Professor of Magic

Chapter 363 Goodbye Prince

Chapter 363 Goodbye Prince
The scene of Lin Yuan drooling while thinking about the bright, beautiful and great prospects in the distance naturally did not arouse the slightest surprise in the eyes of the students of Fenol College who are familiar with him. , Teacher Lin is in a daze again", "Mr. Lin must be thinking of some beautiful woman", "Mr. Lin is being stupid again, we pretend we don't know her" and so on...

It's just that besides them, there are some students who don't know Lin Yuan.

"Huh? Look, what is that idiot over there smirking?"

"Yeah, he looks so silly. How come there are still such students in Feynor College?"

"That's right, it's so strange. I thought that the students of Feynor College are all outstanding, so it turns out that there are such people."

A few people commented loudly without any scruples, pulling Lin Yuan back from his reverie. He frowned and looked in the direction of the sound, only to see four students, two men and two women, pointing at him. To them, not only did he not restrain himself, but two of the boys raised their eyebrows at him, looking provocative.

Seeing that all four of them were wearing uniforms representing the first grade, Lin Yuan understood.

After a long time, these people are freshmen who just entered the college this semester, and he took the students out for two months as soon as he returned to the college, so it's normal that they don't know him.

Seeing the provocative expressions on the faces of the two boys, Lin Yuan couldn't help but smile. If he hadn't been recommended by the old man Hawke last year, and had appeared with the old man Hawke at the college meeting, I'm afraid he would have met last year. to many such things.

And if this happened to him last year, he might have taught these ignorant students a lesson in order to establish his prestige, but of course he wouldn't care about them now.

After waving to those people as a greeting, Lin Yuan continued to walk towards the dormitory.

Unexpectedly, just as he raised his right foot, Lin Yuan felt a slight fluctuation in the wind magic element next to him.


A wind blade almost slashed past his nose, flew into the flower bed by the road, and cut off several branches with a hiss.

Lin Yuan's expression darkened, he stopped, and looked at the four students.

He knew very well that the wind blade was issued by the taller boy among them.

The students of Fenol College who passed by had already discovered the situation at the moment when the wind blade cut off the branch. When they saw that the object of the four students' provocation was actually Lin Yuan, they were all shocked.

In addition to being surprised, they looked at the four students with pity.

Lin Yuan looked at the boy for a while, but they didn't seem to want to speak first, they still stared at him provocatively.

"Who is the teacher who taught you the wind blade?" Lin Yuan suddenly asked the boy.

"It's the magic teacher hired by my family, what?" the boy replied triumphantly.

Because the status of magicians on the Farinos continent is very high, those who can afford magicians to teach their children are generally very powerful families, such as Farinos, such as Vince.

The meaning of this boy's words is undoubtedly showing off and threatening.

But Lin Yuan hadn't seen anything in this year, how could he be frightened.

Glancing at the boy, Lin Yuan smiled and said, "The speed of your wind blade is not fast, and the power is not powerful. As for the accuracy, it is still so-so. It seems that your teacher's level is not very good. "

The four students stared at each other, especially the boy who was criticized by Lin Yuan stared the most.

"You dare to say that my teacher's level is not good? Do you know that he is an intermediate magister! How dare you say that the level of an intermediate magister is not good? How old are you?"

"I'm the boss in our family." Lin Yuan shrugged.

In fact, he was somewhat surprised. Being able to invite an intermediate magister to be his magic teacher showed that the power of this boy's family was not small.You must know that although Feili often went to learn magic from Hal Alfonso, her official magic teacher was nothing more than an intermediate magister.

"A mid-level magister of the wind system?" Lin Yuan asked again. "If it is, then I think if it's not that he didn't study wind blade enough, then he taught it too badly, are too stupid?"

The boy was so angry that his eyes were burning, he raised his hands and waved, and the two wind blades flew towards Lin Yuan together.

Not only did Lin Yuan not have the slightest intention of dodging, he even yawned without moving his hands, and everyone saw two wind blades flying towards his chest, as if they had hit something, and there were two twitches. A cyan ripple disappeared immediately.

The four students were taken aback, because of Lin Yuan's uniform, they thought he was a second-year student. Of course, they didn't expect that a second-year student could have such a high level.

"I've said it all, your wind blade is too bad to use. As for the wind blade, it should be used like this."

"Mr. Lin, stop! Stop!"

Just as Lin Yuan raised his hands, he heard an anxious shout in the distance.

Don't turn your head to look, but you can see Director Mindos is running here desperately, while running, he is still waving his arms and shouting.

"It's impossible to offend the two princes again..." Lin Yuan recalled the last time he met the two princes Maginot, muttered something in a low voice, but ignored Director Mindos' shout, turned his hands, fingers quickly Immediately, countless pocket wind blades that were much smaller than normal wind blades flew towards the boy.

The four students on the opposite side didn't respond at all.

The boy only heard the swishing sound of countless wind blades passing by around his body, and his heart suddenly felt cold.

Dead this time.

But after a while, of course, he opened his eyes again in the silent environment around him, only to find that he was not injured at all.

Lin Yuan sent out so many wind blades, as if he had never shot before.

The boy was stunned for a while, then suddenly laughed.

"Haha, if you say my wind blade is not good, I don't think yours is very good, so you can..."

He just raised his finger to point at Lin Yuan, and when he was about to taunt Lin Yuan, he suddenly heard a "hiss", like the sound of cloth being torn.

Immediately, he felt a chill all over his body. Looking down, the uniform that was originally neatly dressed on his body had turned into countless thin strips of cloth hanging on his body.

And from the gap below, you can even see his bright red underwear...

"Ah—" After staying for a moment, he immediately screamed.

The students of Fenol College who were watching on the side suddenly burst into laughter, and all the students who knew Lin Yuan couldn't help but praise him secretly in their hearts.

Seeing the panicked and bewildered faces of the other three students, Lin Yuan put down his hands and turned around, meeting the fiery eyes of Director Mindos.

"Lin, you're causing trouble again!"

Half an hour later, the vice president's office.

The door of the office was opened, and Director Mindos walked in first, followed by the four students who had provoked Lin Yuan just now.And the boy whose clothes were torn by Lin Yuan and made a big fuss walked last, but now he has changed into a new uniform.

After several people walked into the office, they found that Lin Yuan was sitting opposite Vice President Capaci, drinking a glass of pandan leisurely. When he saw them coming in, he even deliberately cast a playful look on the boy at the end Scanned.

The boy's face blushed immediately, and without waiting for others to say anything, he took two steps forward, pointed at Lin Yuan, and looked at Vice President Capaci.

"Your Excellency, Vice President, how can this guy still sit here! Didn't Director Mindos tell you what he did just now?"

Deputy Dean Kapaqi seemed to have not heard his yelling at all, bowed his head and wrote something on a document, and then handed the document to Lin Yuan.

"Lin, take a look. If you need anything else, just come to me." Speaking of this, Vice President Capaci paused, as if hesitating. "Although I understand that this is very good for the students and the college, I am afraid that you will do useless work."

Lin Yuan took the document and read it carefully and slowly before nodding.

"Well, no problem. As for the problem you are worried about, you don't have to worry about it at all. If you want to get grades, how can you not have any investment. Besides, I think this investment is absolutely worthwhile, and it is even a huge profit. In addition, I have great respect for myself and the students. Very confident, and I'm sure you'll see results soon."

Vice President Capaci also nodded, and took a sip at the same time with Lin Yuan, and then looked at the boy who had been posing for a long time.

Then they frowned at the same time.

"Prince York, I already know about the conflict between you and Mr. Lin. You are at fault for this matter, so it's no wonder Mr. Lin." Vice President Capaci said.

"But I just used the wind blade to scare him, and I didn't touch him at all, but he...he..." Prince York didn't have the courage to repeat his embarrassing situation just now. "In short, this Mr. Lin has caused me to suffer great humiliation, and I must ask him to pay the price."

"Prince York, tell me, did the wind blade I send hit you once again?" Lin Yuan said.

After seeing Vice President Capaci just now and being informed of the identities of these students, Lin Yuan suddenly felt that his luck was a bit too good sometimes.

He guessed right, this time he did meet two princes again, and not only these two boys were princes, but the two girls who were with them were also princesses.

Yes, these four students are actually the princes and princesses of the royal family of the Renault Empire.

"This... didn't touch me, but put my clothes...clothes..." Prince York blushed, but he still didn't have the nerve to continue talking.

"Mr. Lin, are you making unreasonable words?" Prince Reik next to him couldn't stand it any longer, and stepped forward. "Although you didn't hurt York's body, what you did made him humiliated and hurt his heart. Before I came to Feynor College, I always thought that the famous teacher Lin of Fennol College was such a caring student. For the sake of the excellent teacher, now it seems, hum!"

Looking at the angry expressions of the two princes, York and Reyk, Lin Yuan took a sip of the pandan without blinking, and then said: "Your Highness, if you want to pursue responsibility, you must first look at the Who did it wrong first?"

"Even if York was at fault first, you can't go too far, can you?" Prince Reik retorted.

"Excessive?" Lin Yuan rolled his eyes and turned to Vice President Capaci. "Master Vice President, why don't you tell me who is going too far?"

Vice President Capaci glared at Lin Yuan, turned to Prince Reik and said, "According to the regulations of Fenol College, no student is allowed to disrespect the teacher in the college, otherwise the teacher has the right to Punish the student without harming the student's life or causing irreparable damage." Vice President Capaci paused, and said in surprise: "Prince Reik, I remember that Renault Academy also had Our Fenol College has similar rules, don’t you guys know?”

Prince Reik's face changed. They are the prince and princess of the Renault Empire. Even if they violated the rules of the academy in Renault Academy, who would dare to enforce them.

I thought that with their identities, even if they could not be as arrogant as they were in Reynolds College, they should have some privileges. Unexpectedly, the deputy dean of Capaci is completely biased towards Lin Yuan.

"Deputy Dean Capaci, do you mean that York has suffered in vain this time?" Prince Reik said in a deep voice.

"It's coming again..." Lin Yuan couldn't help rolling his eyes when he heard Prince Reik's words.

Why are these princes so ignorant of what is good or bad?
Sure enough, Vice President Capaci's face darkened immediately: "As I said just now, Prince York is entirely to blame this time. I don't understand what you mean by suffering."

Prince Reik glared at Lin Yuan, who was giggling, and said, "It seems that Vice President Kapaqi is not willing to uphold justice for us. Very well, I didn't expect you to punish us in front of us." My own teacher." Turning to look at Lin Yuan, his eyes became extremely cold. "Mr. Lin, be careful when you go out these few days. Don't blame me for not reminding you if you bump into something."


Before Lin Yuan could react, Vice President Capaci roared angrily and slapped the desk vigorously. A clearly visible air mass flew out of the desk and hit Prince Reik's chest straight.


Prince Reik was hit by the air mass, flew straight up, hit the wall of the office at high speed, and fell to the ground with a slap.

"Mindosi, arrest these guys and put them in the confinement room." Under the nearly demented eyes of everyone, Vice President Capaci ordered in an unusually stern tone. "If the diplomats of the Reynolds Empire come to ask for someone, you let them come to me directly."

It wasn't until Director Mindos called some people to take the four princes and princesses away, and the last person to leave closed the office door, that Lin Yuan swallowed and recovered from his dull expression.

"I said...Master Vice President, after all, they are the princes and princesses of the Renault Empire. If you put them in the confinement room like this, there might be problems."

"Is there a problem?" The anger on the face of Vice President Capacci has long since disappeared. He took a sip of tea and replied with a leisurely look: "If it is Prince Kazak, then there is indeed a problem, but These so-called princes and princesses..."

Vice President Capaci snorted through his nostrils, with a look of disdain.

Lin Yuan immediately understood. It seems that these so-called princes and princesses must not have received much attention in the royal family of the Renault Empire. Vice President Capaci must have known this and made such a fierce reaction.

"But it's too much to be locked up in the confinement room. I've already taught them a lesson. Besides, you don't have to do it yourself, right?" Lin Yuan glanced at Vice President Capaci who was still pressing on the desk right hand, this was the first time he saw Vice President Capaci use magic.

"I did it on purpose." Vice President Capaci suddenly sighed softly. "Lin, at times like this, I just have to be tough."

Lin Yuan was taken aback for a moment, and then understood.

Now that old man Hawke is gone, Feynor College has lost its biggest backer. If other colleges find out, the consequences will be disastrous.

So the more it is at this time, the less likely Vice President Capaci should be to act weak, otherwise this is not in line with the usual style of Feynor College, and will definitely be suspected by other interested people.

"Lin, you don't need to express anything in particular. Anyway, according to your temper, what you should do is still the same. I can't stop you." Vice President Capaci said again. "However, you should pay attention to what that kid Reyk said just now. Although he is not valued in the Reynolds Empire, he is still a prince after all. You should still be able to find a few people to take revenge on you."

Lin Yuan shrugged, with a relaxed expression on his face: "Don't worry, do you think my two months of summer vacation were wasted?"

"That's good."

After leaving the vice president's office, Lin Yuan rubbed his chin, still somewhat puzzled.

The last time the two princes of the Maginot Empire came to Feynor College, they also had a conflict with Fasno's awakening and provocation, but their actions later proved that these provocations were intentional.Although they didn't say it clearly until they left, Lin Yuan could tell that they were looking for an opportunity to get involved with him.

However, the actions of the two princes of the Renault Empire today are completely different from those of the two princes of the Maginot Empire.

First of all, they should not directly provoke Lin Yuan.Lin Yuan didn't believe that they couldn't recognize him after seeing his black hair.But knowing Lin Yuan's identity, he made sarcastic remarks and even made a move, which is a bit too stupid.

Secondly, and most importantly, they shouldn't still be so tough in front of Vice President Capaci.The most stupid thing is that they threatened Lin Yuan in front of Vice President Kapaqi.Even if they rely on their identities as princes and princesses and know that Vice President Capaci won't really do anything to them, what's the benefit of doing so?
threaten?Thinking of what Prince Reik said just now, Lin Yuan couldn't help but smile.

With his current strength, even if he faces an intermediate magister, he has nothing to be afraid of. If he can't beat him, at least he can run.

As for the senior magister?He still didn't believe that he could be invited by just a few unfavored princes and princesses.

After thinking for a while, he still couldn't figure out the purpose of these princes and princesses, so Lin Yuan could only shake his head and not think about him.Anyway, these days he was busy teaching the students and compiling some textbooks, so he really didn't have much time to sneak out of the academy.

I glanced at the magic clock in the center of the academy and found that it was already noon.

Lin Yuan rushed to the cafeteria to grab a few bites of food, and then returned to the dormitory to concentrate on writing.

It wasn't until Salas fell and Ellis climbed into the air again that Lin Yuan finished preparing tomorrow's lesson plan.

After stretching for a while, Lin Yuan touched his stomach and found that the food he ate at noon had been completely digested, so he stood up and prepared to visit the cafeteria again.


At this moment, someone knocked on the door of the dormitory.

(End of this chapter)

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