Chapter 365
The students wanted to continue asking questions, but the bell for the end of get out of class rang at this moment.

Knowing that Lin Yuan never had the habit of procrastinating, even though the students were still full of doubts, they wisely stopped asking.

There is no need for Lin Yuan to arrange, the students have already automatically regarded this problem as today's homework, and while walking outside the classroom, they gathered together in small groups to discuss enthusiastically.

Lin Yuan glanced at the four magic circles and breathed a sigh of relief.

Today's class went very well, and everything went according to his expectations.

But this lesson is just the starting point of this series of lessons, and there will be many lessons that will be more difficult for students to understand than today's lesson.

Of course, a good start is half the battle.Besides, as a teacher, how can I be afraid of the difficulty of teaching.

Lin Yuan exhaled lightly, turned and walked out of the classroom.

As soon as he went out, he found a person standing outside the classroom.

"Hey, Director Mindos, why are you here?" Lin Yuan asked in astonishment.

"Ms. Lin, I have something to inform you." Director Mindos still had a serious expression.

"Oh? What's the matter?" Lin Yuan asked indifferently.

Because of the attitude shown by director Mindos in the two prince incidents, he doesn't like director Mindos now.

"Starting tomorrow, Renault College and Pamir College will each send a class to our college for exchange and study."

"One class?" Lin Yuan was even more stunned.

In the past, although the four major magic academies were closely connected and there were often exchanges and learning, at most they only sent one teacher at a time—such as Katyusha, or exchanged a few students with each other, but never sent one class at a time like now .

"This is a big deal." Lin Yuan couldn't help sighing. "Is it because of the College Federation?"

"That's right." Director Mindos said. "This is the first exchange activity between colleges after the establishment of the college federation, so the federation attaches great importance to it. Sending one class at a time is something that has never happened before."

"Well, it is indeed very grand, and it should be taken seriously." Lin Yuan nodded, and then he was a little puzzled: "But what does this have to do with me?"

"Of course it has something to do with you." Director Mindos had an imperceptible smile on his always serious face. "Mr. Lin, you may not know that you are very famous in the various colleges now, so the college association decided that the students who came to Feynor College for exchange and study this time will be handed over to you to teach them the basics of magic theory. .”

"What?" Lin Yuan's eyes widened, and he could hardly believe his ears. "No mistake, right? Let me teach the basics of magic theory to students from other colleges? Are Pamir College and Reynolds College so relieved?"

"This was jointly proposed by Vice President Karan and Vice President Divac."

Before Lin Yuan's eyes flashed the smiling and amiable face of Vice President Karan, and the face of Vice President Divac even more serious than that of Director Mindos in front of him. He didn't know what to say for a while.

After the Continental Academy of Magic Contest, the two vice-presidents respected him very much. Coupled with the performance of the students in the third grade of the first grade in the learning trial competition, it is not surprising that they would have this proposal.

"The students in these two classes and their accompanying teachers will arrive in three days. Mr. Lin, you'd better prepare first." Director Mindos reminded again.

"Where's Vice President Capaci? Why didn't he inform me?" Lin Yuan really didn't want to take over the students from the two classes that came so suddenly.

He still has a lot of courses for his students. Now that there are so many more students, won't it greatly slow down his teaching progress?

"Vice President Capaci is receiving diplomats from the Renault Empire." Director Mindos glanced at Lin Yuan, the meaning being self-evident. "In addition, before I came, Vice President Capaci asked me to tell you that we, Feynor College, must strongly support the decision of the College Federation this time, so you can't refuse, Mr. Lin."

"A diplomat from the Renault Empire?" Thinking of the four princes and princesses from the Renault Empire yesterday, Lin Yuan pouted.

He also understands the meaning of Vice President Capaci's words. After all, this is the first action of the colleges after they left the Magician Union, and the magicians on the mainland are watching.If Feynor Academy, which is the number one magic academy in the mainland, does not support it, then the Academy Federation will undoubtedly become a laughing stock and have no prestige at all.

But if Feynor College does a good job this time, or in other words, if Lin Yuan does a good job this time, it will undoubtedly reflect the close connection between the three colleges.

With these three major magic academies taking the lead, other major magic academies who are waiting and watching will naturally lean towards the academy federation.

Of course, Feynor College can gain a lot of benefits through this matter.

Thinking of the old man Hawke's explanation before leaving, Lin Yuan secretly sighed and nodded: "Okay, I agree."

Director Mingdosi took out a thick document and handed it to Lin Yuan with an expression that he had expected a long time ago.

"Here are some materials of the two classes and accompanying teachers who came this time. Take it back and have a look. There are also some arrangements after they came to Feynor College. If you have any comments on this part, you can propose and make changes ,in addition……"

The two stood at the door of the classroom of Class [-], Grade [-] and discussed for more than half an hour before they finally settled on the arrangements for the students for the first month after their arrival. As for things beyond one month, we can only Talk about it in a month.

When Lin Yuan rushed to the college cafeteria hungry, the cafeteria was already empty, only leftovers.

Lin Yuan was not in the mood to eat, so he casually ordered a cup of pandan, sat down and began to read the materials of the students and teachers given by Director Mindos.

I've been discussing the itinerary just now, but I haven't had time to read it.But if you want to be a good teacher, you can't do without knowing these students.


As soon as he opened the first page of the information, Lin Yuan spewed out a mouthful of pandan at the first glance.

Pamir Academy Exchange Course
Responsible teacher: Katyusha
"Damn, Divac must have done it on purpose!" Lin Yuan wiped the corner of his mouth fiercely, cursing inwardly.

There are so many teachers in the Pamir Academy, who is not good to send, but Katyusha, the vice president of Divac must have taken a fancy to the relationship between Katyusha and Lin Yuan.

But... Thinking of being able to see Katyusha again, Lin Yuan would like to thank Vice President Divac to some extent.If it weren't for this opportunity, the two really don't know when they will meet again.

Of course, now Lin Yuan already has his own heart, and Katyusha probably won't be like before, right?

Lin Yuan is not so sure.

After being dazzled for a while, Lin Yuan took a rough look at the situation of the students sent by Pamir College this time.

After scanning the information of Pamir College and starting to read the information of Renault College, Lin Yuan was still secretly rejoicing: "Fortunately, okay, Renault College doesn't have any teachers I know."

But after turning over the first page of the Renault Academy's information, Lin Yuan couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of pandan.

"Damn, Vice President Karan, you are meaner than Vice President Divac!"

Renault Academy Exchange Course

Responsible Teacher: Betty

Seeing this, Lin Yuan remembered that the last time he saw Betty, she was already a fourth-grade student, but now that the summer vacation is over, she has obviously graduated from Reynolds College.It's just that she doesn't know why she stayed in school to teach, which led to her being sent by Vice President Karan now.

"Okay, very good, very good!" Lin Yuan glanced at Betty's name and snorted coldly. "Do you want to play tricks so much? Well, I'll let you all waste your time!"

Angrily, he drank the remaining pandan in one gulp, Lin Yuan grabbed the materials, threw them into the trash can in the cafeteria, turned around and strode away.

It doesn't matter what kind of student or teacher he comes here, he can teach as he wants!
After returning to the dormitory, Lin Yuan still felt worried. According to the course he had planned, he could start explaining the relationship between magic structure and magic to the students tomorrow, so as to really change the students' understanding of magic. Lay a foundation for the overall teaching in the future.

But now there are two more students in the class suddenly, and these students have never taken his class before. Their understanding of magic must be very different from the students in their own class. It is impossible to unify the teaching.And to teach separately, wouldn't it require him to spend double the time and energy.

And he still has a lot of things to do now, and what he lacks most at present is precisely time and energy.

After worrying for a while, Lin Yuan decided to give up this meaningless entanglement, and first summarized the problems in class today as a record.

This is what Lin Yuan has been insisting on doing.

Regardless of the situation of the professor in the class, and whether it differs from his teaching plan before class, Lin Yuan feels that the actual performance in the class is of great help to both himself and the students.

If these things are recorded, first of all, he can go back and analyze his own teaching problems, and can also sort out a clear context from it, which can point out the direction for the next teaching.

And when these things are accumulated enough, with a little sorting, it can become a very practical and precious teaching material.

"If I hadn't come to the mainland of Farinos, my records in the original world would have reached my chest."

After recording the record, Lin Yuan looked it over from the beginning, and suddenly found a problem.

Although this class allowed students to understand the concept of "Yilin Magic Elements", it was difficult to popularize this class.

For example, if you use the same method to teach another group of students, I am afraid they will first ask a question-how to input magic power into the magic circle at will to control different magic elements, so as to experience the concept of "Yilin" Woolen cloth?

The reason why the students in class three of the second grade were able to understand it immediately was because of Lin Yuan's continuous teaching for more than a year, which made their understanding of magic very different from other students.

If you want other students to understand, you can't spend a year...

Lin Yuan thought for a while, and found that the idea of ​​being in the cafeteria just now was a bit unrealistic.

When he was in the cafeteria, he once considered educating the students from Pamir College and Reynolds College in the same way as the students in Class [-] of the second grade, but he forgot that the students in these two classes had never attended his class before. However, the understanding of magic is still largely influenced by traditional magic education.

If Lin Yuan's current education method is adopted directly, these students will be confused and inexplicable.

But if Lin Yuan is allowed to go to class a year ago again, how can he have so much time.

After thinking about it, Lin Yuan got up and left the dormitory.

He decided to go to Sara to discuss it. In terms of magic education, apart from Sara, Lin Yuan really didn't think anyone else on this continent could give him advice.

When I walked out of the dormitory, I found that it was already the beginning of the lights. Under the illumination of the magic lamps in the college, many students shuttled back and forth, making the college a bit more lively at night than during the day.

From a distance, I saw Fasno and Zhuo Na walking out of the gate of the college library and walking towards the back mountain of the college.While walking, Fasino kept bowing his head and saying something to Zorna with a smile on his face, but Zorna only occasionally nodded slightly after Fasno said a few words, or simply answered a few words.

Lin Yuan chuckled. Although Fasno has a prominent family background, he is handsome, talented, and has a good demeanor. He is welcomed by almost all the girls in the college, but he is very fond of Zhuo Na, a little girl who looks cold on the outside. I have a good impression, and I like to be with her when I have nothing to do.

But Lin Yuan and the students also understand that Zhuo Na is a typical cold outside and hot inside. On the surface, she seems to have nothing to say to Fasino, but just because she never refuses Fassino's invitation, it shows that she has already been to Fassino. There is a certain favor.

As for the love between the students, Lin Yuan has always held a neutral attitude. It belongs to the students themselves. As long as some rules are not violated, even as a teacher, he will not interfere.

Thinking of Sha Luo who was about to meet, Lin Yuan even secretly blessed the two of them in his heart.

Seeing the figures of the two people disappearing into the darkness at the far end, Lin Yuan smiled slightly, looked left and right, tipped his toes, floated into the air, then turned around slightly, and flew towards Wendnuo City at high speed.

With Lin Yuan's current flying speed, he can fly to Sha Luo's house in less than 3 minutes.

But just after flying out of the academy, when flying over the familiar river outside the academy, a pale golden light suddenly shot up from the forest below, shooting towards Lin Yuan in the sky.

Lin Yuan was startled, and he didn't have time to think about it. The magic power in his body flowed almost like a conditioned reflex, and a wind of possession was applied to him in an instant, and his flight path immediately deviated slightly, drawing a slight arc, just right Passed by the light.

Junior Martial Saint!

Although those days with Mia were always a headache, Lin Yuan knew a little about martial arts because of this. He knew that fighters could only achieve long-distance combat attacks when they reached the stage of martial arts, and light gold is the primary level. Wu Sheng's grudge color.

"Who is it..." Lin Yuan just wanted to ask, but he just said two words, and saw the figure shrouded in pale golden light below soaring into the sky, flying straight towards Lin Yuan.

It seems that this junior martial sage knew that it was difficult to threaten Lin Yuan with long-range battle qi alone, so he hurriedly went into battle by himself.

Although Lin Yuan is in the air, once a fighter becomes a martial saint, he can not only release his fighting spirit, but also fly in the air for a short period of time with his own fighter.Although it is impossible to fly as long as wind magicians, it is still enough for them to defend against enemies in the air.

Seeing this junior Martial Saint flying over, Lin Yuan didn't even think about it. He threw a series of nearly a hundred fireballs with his hands, smashing his head and face at the opponent, and then raised his hands, countless lightning bolts pierced the night sky and landed on the opponent accurately. .

However, whether it is the lowest-level fireball or the more advanced lightning, although it covered the person's body in all directions and hit him dozens of times, it seemed to have no effect on him, even Even his flying speed didn't slow down by half.

Lin Yuan wasn't surprised either, if the opponent could be dealt with by such ordinary fireballs and lightning, then why would he become a martial saint?

"Look at my flower rain!"

Raising his right hand, the magic power of the two systems of Feng Shui circulated in his body, and countless high-speed spinning ice particles whistling and flying towards that person.

This magic looks inconspicuous, but the technical content in it is really not low.

Because it is quite difficult to condense such a small amount of water magic elements and compress them into ice magic, so it is not easy to make such small ice particles.

At the same time, this ice particle is also fused with the elementary magic of the wind system, making it fly extremely fast, and at the same time, it can rotate at high speed while flying.If you are hit by such an ice particle, the consequences of eating a bullet in the original world are probably similar.

What is even more difficult is that Lin Yuan actually added a trace of lightning to each ice particle!
At the same time, there are elementary and advanced wind magic in the same magic, and no one will believe it.

Of course, due to the characteristics of electric magic, this trace of lightning itself has no power, and it is difficult to pose any threat to the opponent, but the purpose of Lin Yuan loading this trace of lightning on the ice particles is not to directly hit the opponent, but to... …

Seeing so many ice particles flying towards him, the early martial artist finally didn't dare to fight hard, but raised his right fist and punched out.

A streak of pale golden battle energy was instantly withdrawn, but all the ice particles blocking the man's front were completely wiped out by his punch, which was like forcibly opening a path among the flying ice particles.

But when Lin Yuan saw this situation, a smug smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

"Little ones, give it to me!"

As if hearing Lin Yuan's order, the other ice particles that were scattered and flying all changed directions in an instant, and rushed towards the person together.

That person didn't expect this accident at all, so he couldn't react otherwise, he could only arouse his whole body's fighting spirit, and endured it abruptly.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

As soon as it came into contact with that person's grudge, the ice particles immediately exploded.

The man never thought that these seemingly inconspicuous ice particles would be so powerful when they hit him.With his junior Martial Saint's strength, he almost couldn't stand it.

However, although he protected his whole body with fighting energy, and was bombarded by ice particles without injury, he also lost a lot of fighting energy.

On the other hand, Lin Yuan in the distance still looks calm and relaxed. It seems that this magic didn't consume much of his magic power at all.

Lin Yuan was actually snickering all the time. The reason why he added that gleam of lightning on the ice particles was not to hit the opponent directly, but to generate a strange magnetic field between all the ice particles through this gleam of lightning.

The result of this is that once any one of these ice particles is subjected to external force, all other ice particles will all concentrate in this direction due to the influence of the magnetic field, which is even more accurate and easy to use than homing missiles.

This magnetic field was discovered by Lin Yuan when he was researching the mixture of electric magic and other magic. At that time, he tried many combinations, and finally found that the combination of ice particles and electric magic was the most perfect and the easiest to control.

And this magic is the result of countless experiments, but today is the first time he has really used it against the enemy.

As for the actual combat effect...of course it is very good.

Of course, Lin Yuan didn't snicker for long. The Martial Saint knew that he had exhausted too much fighting energy and couldn't support him to continue flying in the air for too long, so he naturally wanted to make a quick decision.

Almost at the same time when the ice particles were blown up, the battle qi on his body was first absorbed, and then exploded suddenly. In an instant, the battle qi in his whole body was soaring, and the light even became much deeper, changing from pale gold to almost pure gold.

Accompanied by the surge of fighting spirit, the martial saint flew towards Lin Yuan at a speed several times higher than before, and flew through the sky nearly [-] meters between the two of them in an instant, and punched out.

When the man's fighting spirit was retracted, Lin Yuan had already seen that this martial saint must be making a final fight, trying to finish himself with one blow.

If a junior martial saint tries his best, he can even reach the level of a senior martial saint in that instant.This is what Mia told Lin Yuan herself.

Of course, after this blow is over, the martial saint will become powerless to fight back due to the exhaustion of his battle energy. If he can't deal with the enemy, he will become a fish on the chopping board to be slaughtered.

Facts have proved that Mia is right, the speed of this junior martial sage is so fast now, even the color of his grudge is about to turn into the pure gold of a high-level martial sage, which is enough to prove that he has almost reached the level of a high-level martial sage in this instant. holy degree.With Lin Yuan's current strength, if he faced the enemy head-on, he would probably be killed with a single punch.

But why did Lin Yuan face the enemy head-on?

The man had just struck out his right fist, and when he was about to hit Lin Yuan, he suddenly felt something hindering the direction of his right hand, and he was slightly slowed down.Then he saw Lin Yuan blinked at him with a narrow expression on his face, then turned around and flew out like a cannonball, he was already [-] meters away in the blink of an eye.

The man was stunned for a moment, then he reacted and quickly chased after him.

(End of this chapter)

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