Professor of Magic

Chapter 362 Model Toys

Chapter 362 Model Toys
The next morning.

The students of Class [-], Grade [-] of Feynor College sat down neatly in the classroom, quietly waiting for Lin Yuan's arrival.

On the table in front of them, their respective breakfasts were already set, and on the podium in the front row of the classroom, there was also an exquisite breakfast produced by Downing Street.

Obviously, the students wanted to have breakfast with Lin Yuan during class, which was a must-have program during class every day in the previous year.

Adding the two months of the last semester and the summer vacation, and the two months of traveling this time, the students haven't taken Lin Yuan's class seriously for almost five months, and now they miss it very much.

"What do you think Mr. Lin will teach us today?" Lilita asked suddenly.

There were even beads of sweat on her face that she didn't have time to wipe off after her morning jog.

"This... I haven't attended Teacher Lin's class for a long time, so it's not easy to guess." Hank frowned.

"I think it's just a summary lesson," Xiu Ni said. "Think about it, Mr. Lin will definitely not take us out for two months for no reason, and he has been refusing to tell us the specific reason, so I think his class is a summary of these two months."

"Well, I agree with Xiu Ni's guess." Vince said. "But guessing like this is meaningless, why don't we bet on what topic Mr. Lin summed up. My bet is 'the practicality of magic'."

"Damn, Vince, you're too cunning. Mr. Lin has already mentioned this topic." Larch said indignantly. "If you want to bet, bet more carefully. I bet it is 'the value embodiment of a magician'."

"You boy, isn't this topic also mentioned by Mr. Lin?" Vince gave Larch a blank look. "And this topic is so big, you can say whatever you want, it's boring."

"I told you two, don't waste your time. If you can guess Mr. Lin's class, then you might as well teach us." Mulu said disdainfully. "Just wait patiently. I've always had a feeling that Mr. Lin's class today will definitely subvert our previous understanding of magic. Do you believe it?"

"Nonsense, which of Mr. Lin's classes didn't subvert our understanding of magic?"

"I mean this class has been subverted even more. Otherwise, why did Mr. Lin take us out for so long?"

"Subversion is subversion, what else is not so powerful..."


"What's the noise?" Lin Yuan's voice suddenly sounded at the door of the classroom, interrupting the argument between Mulu and Vince.

The students all looked towards the door and were immediately stunned.

"Ms. Lin, what are you... what are you doing?" After a long while, Lilita asked with a dull expression.

Lin Yuan's attire was the same as usual, but he was holding a few strange things in his hands.

In the left hand, there are several small balls woven by small pieces of thin bamboo slices, but there is a small glass bead at the node where every two thin bamboo slices intersect, and each small ball has a The colors of the glass beads are also different, there are red, cyan, yellow, and blue.

On the right hand, there are obviously several toys that should be played by children, one of which is the pony carriage that I saw in Windnor last time.

"Is Teacher Lin going to play children's games with us today?" The students couldn't help thinking.

But Lin Yuan went straight to the podium, threw the things in his hands on the table, and then unceremoniously grabbed breakfast and ate it.

Lin Yuan didn't speak, and the students had no choice but to keep their doubts in their hearts for the time being, and eat breakfast with Lin Yuan.

This was probably the strangest class the students had ever had.

After a while, Lin Yuan finally ate his breakfast, then wiped his mouth and said, "Okay, let's start class." Pointing to the pile of weird things on the table, he asked again: "Have you seen It's been a long time, did you see anything? Come on, Vince, your kid is the fastest eater, tell me."

"This..." Vince scratched his head and stood up awkwardly. "Mr. Lin, do you think it has something to do with today's class?"


"Then... I only know that the toy carriage is related to magic, because you also said last time that this toy is driven by wind magic, and we have studied it. But something else..." Vince said Spread your hands, expressing your inability to do anything.

"You kid didn't think about it at all, Lilita, tell me."

"Ms. Lin, can those toy-like things be moved by magic?" Lilita stood up but didn't answer the question.

Lin Yuan nodded, and brushed his right hand over the toy-like objects.

The students clearly felt the fluctuation of some wind magic elements in several toys, and then several toys moved in different ways.

"Mr. Lin, these toys seem to have the same principle as that toy carriage." Vince, who became serious after being despised by Lin Yuan, quickly saw a clue.

"It's indeed the same, because the core is the engine I told you about last time." Lin Yuan grabbed a toy, took it apart in twos, and took out the core. "Look, this is the power source. In fact, these things are essentially the same, but they are manifested in different ways."

"Are these also made by that kid Amy Locke?" Vince asked again.

"Well, you should know that he established a chamber of commerce himself, and these things are the latest products of their chamber of commerce." Lin Yuan reached out and pushed a few bamboo balls aside. "Of course these don't count."

"Then what are these for?" Lilita couldn't help asking.

Lin Yuan grabbed a bamboo ball with his left hand and held it in the palm of his hand. With the palm of his right hand facing the sky, the magic power in his body flowed, and a fireball the same size as the bamboo ball appeared in his palm.

"How is it, what associations do you have?" Lin Yuan asked with a smile.

The eyes of the students turned back and forth between the bamboo ball and the fireball, and Larch suddenly yelled strangely: "I see! Mr. Lin, you are trying to steal the business from that boy Amy Locke, and make fireball toys!"

Everyone was speechless.

Lin Yuan twitched the corners of his mouth twice, and finally resisted the urge to throw the fireball directly at Lacky's face.

"Idiot, didn't you hear that Teacher Lin asked us to associate? You don't understand what Lenovo means?" Of course, Vince would not let go of such a good opportunity to taunt Larch. "I don't even understand such a simple meaning, don't say you are my classmate when you go out in the future."

Laqi stared, unconvinced: "I don't understand, but you kid understand?"

Vince straightened his neck, and replied confidently: "I don't understand either! But I don't understand and talk nonsense!"



"Structure." Just as Vince and Larch were arguing, and the other students hadn't confirmed their conjectures, Zorna suddenly said two words, which immediately attracted everyone's attention. attracted to the past.

"Structure?" After chewing the word several times in his mouth, the eyes of the students who had the most thorough understanding of magic, led by Fasno, Natasha, and Lilita, lit up.

"I understand!" Lilita clapped her hands vigorously, pointing to the bamboo ball and the fireball in Lin Yuan's hands. "Look, everyone, if you ignore the bamboo pieces inside the bamboo ball and only pay attention to the glass beads, don't they resemble the magic elements in the fireball?"

After Lilita reminded her, the other students immediately understood.

"But it's still not right. The magic elements in the fireball are much denser than these glass beads." Hank questioned.

"Hank, you are right." Lin Yuan shook his right hand, and the fireball in his hand instantly shrank several times, turning into a very small fireball that couldn't even be covered by the palm of his hand. "Actually, if we want to make a comparison, it can only be the same density as the magic element in this fireball."

Lilita rummaged through the knitting items that Lin Yuan brought, and took out a machete-like thing.

"Mr. Lin, this should be the wind blade, right? But the density of wind magic elements on the blade surface of the wind blade will be much higher, and the density of glass beads on this blade surface will be much lower."

"Yes, it's my fault that I didn't explain clearly to the person who made the model." Lin Yuan suddenly smiled and asked back. "Lilita, if you were to describe it, how would you clearly tell the person who made the model how high the density of magic elements is on the blade?"

"This..." Lilita was stunned for a while, then shook her head. "No way. This can only be felt by the wind magician himself, so I can't tell."

Including Fasno, the other wind magic students in the class nodded together.

In the process of feeling magic elements and using magic power to gather magic elements and use magic, magicians rely on their own comprehension and induction of magic elements, and this comprehension and induction are very personal things. It is quite difficult to describe clearly to another person.

There are tens of thousands of powerful magicians on the mainland of Farinos, but there are far fewer magicians who can serve as magic teachers and teachers at Feynor Academy.

From this point of view, it is a miracle that Lin Yuan, who only learned magic for two months, came to Feynor College as a teacher, and was able to teach such a group of students who performed extremely well.

"Actually, it's not completely impossible." Lin Yuan stretched out a finger. "If there were a measure, it wouldn't be impossible to accurately describe magic to other people."

"Weights and measures?" The students were taken aback, but Lilita was the first to react and asked, "Mr. Lin, is it the same thing as those one pound, one liter, etc. that you said last time?"


The students looked at each other.

In terms of weights and measures, of course they have come into contact with a lot in daily life, but they have never thought about how to use weights and measures to describe magic.

"Mr. Lin, magic elements can only be sensed by magicians themselves, so how can they be quantified?" Mulu asked in bewilderment.

"Yeah, besides, you don't know how many magic elements you need to gather to summon a wind blade casually. We can't let us count slowly when we summon the wind blade?" Lilita stuck out her tongue. "It would take several years to count one wind blade."

"Of course I won't let you count the magic elements one by one. There is another way."

"what way?"

Lin Yuan smiled slightly: "Secret."

The students froze for a moment, and then there was a loud booing together.

"Mr. Lin, you are so vicious. You have been entertaining us for a long time, but you came here to show off."

"That's right, or you just don't say it."

Lin Yuan laughed: "Don't worry, it's just a secret today. As for how to do this, it's the homework I left for you today. I hope to hear your thoughts in class tomorrow."

After finishing speaking, he picked up those toys and shook them, and continued: "Besides, I also hope that while you are thinking about this issue, you can think about creating weights and measures about magic, and what does it have to do with these toys? "

"What's the matter? Does it matter?" The students were stunned again.

Although every class Lin Yuan took before surprised them, there was no class as unclear as this one.

"Well... keep it a secret."

The students didn't even have the strength to throw Lin Yuan the wrong look. This teacher Lin, it seems that today he is going to show off to the end.

Seeing that Fasno, Lilita and Vince, the students with the most flexible thinking in the class, looked thoughtful, Lin Yuan knew that today's class had achieved its purpose.

Looking up at the magic clock, Lin Yuan clapped his hands and began to make a summary according to the usual practice.

"Actually, what I want to tell you in this class is very simple. Look..." Lin Yuan put a few bamboo products on his left, and other toys on his right. "The models on the left represent the basic theoretical research on magic, while the toys on the right are the embodiment of the specific application of magic, which is the practicality of magic that I often mentioned to you some time ago."

The students recalled their travels with Lin Yuan in the Kus empire in the past two months, and nodded in unison.

During those two months, although Lin Yuan often missed the opportunity to remind the students about the use and understanding of magic, but what he said and explained the most was to ask the students to try their best to make magic practical, even Students are also required to always think about how to use magic to create convenience for them as an ordinary person.

"Perhaps you will be wondering why I always emphasize the practicality of magic." Lin Yuan continued. "Actually, the reason is very simple. It is because I am from the Eastern Continent, and on the Eastern Continent, there has never been a profession or a skill that has a reason to continue to exist even if it has no practical use."

This sentence immediately stunned the students.

The point of Lin Yuan's words in this passage is obviously aimed at magic, and because of the education he received since childhood, these two words, magic and practicality, are not connected in the minds of these students at all.

During last year's study, Lin Yuan also took them to various places, and often asked them to use magic to do some things, but most of the time it was just for them to improve their mastery and understanding of magic by doing these things.

But in the first two months, Lin Yuan did always mention the word "practical".

Originally, the students didn't care about this, but now it seems that Lin Yuan has already thought about it.

"Actually, I have studied a period of history on the continent of Farinos, and I have some understanding of the occurrence of this phenomenon. But now we are not studying social science, so I will ignore these issues. Now I just need you to understand me. I mean, that's what I think you guys mentioned last year at the reservoir, that magic isn't just for destruction."

The students looked at the models and toys on the desk and nodded thoughtfully.

"As your teacher, I never hope that you learn magic just to destroy, or even to hurt others. And in my opinion, the role of magic is far more than that. Today's class is actually a lesson for future development. If you want to, think about the two questions I left you just now after class."

Lin Yuan glanced at the magic clock again, was in a daze for a while, then nodded, announcing that get out of class was over.

After leaving the classroom, Lin Yuan walked towards the dormitory while thinking about the class summary just now.

In fact, there was something he wanted to say just now but didn't say it out, that is, after more than a year of living on the Farinos continent, he actually knows very well that the reason why magicians have a high status is mainly because they fought in the war. It has a great effect, and the representative is the old man Hawke.

Compared with the original world, magicians are equal to the conventional weapons of each country, and a great magister like old man Hawke is clearly a nuclear bomb.

And the Farinos continent has been in constant disputes and wars since a long time ago, so the demand for magicians has always been high.

In addition, every time a war is experienced, the number of magicians will drop sharply, so in the gap between wars, every country will also take the opportunity to vigorously cultivate magicians for use in the next war.

Seriously speaking, the group of students taught by Lin Yuan actually appeared after the war more than 20 years ago, and if another war broke out, this group of students might become the backbone.

As a teacher, Lin Yuan certainly didn't want his students to take such risks.

But relying on him alone to prevent the war from happening... Even if he is a god, it is difficult to do so.

Of course, let's change the role of the magician... Lin Yuan still has the confidence to do it.

Raising his right hand, the motor that had just been removed from the toy was pinched between his thumb and middle finger. A trace of magic power was poured into it, and the motor immediately started humming.

Lin Yuan looked at it for a while, and suddenly smiled.

Don't say that the students don't know the meaning of this thing, I'm afraid Amy Locke Bu, who made it by himself, doesn't know either.

Using magic elements as the power source and magic as the power operation method, although there is a big gap with the mature power and power machinery in the original world, there is no difference in essence.

After a long period of continuous research, maybe the mages on the mainland of Farinos will find that they still have a lot of things to do.

And if the relevant things are really gradually researched, I am afraid that the entire Farinos continent will undergo earth-shaking changes.

I'm afraid that at that time, Amy Locke Boo, who was the first to make this engine by himself, maybe he should change his name to Watt Boo?
(End of this chapter)

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