Professor of Magic

Chapter 40 Lesson 39 Entering Grade 1, Class 3

Chapter 40, Lesson 39, Class [-], Grade [-]
Knowing that her fate cannot be changed, Feili could only follow Lin Yuan with some grievances.

Being pulled from the princess's god by Lin Yuan, Fei Li really felt a little resentful towards him.But thinking of what Lin Yuan said when the king asked her what to do when she was in danger, Feili felt that this teacher seemed different from other magicians.

Even a powerful magician who has reached the rank of magister will not be as calm as Lin Yuan when meeting the king of an empire.It seems that in the eyes of Mr. Lin, the king is not much different from ordinary people.

As for his own princess, not only did he not have any intention of looking up to her, but he even dared to put forward such unimaginable conditions to his father.What's even more outrageous is that the father actually agreed.

And then there's that sentence.

"If you want to hurt my students, you must first step over my dead body!"

These words were spoken so resoundingly that no one could doubt the slightest bit of hypocrisy in the words. It can be seen that he not only said so, but also thought so in his heart.

This had a great impact on Feili.Although she has lived in the care of countless people since she was a child, except for the king, I am afraid that no one is sincere.Even her mother, because she is not a prince, has given her a lot of cold shoulder.In addition, because the king is busy with state affairs, he doesn't have much time to see her, so in fact, she rarely feels cared about.

Now, Lin Yuan, who has only met for a short time, only used one sentence to make her feel truly cared about.

Thinking of this, Feili couldn't help but sneak a glance at Lin Yuan who was walking beside her.What is it about this person who doesn't look much older than himself that he has such a great charm?

During the college competition, Fei Lijian had a deep impression on Class [-], Grade [-].Originally, in the college competition, the students participated individually, and everyone played their own games without interfering with each other.The students are alone whether they start the game or after the game.This is also the habit of most magicians. After all, the study and research of magic requires a lot of time and energy, and magicians generally refuse to waste any time.

However, there is a group of students in the first-year group that is very different. In every game starting from 100, Feili can always see the same group of people gathered under the stands to cheer for one of them on the stage.As the game progressed, there were more and more of these people.Feili made some inquiries and found out that they were all students in Class [-], Grade [-].

Looking at this group of students who always seemed noisy together, Fei Li felt curious about their teacher for the first time.They are all the same students, why is it different in this class?

Moreover, the performance of the students in their class is also the best. Not to mention that among the top-ranked students, the third class of the first grade occupies a large part. In the battle between Fasno and Zhuo Na, there are even only the fourth graders. It takes a few games to compare.Judging from these, the teachers in this class are undoubtedly very strong and know how to teach students.

It was at this time that Feili had the idea of ​​letting this teacher teach her.As for Dean Firnas, everyone knew that he had never taken students in. Even if Feili was a princess, she would not be special in front of a great magister, so Feili didn't have any expectations from the beginning.On the contrary, it is different for the teacher of Class [-], Grade [-]. He is just an ordinary teacher of Feynor College, so he should not refuse.

But Lin Yuan surprised her again.Although he didn't explicitly refuse, the conditions he proposed almost made Feili want to kick this young man with strange skin color and hair away.

Until Lin Yuan said that sentence.

From this sentence, Feili finally knew that this teacher was indeed different from others.If you study with him, you may encounter many things that you never thought of before.

So Lin Yuan continued to talk with the king later, and she never expressed any objection.


Lin Yuan didn't pay attention to what Fei Li was thinking beside him at all, his mind was full of pretense, and there was only one word - book.

After negotiating with the king about Fei Li's conditions, Lin Yuan made another personal request of his own, which was to borrow the Royal Library.

Compared with various folk printing books, although the Royal Library has disadvantages such as royal background, low efficiency, high cost, etc., it has a very important advantage.That is, the level of technology is second to none on the entire Farinos continent.As long as it is a book produced by the Royal Library, it is famous for its exquisite packaging and excellent quality.

The publishing strategy discussed by Lin Yuan and Vince is to first produce some well-packaged books, so as to capture the high-end market and gain fame through this.Originally, what Vince suggested was the largest bookseller in Windnor City - the Farland family, but now that there is a royal library, there is no need to think about it anymore.

Fortunately, the king was very surprised by Lin Yuan's request, but he readily agreed.Not only did he allow him to use the Royal Library to print books, but he also turned around and explained to the person in charge of managing the Royal Library. In this way, the Royal Library would not dare to shirk Lin Yuan's request, and the efficiency would naturally increase a lot.

Lin Yuan, who came from the original world, of course knows the importance of packaging.A famous businessman once said, "99% of the products we sell are packaging, and 1% are real items."

With the support of the Royal Library, Lin Yuan can be sure that this book will be easier to sell.

Of course, the premise of these things is that Hawke and Sargeras quickly sorted out all the theories.

"Mr. Lin, Fasno is taking his classmates to Wendnuo City first, let me wait for you here."

When he brought Feili back to the place where he had parted ways with the students just now, he only saw Fiere alone.

"This kid actually slipped away without waiting for me, so I'll deal with him later." Lin Yuan scolded with a smile, and pointed at Feili: "Ferre, come, I met a new classmate. This is Feili, starting from today Join our class, and you will be classmates in the future. Fei Li, this is Ferre. Uh... I am too lazy to introduce your full names, if you want to know, you can ask yourself later."

Ferre looked at Feili in astonishment, and found that she had already bowed to him as a lady, and hurriedly returned the salute to a noble gentleman.

"Huh? Fiere, I don't see that you are quite proficient in performing gentleman's etiquette. You must have exchanged feelings with noble ladies before." Fiere is a rare honest person. Every time he talks to him, Lin Yuan can't help but crack a joke.

Sure enough, Fiere blushed and waved his hands again and again: "No way, teacher, don't talk nonsense."

Fei Li looked at the two curiously, thinking that this class is really different.The other students always respected their teachers when they saw them, and even trembled a little. How could they be as bold as Fiere to accuse the teacher of talking nonsense.

The teacher Lin Yuan is also completely different from her previous impression of magicians. In her impression, magicians are always serious and unapproachable.This Lin Yuan always had a slight smile, as if he had nothing to worry about.And he was not serious in front of his students, and he would still make that kind of joke.In the past, Feili couldn't imagine it at all.

Lin Yuan laughed, and patted him on the shoulder: "Let's go, I'm hungry, if we don't hurry, I'm afraid the food will be eaten up by those guys."

Fiere nodded vigorously, made a gesture of invitation to Feili, and then led the two of them towards Wendno City.


The third class of the first grade has achieved such a good result in the college competition, and it should come to Windno City to celebrate.But what Feili didn't expect was that the place where they celebrated was not a big restaurant, but a stall on the corner of Verne Street.

More than 30 students from Class [-], Grade [-] occupied all the seats in the stall, and ate their food noisily.Seeing Lin Yuan and Fiere coming, they greeted together, but seeing a strange little girl driving behind Lin Yuan, they were all taken aback.

Lin Yuan patted Fiere and motioned him to sit down first, and then introduced Fei Li to everyone.

"Students, this is Fei Li, a new student who transferred today. She will be a classmate with you from now on. I hope you will show your friendship and help the new students more."

The students were stunned again, why did Mr. Lin come back with a new classmate out of thin air when he went to meet abroad?
It was Fasno who reacted faster, and returned a gentleman's salute that was much more standard than Ferret's to Feili, and then stretched out his hand as a gesture of invitation.

"I'm Fasno, and I welcome you on behalf of my classmates. Miss Feili, please sit down first. Since everyone will be classmates in the future, you don't have to be too restrained."

Lin Yuan also nodded: "Go, don't look at the popularity of these guys, they are actually very easy to get along with. I believe you will get to know them in a short time."

Feili hesitated for a moment, and chose to sit on the empty seat next to Natasha.

As soon as she sat down, she finally couldn't help the question in her heart: "You...why are you celebrating here? Don't do it here..."

"Because this is my treat." Hearing that Fei Li was about to dislike the uncleanliness of the place, Lin Yuan quickly cut her off. "And I'm very poor now, and I can't afford to invite them to eat in restaurants."

The students burst into laughter, and one of them shouted, "Teacher, when will you not be poor?"

Lin Yuan waved his hand and replied nonchalantly: "Just wait, teacher, I will be rich soon."


(End of this chapter)

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