Professor of Magic

Chapter 364 1 Forest Element

Chapter 364 Yilin Elemental

Lin Yuan walked over wonderingly and opened the door to have a look, only to find three people standing outside the door.

"Hey, Sara, why did you come here with them?" Lin Yuan pointed to Vashki and Kael'thas standing beside Sara.

Sha Luo patted the shoulders of the two of them, then pointed to the room, motioning them to go in.

"When I was looking for Uncle Syl just now, I happened to see the two of them in the bookstore, so I brought them here together."

"Oh." Lin Yuan nodded, turned back into the room, and poured a cup of tea for each of them. "Do you know why Shaluo brought you here?"

After all, Wasiqi had been to Lin Yuan's place several times, and although she was still a little restrained, she behaved quite naturally.Hearing this, she nodded and replied, "Yes, Sister Shaluo told us all about it on the way."

"That's good." Lin Yuan turned to look at Kael'thas. "Kael'thas, I heard that you have applied for the Magic Academy? What's the result?"

Kael'thas, however, came to Lin Yuan's dormitory for the first time, and was looking around curiously. Hearing Lin Yuan's question, he froze for a moment before replying with a frustrated face: "Not that good. They still say that I His magic talent is too low, so he is not suitable to be a magician."

For this answer, Lin Yuan was not too surprised.Judging a child's magical talent on the Farinos continent is not just about condensing magical elements. Judging from the previous standards, Kael'thas is certainly not qualified.

After pondering for a while, Lin Yuan said: "Kael'thas, since you have applied for the Magic Academy, it must be because you think your level is enough. Last time I saw that you can condense magic elements, what level are you at now? "

"I can use magic now!" Kael'thas shouted in a low voice with some pride, but also a little aggrieved.

Lin Yuan was greatly surprised. He looked at Sha Luo, but saw that she also had a stunned expression. It seemed that she didn't find out on the way to send them here.

"Oh? What kind of magic can you use? Take it out and show me?"

Lin Yuan was really curious about this.You must know that Kael'thas was still judged as a child with no magic talent half a year ago, but half a year later he was able to use some magic with some simple magic knowledge compiled by Lin Yuan and Sha Luo.

If this situation can be spread, then Sara's ideal of "let everyone understand magic" is entirely possible to realize.

Kael'thas looked back at Vaschi, who nodded to him. Kael'thas seemed to be encouraged. He nodded vigorously, bit his head, and then took a deep breath. The expression on the face became completely calm.

Lin Yuan watched Kael'thas's continuous movements with great interest.

As a magician, his magic talent is undoubtedly extremely high.So many times he is very relaxed when researching and using magic. The difficulty he faces is generally how to obtain the greatest effect with the least cost, but he has never been like Kael'thas, who just condenses the magic power before using magic. To gather the magic elements around you need to prepare first.

But from this continuous movement, we can see the mentality of ordinary children without magic talent when using magic, which will be of great help to him and Sara in their future research.

Kael'thas stretched out his right hand flatly, and about ten seconds later, Lin Yuan and Shaluo clearly felt the fire magic elements in the surrounding air start to fluctuate, and then quickly gathered towards Kael'thas' right hand.

Lin Yuan and Sha Luo looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

Compared with the last time they saw Kael'thas, this time he was much faster in mobilizing magic power and gathering magic elements, and the amount of magic elements mobilized at one time was obviously much larger.

It seems that Kael'thas' improvement during this period is indeed not small.

Of course, judging from the current situation, he is still far behind the children with magical talents. It is no wonder that the Magic Academy rejected him.

Another half a minute passed before the magical elements condensed in Kael'thas' palm gradually began to take shape.

It showed a thin mist-like flame, then gradually became clear, and finally slowly formed a fireball emitting red light and heat.

If this fireball is evaluated by Lin Yuan alone, it can be said that the score is very low.

Not only is the fire magic element in it very unbalanced, causing one part of the fireball to be bright and one part to be dark, the shape is constantly changing, and there is no way to maintain a perfect sphere.

But linking this fireball with Kael'thas is naturally another matter.

Although Fireball is only the most basic magic in the fire system, being able to use this magic means that the magician has the ability to use the elements of fire magic to form fire magic.As for the final achievement, it depends on the individual's talent and luck.

Although Kael'thas's fireball technique is very low level, he has successfully used it after all. Even if he is limited by talent and other reasons and cannot become an advanced fire magician in the end, he can still be regarded as a magician after all. .

Can a person who is rated as having no magical talent also become a magician?This has never happened in the history of the Farinos continent.

Lin Yuan couldn't help but look back at Sha Luo, but saw that she was also staring straight at the fireball on Kael'thas' palm. Although the expression on her face couldn't be seen, from her constantly flickering eyes, Lin Yuan From a distance, she could already see the excitement in her heart.

The room suddenly darkened, but Kael'thas finally couldn't hold it anymore, the fireball in his hand scattered into sparks, and then recovered into fire magic elements and reintegrated into the surrounding environment.

Lin Yuan pondered for a moment, then said to Kael'thas, "Kael'thas, would you like to assist Shalo and I with some research?"

Kael'thas looked at Vashj begging for help.

Vaschi glanced at Lin Yuan and Sha Luo, and nodded, "Kael'thas, promise Teacher Lin."

Kael'thas nodded vigorously, and then asked curiously: "Mr. Lin, can I help you and Sister Shaluo do research?"

"Of course." Lin Yuan smiled. "And I dare say that apart from you, there is no other person on the entire Farinos continent who can help us with this research."

No matter how wide-eyed Vaschi and Kael'thas were in amazement at Lin Yuan's words, the fact is that that night, after a hasty dinner, Lin Yuan and Shaluo grabbed Kael'thas on Lin Yuan's bed. Discussed in the dormitory all night.

It wasn't until Ellis rose into the air and the magic clock pointed to eleven o'clock at night that the two of them came to an end.

"Sara, it seems that I will trouble you to send them back." Lin Yuan was a little embarrassed to let a girl like Sara go home with two other children at such a late hour, and pointed to the table Putting up a pile of messy things, he said again: "I want to sort out these things quickly. After I have a clue, it will be much easier in the future. This... I can't send you home. Don't blame me?"

Sha Luo smiled slightly: "Of course not. Don't forget, my magician level is higher than yours?" Suddenly stepped forward, leaned over and kissed Lin Yuan's cheek, and continued: "Okay , go in. But Lin, it's important to organize these things, but don't forget to rest."

After finishing speaking, he took the hands of Vashki and Kael'thas from left to right, and left Lin Yuan's dormitory.

In the night wind, it seemed that Kael'thas was excitedly asking Shalo some questions about the night.

Lin Yuan touched the place on his face where Sha Luo had kissed just now, smirked, then turned around and pounced on the table.

Another night passed, and when Lin Yuan appeared in the classroom staring at a pair of panda eyes, the students were no longer surprised.

"Ms. Lin, did you stay up late last night?" Feili asked with concern. "Didn't I tell you to pay attention to your body a long time ago, why do you still stay up late?"

"Hey, I studied some problems yesterday, and I forgot the time for a while." Lin Yuan coughed lightly, preventing the students from discussing whether he is handsome with panda eyes or not. "Students, how are you doing with the homework I left for you yesterday?"

The classroom immediately fell silent, and most of the students looked a little embarrassed.

It's not that they haven't thought about the two questions Lin Yuan left yesterday, but most of the students still don't have any clue after thinking about it.

After all, magic has existed on the mainland of Farinos for more than 1000 years, and for more than 1000 years, magic has been a very mysterious thing, and it is difficult for even the magician himself to explain it clearly, let alone quantify it.

Or to be more precise, it is not impossible to quantify, but no magician has ever really done such a thankless thing.

"Mr. Lin, I can't think of weights and measures for the time being, but I have some ideas about the relationship with toys." Vince suddenly stood up and said with a little complacency.


"I think the reason why Mr. Lin associates weights and measures with toys is probably because of one word, that is precision." Vince replied confidently. "Toys are obviously made to be sold on a large scale, and if they are sold on a large scale, of course they must be produced on a large scale. But if you want to produce them on a large scale, you must formulate a standard. But the toys Mr. Lin brought yesterday are all based on Magic is driven as the core, and there is no standard for magic, so if magic is reflected in weights and measures, maybe it can really be made into a standard, so as to achieve the goal of mass production.”

It has to be said that when Vince said this, he was very confident and imposing, which made Lin Yuan even have an illusion—this kid was like those professional managers in the original world.

"Very good, Vince, you have covered the key part right away." Lin Yuan applauded Vince. "That's right, no matter what the measurement is, it has one purpose, which is what Vince said is precise. And I want to add a measurement to magic, but the purpose is similar."

"But Mr. Lin, haven't you always taught us that magic doesn't need a formula?" Xiu Ni frowned and asked. "Why do you demand precision now?"

"Please, Xiu Ni, precision and measurement are two different things, okay?" Lilita gave Xiu Ni a blank look. "For example, didn't you still study the ground-splitting technique yesterday? Now I ask you to make the cracks of the ground-splitting technique two meters long and one meter deep. If you do it exactly, that is precision. But I ask you to The cracks produced by a ground-splitting technique can only be two meters long and one meter deep, which is the standard. Really, you have been listening to Teacher Lin's class, why don't you understand this?"

Xiu Ni stuck out her tongue and nodded embarrassedly.

"Lilita explained it very well." Lin Yuan said. "That's right, I want to add a measure to magic. I don't want you to go back to the old way, but I want magic to be as accurate as possible. Take what Lilita said just now, the crack is two meters long and one meter deep, so we I know what this crack should look like. But can you tell me how to use magic to create this effect?"

The students thought about it and shook their heads in unison.

"Yes, because there is no way to explain it clearly, so even if I am a teacher, I can easily use the ground splitting technique to cause this effect, but I still can only tell you the effect caused by the ground splitting technique and the things that need to be paid attention to when using the ground splitting technique , how to cause this effect, most of the time can only be understood by yourself."

"Yeah, so every time I go to learn new magic, I find it very troublesome. Those teachers seldom speak so easy to understand like Mr. Lin." Larch said.

Lin Yuan smiled, shook his head and said: "Actually, it's not that those teachers didn't speak well, but it's hard for them to find any definite way to describe it. This problem is not only encountered by them, but also by myself. Back. Zorna, what do you think?"

The eyes of the students turned to Zhuo Na. Everyone knew that as the only student who mixed magic for a long time, Zhuo Na was often taught by Lin Yuan alone.

Zhuo Na, whose name was suddenly called by Lin Yuan, still didn't change at all, she just nodded and uttered a word.


"Then Zhuo Na, can you demonstrate to the students how I usually teach you?" Lin Yuan asked again.

Zhuo Na stretched out her hands at the same time, a fireball about the size of her palm protruded from her left palm, and a water ball of the same size protruded from her right palm.

"Ms. Lin used fireballs and waterballs of this size when teaching me."

Zhuo Na flipped her hands again, and a ball of ice and fire that was slightly larger than the fire ball and the water ball appeared in the palm of her hand.

"This is the ice fire ball after the fusion of the fire ball and water ball just now."

After Zhuo Na repeated this action three times, the students roughly understood what Lin Yuan and Zhuo Na meant.

"Ms. Lin, do you want to say that you use the same standard fireball and waterball every time you teach Zorna?" Lilita asked. "Although this can save a lot of time explaining, Mr. Lin, even if the size of the fireball and the water ball are the same, the magic elements inside may not be the same."

Lin Yuan didn't answer, but raised his right hand and summoned a fireball.

No matter the size, color, or brightness of this fireball, it was exactly the same as the fireball that Zhuo Na summoned just now.

Then he raised his left hand again, and another fireball appeared in the palm of his left hand.

Naturally, there was no difference between this fireball and the fireball in the right hand, almost as if it had been duplicated in the left hand.

The fireball in Lin Yuan's right hand suddenly disappeared, and then another fireball appeared, but it was still the same size, color and brightness.

Immediately afterwards, the fireball in the left hand disappeared, and then reappeared, and then the fireball in the right hand disappeared, and then reappeared...

After repeating it dozens of times, Lin Yuan put his hands away, looked at the students with question marks, and said, "Although each magic will have different magic elements, so even if the size is different, the final magic will be different." They are not the same, and the power produced is also different. But the purpose of our class today is to set a standard for magic, and finally add a measure to magic, so we can find a magic as a standard by ourselves."

Lin Yuan flipped his right hand again, and summoned the fireball again, pointed to the fireball with his left hand and continued: "For example, based on this fireball, I tentatively define the fire magic element contained in this fireball as a unit, uh... for the sake of name , let’s make it Yilin.”

The students all rolled their eyes at Lin Yuan.

Yilin?This teacher Lin is really not polite.

"As for the number of magic elements in Yilin? Sorry, I don't have time to count them one by one." Lin Yuan said again. "However, magicians are very sensitive to the amount of magic elements. Whether it is more or less, they can clearly feel it. In addition, we also know that if a fireball of the same size reflects the same brightness, then the The fire magic elements contained in it must be the same."

"But Mr. Lin, not every fire magician's fireball can be used as perfectly as yours." Xiu Ni said suddenly.

"That's right, if you don't have a good grasp of the fireball technique, even if you can condense the same amount of fire magic elements, a fireball of the same size may not be able to reflect the same brightness." Red, who has the most precise grasp of magic, has more experience.

"At this time, we need the help of measuring tools."

For this class, Lin Yuan was fully prepared.Hearing the students' questions, he took out the magic pen and magic powder from the bag he brought, and quickly drew a magic circle.

"Huh? Isn't this the most useless flame array among the fire magic arrays?" Mulu couldn't help shouting out after seeing only half of it.

"Who said the most useless?" Vince gave Muru a white look. "I don't know how useful it is when you have a picnic. Just throw in a piece of fire-type magic spar, and you can burn it for half a day. You don't even need to pick up firewood. It's so convenient."

This time, it wasn't just Mulu and Laqi, most of the students in the class also threw a blank stare at Qi Shushu and Vince.

Use magic spar as firewood?Thankfully he figured it out!
"I said, Vince, do you still dare to prodigal? Any piece of magic spar can buy enough firewood for you to burn for a day." Even Lin Yuan couldn't stand it, and reprimanded Vince. "But you kid is right about one thing. This magic circle is not useless. I think Muru and you should know that the flame circle has a characteristic, that is, no matter how much magic power you inject, the condensed magic elements How many, the flames it produces are of a fixed size. The more magic power you inject, the more magic elements you condense, and the longer the flame burns. Now you pay attention."

After the students focused on the magic circle again, Lin Yuan pressed his right hand on the magic circle, injecting a little magic power into it.

A dancing flame immediately ignited in the center of the magic circle.

"Ten." The moment the flame appeared, Lin Yuan suddenly spoke.

The students froze for a moment, and when they looked at Lin Yuan, they saw that he was looking at the magic clock on the wall, and he had already shouted: "Nine."

"Eight, seven, six...three, two, one, stop."

With Lin Yuan's "stop", the flame in the center of the magic circle disappeared instantly.

The students understood that it was because the fire magic elements gathered by Lin Yuan using the magic circle had been completely consumed.

"Ten seconds." Lin Yuan raised his left hand and summoned a fireball again. "Just now, the magic element I condensed with the magic circle has the same content as the magic element in this fireball, which is Yilin. Then you also saw that Yilin's magic element can maintain the magic circle for ten seconds."

"That is to say, if I also want to keep this magic circle for ten seconds, then the condensed fire magic element is also Yilin?" Mulu asked immediately.

"That's right." Lin Yuan nodded, then pointed to Mulu: "You have a try."

"Okay." Mulu responded, and slapped the magic circle unceremoniously.


As soon as the flame came out, all the students started counting down in unison.

Unfortunately, when they had just counted to four, the flames had already disappeared.

"Haha, Mulu, you are an idiot, you only lasted for six seconds." Vince laughed unceremoniously. "It's a pity that you usually say how powerful your fire magic is, so it's nothing more than that."

Mulu's face flushed, and he slapped it down without saying a word.

This time, until the students counted to zero, the flame was still burning. However, it has been a long time since zero, but the flame still did not go out.

Obviously, this time, Mulu condensed too many magical elements.

Vince laughed out loud now.

Muru was ashamed and angry, and glared at Vince: "Why are you laughing, what are you going to try?"

Vince glanced at Mulu, and said triumphantly, "I'm not a fire magician, so I'm powerless. If Mr. Lin draws a water magic circle now, I would..."

Before Vince finished speaking, Lin Yuan had already taken out the magic pen and magic powder again, and drew a magic circle in two or three strokes.

"Fountain formation?" After Natasha recognized the magic formation, the students all looked at Vince.

Muru laughed wildly, and slapped Vince on the shoulder vigorously: "Come on, Vince, let me see your kid's ability. If you can't do well, hehe...hehe..."

Vince's expression at this moment is really wonderful. After looking around, he finally turned to Lin Yuan.

"Mr. Lin, you are hurting me!"

Lin Yuan laughed, and then drew two more magic formations, but they were the whirlwind formation and the soil gathering formation with the same effect as the flame formation.

"Come on, try them all. These magic circles are the same as the flame circles. Yilin's magic elements can support them to run for ten seconds."

Only then did the students let go of their contempt for Vince, dispersed, and experimented around the magic circle one by one.

About half an hour later, all the students had managed to maintain the magic circle for ten seconds. Several students suddenly noticed that the magic circles drawn by Lin Yuan seemed different from the magic circles they had learned before.

"Of course it's different. I spent half the night specially modifying it in order to cooperate with this test." Lin Yuan said.

"It turns out that Mr. Lin, you stayed up late because of this." Fei Li suddenly realized. "But Teacher Lin, what is the use of this test?"

"Of course it's useful. Mr. Lin is here to let us know how many magic elements Yilin has." Lilita interjected and replied. "You said yes, Mr. Lin?"

"Yes, Lilita is right." Lin Yuan summoned the fireball again. "I believe that you now know how much magic element is needed to maintain these magic circles for ten seconds, and the amount of this magic element is the Yilin I just set, and this so-called Yilin can actually be regarded as magic. The weight and measure of elements. It is the same concept as one meter, one pound, one second, etc. that we usually come into contact with."

The students nodded one after another. After the continuous trials just now, they have clearly understood how much Yilin's magic elements are.

"Very good, now that you all understand, let's discuss this topic again." Lin Yuan raised his right hand and summoned another fireball.He pointed to Muru, Reid and several other fire magic students and said, "Come on, you guys, gather a forest of fire magic elements to form a fireball and have a look, remember the size should be the same as mine."

Mulu and the others glanced at the fireball in Lin Yuan's hands, recalled the concept of Yilin's magic elements they had just realized, and raised their hands to summon the fireball.

This is the verdict.

With the same amount of magic elements and the same size, the fireballs in everyone's hands obviously showed different states.

The fireball in Lin Yuan's hand is the brightest, and every point has the same brightness, so there is no difference.

Followed by Red, the fireball in his hand is almost flawless, but the brightness is slightly lower.

Next, the fireballs in the hands of other students will more or less always have one or two places that are not perfect, the worst one or even the whole fireball is polarized, one end is extremely bright, and the other end is obviously much darker.

These problems may not attract much attention at ordinary times, after all, students rarely notice the low-level magic in other people's hands, and most of them can't see what it looks like.

But now comparing the dozens of fireballs in the classroom, the gap is naturally obvious.

Seeing this situation, Lin Yuan nodded secretly.

There will be such a difference, in fact, it is also related to his requirements.

For the first time, the amount of magic elements is limited, and the size of the fireball is also limited. Without practice, the students can use the fireball completely, which means that they have different control over the magic elements and understanding of fireball. generally.

As for the students in other classes in the college, Lin Yuan even doubted whether they knew how to do it.

"Mr. Lin, this..." Comparing the fireball in the hands of Lin Yuan and Reid, the other fire magic students couldn't help feeling ashamed.

Especially Muru's face was even more flushed. He always thought that he was the strongest fire magician in the class, but now besides Reid who was obviously stronger than him, there were even two students who had stronger fireballs than him. Well, how can he accept this.

Although he knew very well that it had something to do with everyone's ability to control the magic elements, and his ability to control the magic elements was indeed not the best in the class, but he was still a little unconvinced.

"Mr. Lin, why?" Mu Lu was also straightforward, so he asked directly.

"Why is my fireball the best?" Of course Lin Yuan understood what Mulu was asking, but in order to maintain the self-esteem of these students, he only mentioned himself.For his best performance, the students will not be shocked.

"Hmm." Not only Mulu, but even Red, who was the best student among the students, nodded heavily.

Of course, other students also looked curious.

"Do you still remember the models I brought yesterday?" Lin Yuan asked.

"Is that something made of bamboo and glass beads?"

"Yes. That model is actually the best answer to your question, Muru."

The students frowned, recalling the specific appearance of those models yesterday, and at the same time looked at the fireball in Lin Yuan's hand.

"I see! Teacher Lin, you said it yesterday, it's a problem of structure." Lilita suddenly shouted excitedly.

"That's right, it's the structure." Lin Yuan smiled. "The same amount of magical elements, the same size, but the displayed magic is different. Why? It is because the structure of each magic is different. The closer the magic structure is to perfection, the more perfect the magic itself is. What is reflected outside, It's like the difference between my fireball and the fireball in your hands."

Mulu's eyes lit up, and he asked loudly, "Mr. Lin, what structure is the most perfect? ​​Is it the same as that bamboo ball?"

Lin Yuan shrugged, shook his head, and replied, "I don't know."

The students froze for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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