. If Campbell was to deal with it, of course it would be smashed directly by a powerful magic.

The students naturally couldn't do this, but they only sent a few students and used a few low-level magic to achieve the same or even better results.

First, a student of the fire department covered the entire surface of the stone mountain with a huge flame. After roasting for 10 minutes, a student of the water department threw a torrent technique over the stone, and a huge explosion appeared on the top of the stone. White smoke, and as the white smoke dissipated, countless gravels automatically fell from the surface of the stone mountain, as if a thick layer of skin had been peeled off.

After doing this several times, the entire stone mountain was razed to the ground by the students, as if it had never existed before.

Compared with Campbell's high-level magic blast, there are often some incomplete places that need to be dealt with by the workers. The effect of the students is undoubtedly much better.

Another example is that road construction must level the road surface. Of course, the workers can do this by filling, shoveling and other measures, but these few students have easily completed this.

First, an earth student used a few ground fissures to loosen the solid ground, and then a water student used the torrential rain to wash away the soil for a while, making the soil soft, and then a wind student used the wind The blade cut the ground evenly, and the last fire element student dried the water in it, and a flat, mirror-like ground appeared.

And the firmness of this piece of ground is even comparable to the ground that the workers took a long time to compact.

Although Campbell is very clear that this should be the credit of the wind student, but as an intermediate magister, he can't see at all what kind of magic the student used to achieve this.

This surprised Campbell. Although he is not a wind magician, he has some understanding of wind magic, but he doesn't know any wind magic that can do this.

Could it be that these students are already able to create their own magic?But which magician would create a magic for the purpose of compacting the ground?

When Campbell turned his admiring gaze to Lin Yuan, who had been watching with his arms folded these days, he was even more surprised.

Because, Lin Yuan was shaking his head!

He still looks dissatisfied!
Campbell didn't know what to say. With such an excellent student, he would happily accept some of them as apprentices. However, Mr. Lin is still so dissatisfied. Isn't his request too high?
"My request is not high, but you have all forgotten it." Lin Yuan called the students together, with a dissatisfied expression on his face. "I have seen your performance in the past few days. It should be said that your mastery and application of magic has reached a very high level, which proves that my year as a teacher has been very fruitful, and it also proves that you They are indeed very smart and study hard. But you have forgotten that I brought you out this time not mainly to improve your magic level, but to deepen your understanding of magic and let you discover the true meaning of magic. usefulness."

"Is there a problem with our use?" Lin Yuan's criticism made Xiu Ni pouted, and pointed to the road behind her that had been speeded up a lot because of their help. "Look, Mr. Lin, the road is well repaired, and the workers said there is no problem."

"Remember what I said at Hank's Farm?" Lin Yuan said. "You can't stay on Hank's farm to help them harvest, and you can't stay here to help them build roads."

"Mr. Lin, do you mean to let us think of some methods that ordinary people can use to facilitate their work, just like at Hank's Farm?"

"That's right." Lin Yuan smiled and nodded. "This is what I have always wanted to tell you, and that is the practicality of magic."

"The practicality of magic?" The students were stunned. "what is that."

Lin Yuan pointed to Campbell who was chatting with the engineering supervisor in the distance, and said, "Do you remember what he said a few days ago?"

"Is it the sentence that there is no war, and what is the value?" Vince asked eagerly.

"If you can't remember, just be honest and stay." Larch pushed Vince, and said triumphantly: "I remember, he said at the time that there is no war on Farinos now, so the magicians You need to find something else to do to reflect your own value. To put it bluntly, even us magicians can’t just eat and not work. Am I right, Teacher Lin?”

"Yes, that's right." Lin Yuan smiled. "Larch is actually very thorough. The reason why magicians have been respected and welcomed by everyone on the Farinos continent, and the treatment is good, is mainly because of what do you know?"

"Because it's strong enough, there's nothing to say about that." Mulu pouted. "Magicians are stronger than fighters, so magicians are more respected than fighters, and the great magister is the strongest among magicians, so the great magister is the most respected. Teacher Lin, you should feel this more deeply than we do. right."

Lin Yuan nodded: "In other words, you all understand that the reason why magicians have their current status is because of their destructive power in the war. But have you ever thought that if the land of Farinos There has been no war in the world, so what do magicians do?"

"You can also be a mercenary!" Hank roared.This kid has long planned to graduate and become a mercenary.

But except for Hank, the other students were silent, not knowing how to answer.

They remembered the words Lin Yuan asked at the Chanel restaurant a few days ago, and then they realized that Lin Yuan brought them out this time, in fact, to let them reconsider this issue after experiencing the reality.

"I still say the same thing, don't rush to give me the answer, I just hope you keep this question in your heart, when you have enough experience, I believe you will find your own answer."

After saying this, Lin Yuan took the students to bid farewell to the engineering supervisor and Campbell.

In the next two months, Lin Yuan led the students to travel around the Kus Empire, passing countless places in the Kus Empire, large and small.

Among them are the majestic and majestic Mount Canpes, the highest peak in the Kus Empire, and the black water swamp where the environment is so harsh that it is almost impossible to walk; In the most remote and poorest small mountain village, I spent a few days of hard life with the villagers; I hunted down bandits with a small city defense army, and protested the tyranny of an unscrupulous city lord with a group of civilians...

Two months later, when Lin Yuan led the students back to Feynor College, Sha Luo, who had received the news and came to greet her, was surprised to find that these students were thinner than when they just left the college. Some, but each one of them is obviously much stronger, and they are also much more energetic.And from their eyes, Shaluo also clearly found that there seemed to be something completely different from before.

"Lin, what have you been taking them with you for the past two months?" Shalo asked curiously.

"Actually, I didn't do anything, I just took them here and there." Lin Yuan replied with a smile.

"Run here and there? It's not that simple, is it?" Sha Luo asked suspiciously.

"Hey, I said last year that it is better to travel thousands of miles than to read thousands of books. In fact, this time I took them out to see and see." Lin Yuan said.

"Oh? Is it very helpful for their study?"

"There is a lot of help in learning magic, but this is not what I value most." Lin Yuan shook his head. "As for the aspect that I value most, how much they have improved, I'm not quite sure, it's up to them to figure it out."

Sha Luo glanced at Lin Yuan, then suddenly sighed softly, and said, "Lin, I found that you have changed a lot since I saw you after the summer vacation. I can't understand many things you do."

Lin Yuan gently held Sha Luo's hand, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, I will let you understand."

Turning around and waving to the students, he said again: "Okay, students, we are disbanded now, you all go back and have a good rest, and you will start class on time tomorrow morning, and I will give you the first class of this semester."

The eyes of the students brightened. Lin Yuan said that this was the first class of this semester, which was true. He pulled them out of Feynor College as soon as he came back, and when he was traveling outside, he was rarely the same as before. Gather students together for class on the spot.

During this trip, the students accumulated a lot of questions, but Lin Yuan always answered them when they returned to the college, so they were already looking forward to this class.

"Haha, Teacher Lin, I won't bother you and Sister Shaluo, students, let's retreat." Vince shouted, and with a wave of his hand, the students dispersed.

Lin Yuan shook his head with a broken smile, and suddenly asked Sara, "Sara, is the paperback edition of "Theory and Fundamentals of Hybrid Magic" available?"

"It's on the market, you don't know... Oh, Uncle Syl doesn't know where you and the students are, so he can't inform you." Shalo replied. "I heard from Uncle Searle that the sales of paperback books are very good, and more than 2 copies were sold within a week. He also said that it is possible to sell all the [-] copies that were ordered within one month. I hope you come back I will discuss printing with you later."

"It's better to hit the sun than to choose a day. He has something to ask me, and I still have something to ask him. Sara, come with me to meet Boss Searle. The thing I want to discuss with him is still related to you."

After Lin Yuan finished speaking, he didn't care about Sha Luo's reaction, he grabbed her hand and walked quickly towards Searle's bookstore.

(End of this chapter)

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