Professor of Magic

Chapter 39 Lesson 38 The Princess Arrives

Chapter 39 Lesson 38 The Princess Arrives
After the astonishing battle between Fasino and Zhuo Na, the next game of the first grade group suddenly became boring.

Another semi-final winner was a student from Class 7.

After seeing Fasno's performance in the semi-finals, his only little illusion was also shattered.In the final, he surrendered with almost no resistance, allowing Fasino to easily win the championship.

So far, all the competitions of the first-year group of the college competition have been completed, and the third class of the first-year class has become the biggest winner, or Lin Yuan has become the biggest winner.

No matter which round is counted from, the students in Class [-] of the first grade accounted for the largest proportion, and if it wasn't for bad luck, Fasino and Zhuo Na would definitely take the top two.Although it can be said that these two people achieved this result because of their extraordinary talents, if it is enlarged to the performance of the entire class, it cannot but be attributed to Lin Yuan.

This can be seen from the fact that more people congratulated Lin Yuan than Fasno after the game.

Lin Yuan was naturally too lazy to talk nonsense with these guys. Although he had tried his best to be as lazy as possible, he was too tired to prepare for the students these days.Now that it's finally over, how can we not relax.

It's a pity that when Lin Yuan was about to leave this group of people and students to celebrate, he received a notice.

"His Majesty wants to see you."

The king of the Kus Empire actually came?After Lin Yuan was taken aback, he had no choice but to meet the king under the guidance of the visitor.

The king of the Kus Empire is only 43 years old this year. He is still in the prime of life, and his body is also very strong, and he looks very energetic.His golden beard swayed with his laughter, adding a bit of might to him.

Lin Yuan stared at the king impolitely, then bowed and gave a magician salute.At this time, he really felt the benefits brought by the lofty status of the magician.If it is an ordinary person, seeing the king at least has to kneel on one knee, but the magician can save these things.

"Mr. Lin, don't be too polite." The king's voice was as thick as his appearance. "Huh? Mr. Lin, you are not from the Kuz Empire, are you?" After seeing Lin Yuan's appearance clearly, the king asked a question.

Lin Yuan was taken aback, he had been in this world for so long, except for Hawke who raised questions about his appearance when they first met, no one had ever asked him directly.

"Yes, Your Majesty, I came all the way from the Eastern Continent." This answer was an excuse he had always prepared, but he never used it.

"The Eastern Continent? Then tell me, what is it like on that continent? And how did you come here?" The king immediately showed an interested smile on his face.

"This... I don't know how I came here. I appeared in the hut where Dean Firnas lived for no reason..." Lin Yuan roughly talked about his appearance on this continent. For old man Hawke.With the old man Hawke's status, even the king would not be able to ask about these trivial matters.

The king asked some questions about the so-called Eastern Continent. Lin Yuan brought up the history of China in the original world and ambiguously explained them one by one, which made the king nod his head.

The two chatted enthusiastically here, but the people next to them were not happy.

"Father, tell Mr. Lin quickly." A little girl suddenly appeared and said coquettishly to the king.

Lin Yuan was taken aback for a moment, it turned out that there was a princess standing next to him, but he didn't notice it.

The king patted the little girl to signal her to be quiet, and then continued to ask Lin Yuan: "Lin, what do you think of my daughter?"

Lin Yuan looked at the little girl inexplicably.Looking at her appearance, she is about 16 or 7 years old. Her face looks a little immature, but her body is well developed. The place that should be convex is convex, and the place that should be concave is concave...

etc!This is where I want to go!

Lin Yuan quickly stopped his next thoughts: "Your Majesty, this is..."

The king smiled and pointed at the princess: "Phili has been fond of magic since she was a child. She had been studying part of it under the professor of the Royal Magician, but recently she heard that Dean Firnas came back, and she always clamored to follow her." He studies magic. I really couldn't grind her down, so I had to take the opportunity of the Feynor Academy Competition to bring her here, hoping that Dean Firnas would give her a chance and accept her. But Dean Firnas these days Tian has been concentrating on studying magic, and we don't want to disturb him. I just heard that Mr. Lin, your class performed very well in the competition of the first grade group. And Fei Li happened to watch a few games of your students. I also feel very good, so I changed my attention..."

"Your Majesty, you mean to let Her Royal Highness learn magic with me?" Lin Yuan immediately understood the king's thoughts.

"Yes, what do you think?"

Seeing the princess's face full of curiosity, Lin Yuan felt a headache.

As a teacher, the most troublesome students are not those who are naughty, but *.This kind of student is neither beating nor scolding, but also very arrogant and always likes to cause some troubles.

Other things are fine, relying on Lin Yuan's status as a magician and the support of old man Hawke, they can still be suppressed.But the princess in front of her is the biggest boss in the Kus Empire, even the old man Hawke would sell the king a bit of face, not to mention Lin Yuan is a mere college teacher.

"Ms. Lin, Fei Li sends her greetings to you." Seeing that Lin Yuan didn't answer for a long time, the princess obediently ran to Lin Yuan and bowed to her as a lady.

Lin Yuan could only sigh in his heart, since the king had opened his mouth, he couldn't push this trouble away even if he wanted to.I can only hope that the princess's performance in the future can be consistent with the present, and it will be fine if she doesn't cause too much trouble for herself.

"Your Majesty, it is of course possible to let Her Royal Highness be my student, but please promise me a few conditions first."

"Oh?" The king was taken aback. How many magicians would want to be the teacher of the princess, but this Lin Yuan dared to ask for conditions. "tell me the story."

Lin Yuan glanced at the princess with a strange face, and said earnestly: "First, I hope that during the time Her Royal Highness is studying with me, her name will be removed from the list of royal members."

When Lin Yuan said this, everyone around who heard it was shocked.

Removing your name from the list of royal members means that you are no longer considered a member of the royal family. Not only can you not enjoy all the treatment that members of the royal family have, but you can no longer use this status to gain convenience.This thing is generally used as a punishment to treat members of the royal family who have committed blunders.But at this moment, the object of Lin Yuan's proposal is a princess who is most favored by the king!

As soon as Lin Yuan said this, several people next to him who looked like ministers began to criticize him.Lin Yuan ignored them and just stared at the king to see how he reacted.

The king stared at Lin Yuan intently for a while, then waved his hand suddenly to stop the ministers, and said slowly: "Mr. Lin, in the first-grade competition, from the top 100 to the top 4, the number of your students is respectively 28, 21, 13, 4, 2. The final champion is also your student. If I remember correctly, if the two students in your class hadn’t met earlier, they would have met in the final for sure.” King After a pause, he suddenly laughed. "Okay, I promise you this condition."

When the king agreed, everyone around was stunned.The princess threw herself into his arms, and cried out in a crying voice, "Father, do you want me?"

The king patted his head lovingly, and said softly: "Philip, you should know that I love you the most, so I will help you do what you want to do. Since you like magic and want to be a Powerful magician, I will help you fulfill this wish."

"But...but why did you remove me from the royal list for learning magic? I won't study with him anymore, let's go to Dean Firnus."

"Shut up!" The king suddenly became stern. He straightened the princess from his arms, looked at her squarely and said, "Fei Li, you have to understand that in order to succeed in anything, you need to pay. I believe that Teacher Lin absolutely has the ability to train you." If you want to learn from him, you have to listen to him." After that, he no longer cared about the princess, and turned to Lin Yuan and asked: "Mr. Lin, please tell me the second condition. Bar."

Lin Yuan watched in admiration.No wonder the Kus Empire is now known as the most powerful country on the mainland. As the head of a country, the king can have such a demeanor, how can the country not be strong.

"The second condition is very simple." Lin Yuan glanced behind the king. "I hope His Majesty will not send someone to secretly protect Her Highness the Princess."

This time even the king, who had never changed his face, was moved by it.

"What if Fei Li is in danger?"

Lin Yuan straightened his expression, looked straight into the king's eyes, and replied proudly: "If you want to hurt my students, you must first step over my corpse!"

The surroundings suddenly became silent.Even Princess Feili was so shocked by Lin Yuan's words that she forgot to cry, and looked at Lin Yuan with wide eyes, which were full of strange brilliance.

The king looked at Lin Yuan for a long time, then nodded slowly, and said appreciatively: "Well said! Now I will give Feili to you with complete confidence. As you said, I will not send someone to protect her secretly, she Everything in the future will be handed over to you."

Lin Yuan suddenly smiled again: "Your Majesty, please rest assured that Her Royal Highness will not leave you for too long. If there is no accident, she will graduate with the students of Class [-], Grade [-]. At that time, she will naturally come back to the royal list."

The two conditions proposed by Lin Yuan are nothing more than one point, that is, to make the princess an ordinary person.If she has been clinging to her status as a princess and refuses to let go, let alone teaching her to become a powerful magician, Lin Yuan is not sure that she can handle it well even if she gets along with her in daily life.

And the king also understood this truth, so he agreed to Lin Yuan's request.

(End of this chapter)

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