Professor of Magic

Chapter 91 Lesson 90 Mission Complete

Chapter 91 Lesson 90 Mission Complete
Lin Yuan is a crow mouth?
There may not be an affirmative answer to this question, but if the students in Class [-], Grade [-] knew what Lin Yuan said to Mia just now, then they would definitely say loudly—that’s right!
After meeting that golden-toothed mouse, the student teams of the two classes have been unimpeded for a while.They thought they could just come to the white-backed orangutan in such a smooth manner, and then kill one and take the body and leave.But less than 100 meters away from where the white-backed orangutans were, they unexpectedly encountered a magical beast that they didn't expect at all.

"Four-winged dragon!"

Those who can be related to the word "dragon" are naturally not ordinary people.

Although this four-winged wyvern is far from a real dragon, it is more or less a level 6 monster, and its strength is far from comparable to the students who are still in the first year of the academy.

"Damn it, Larch, you must have not washed your face in the morning!" Vince suddenly shouted after the students and Wyvern stared at each other for a long time. "Otherwise, how could you be ugly enough to meet this kind of guy?"

Larch, who was suddenly named by Vince, was taken aback, and retorted: "Stop talking nonsense, it's clear that you boy didn't help the old lady cross the road yesterday, and your character is too bad to implicate us."

"It must be you..."


No matter how viciously Vince and Lucky are talking to each other, it's really unlucky for the students to encounter wyverns here.

First of all, the four-winged wyvern's lair is on a particularly huge branch. Since the crown of this tree is too large, and the leaves on this tree are surprisingly still intact, no matter how many wind magic creatures Or Lin Yuan, neither found out in advance.

Secondly, the four-winged wyvern is a level 6 monster. According to all the information on the forest of green water, monsters of this level should be at least ten miles away from the green water before they can appear.

In the end, this guy didn't show up sooner or later, but he just appeared so close to the white-backed orangutan.

Leaving aside whether the students could win the fight, if the white-backed orangutan were alarmed in the fight, the students' plan might be completely defeated.

The IQ of the white-backed orangutan is considered high in Warcraft. If they know that someone is fighting outside their house, they will definitely either come out to stir up trouble or run away immediately.

Judging from the strength of the students, the possibility of coming out and joining hands with the four-winged dragon to kill them is obviously higher.

"Let me go down and kill it." Mia waited for a while, and finally got a little impatient, ready to rush down.

Lin Yuan pulled her back, but after thinking about it, he let her go.

The unexpected appearance of a level 6 monster has gone beyond Lin Yuan's original intention of training students.

Originally, if it was only a level 4 or level 5 monster, it could just be used as a practice for students.But now that a level 6 monster has appeared, it is really beyond their ability.

No matter how many students there are, level 6 monsters and level 5 monsters are completely different things. Even if the students are likely to win, they will inevitably suffer some damage. This is not something Lin Yuan and Mia can accept.

So Mia was going to help, and Lin Yuan didn't care. He thought about it and fell next to the students.

"Students, I'll leave this monster to Teacher Mia. Come with me, and we'll get this mission done."

Naturally, the students were not worried about the danger that Mia, a martial sage, would face in the face of a level 6 monster, and they also knew that this was beyond their ability to handle, so they nodded and followed Lin Yuan around the place where the four-winged dragon was.

Seeing that the students wanted to leave, the four-winged flying dragon flapped its wings and prepared to come up to intercept them, but was forced back by Mia's sword light.

"Mia, after you get rid of this unfriendly Mr. Long, come find us at the predetermined location." Lin Yuan said loudly.

"Okay, but Lin, how do you know it's Mr. Long? I think it looks like Ms. Long."

The students roared with laughter, and the two teachers joked so lightly that the tension they felt after encountering the wyvern disappeared in an instant.

Lin Yuan also smiled. He didn't expect Mia to respond to his joke. It seems that although this four-winged dragon is a level 6 monster, it can't give her the slightest pressure.

He led the students forward for about a hundred meters and arrived at the residence of the white-backed orangutans marked on the rough map.

To everyone's surprise, in front of them, a dozen white-backed orangutans lined up on a tree, either squatting or standing, staring at Lin Yuan and the students without any sign of panic.

Lin Yuan slapped his head, and then he remembered that all of these orangutans are level 4 monsters, and any one of them will be enough to keep the students busy.Now that Mia is not here, they will naturally not be afraid.

Although Lin Yuan's real strength can definitely handle a level 6 monster alone, these dozen orangutans are naturally not in his eyes.But the magic power in his body is weird, the magic power of a certain department alone is no different from that of a level 4 magician, so even the white-backed orangutan, who is famous for being able to sense the opponent's magic power and grudge to judge his strength, miscalculated Lin Yuan's strength.

"Hehe, it's good to underestimate the enemy. What I want is that you don't run away. If you run away, I really dare not take the students to chase after this place within the green water."

Lin Yuan took a step forward, the magic power in his body moved, and with a wave of his hand, several fireballs flew out, and at the same time a wall of fire extended from under his feet, burning in front of those white-backed orangutans in an instant.

These fireballs and fireballs were not thrown randomly. The trajectory of the fireballs in the air forced the white-backed orangutans to dodge in advance, but the underground fire wall limited their dodge range.

As a result, after the fireball and the wall of fire passed, one of the white-backed orangutans in a row was deliberately forced aside by Lin Yuan.

"That one is for you, remember not to leave traces of magic on it." Lin Yuan confessed and turned around to fight with the remaining ten white-backed orangutans.

Ever since he got the notebook that Capaci gave him, Lin Yuan has been looking for an opportunity to try out the newly learned level 4 magic.But most of the 4th-level magic is area-of-effect magic, and there is no such a safe place for him to ravage in the academy, so this matter has been delayed.

And the dozen or so white-backed orangutans in front of him are undoubtedly the best research objects.

White-backed orangutans have high IQ and fast speed, which makes it difficult for them to be hit by ordinary single-target magic. To deal with them, it is generally necessary to use some means to limit their range of activities first, and then find a chance to hit them.

Obviously, area magic is best for this kind of thing.

Lin Yuan's first firewall was just the beginning.

After explaining to the students, he turned around and used the wind-type 4th-level magic tornado and the earth-type 4th-level magic ground splitting together.

Immediately, a tornado with a clearly visible shape was seen, rolling towards the white-backed orangutans from the left with debris all over the ground.However, the originally flexible and extremely fast white-backed orangutans did not have much room to maneuver because of the cracks created by the ground splitting technique.A few orangutans who couldn't dodge were swept up by the tornado, and then fell heavily to the ground.

However, since the white-backed orangutan is a level 4 monster, it naturally has its special features.

A few white-backed orangutans who fell from a high altitude just lay down on the ground for a while, and then stood up again as if nothing had happened.

Lin Yuan was not surprised at all, instead he chuckled: "It's good that it's not easy to die, if I die right away, who else should I find for experiments."

He took out a spar from his pocket and held it. Feeling the magic power contained in the spar, Lin Yuan shouted and waved his hands again. Two pillars of fire appeared out of thin air and slowly approached the white-backed orangutans.

It is the level 4 fire magic flame column.

Compared with other ordinary level 4 magicians, Lin Yuan has this huge advantage when casting level 4 magic.That is because of the special mixed magic power in his body, whether it is absorbing magic elements or controlling magic elements faster than ordinary magicians, specifically, the speed of enhancing magic power and releasing magic is faster than ordinary magicians.

Like this flame column, if it is an ordinary level 4 magician, it will take at least a short period of time to mobilize the magic power in the body.After all, this is a level 4 magic, and the requirements for magic power and control of magic elements are much higher.

After the flame column, Lin Yuan tried several other level 4 magics. Although it didn't really cause any damage to the white-backed orangutans, it allowed him to accumulate more experience in releasing level 4 magic.

This is something that other magicians seldom do.Usually, they just need to learn the magic and know they can cast it.Because the replenishment speed of the magic power in the body is too slow, it is impossible for them to use magic for experiments without any scruples like Lin Yuan.

Moreover, spar is not a cheap thing, and no magician would be willing to use it when it is not a real battle.

For someone like Lin Yuan who used spar just to experiment with level 4 magic, if other magicians knew about it, he would definitely call it extravagant.

Of course, Lin Yuan is not a random person.By doing this, he can not only accumulate more experience in releasing level 4 magic through continuous experiments, but also better understand the changes in magic after reaching level 4, so as to lay the foundation for his mixed magic.

For example, after releasing the flame pillar and torrent several times in a row, he turned the white-backed orangutan into a piebald orangutan with one piece of white and one black on their body, and he also successfully merged these two magics once.

The fused magic still takes the gushing appearance of the torrent technique, but the jet of water is flickering with red light, which looks very strange.

The power of this magic is naturally much stronger than the ordinary torrent technique. Originally, the torrent technique could only make the orangutans turn a few somersaults. , the touched part also turned pale as if scalded.

The more Lin Yuan played, the happier he was, but those orangutans were tortured by Lin Yuan.

If they could talk, they would have cursed Lin Yuan long ago.

You said that this person, if he wants to fight, he will fight, and if he wants to kill, he will kill him. Why should he play us like this?And don't let us escape!

Fortunately, after the students cleaned up the lonely white-backed orangutan, they stopped Lin Yuan's inhumane behavior.

"Huh? It's done?" Lin Yuan looked back, not only did the students finish their work, but Mia also stood behind him at some point, watching him ravage the orangutans.

Lin Yuan blushed, and stopped casting magic, and the orangutans immediately screamed and fled to the depths of the forest as if they had been amnesty.

"Ms. Lin, what are you doing? Why don't you just kill them?" Vince expressed the question in his heart instead of others.

Lin Yuan chuckled. He was about to teach the students a lesson about theory and practice when he found the ground shaking suddenly.

Everyone's complexion changed, and they looked towards the source of the earthquake, and saw a huge orangutan's head emerging from the canopy of the Green Water Forest, which was 5 or 6 in height, and the two big eyes on the head stared in the direction of this place. .

"Wow! Vajra Beast! It really is the most powerful monster among monsters!" A student couldn't help exclaiming.

"Wow, you're so tall." Lin Yuan cursed. "Students, the boss is called to take revenge. Hurry up and bring the body of the white-backed orangutan, we are going to get out of here."

King Kong Beast is a level 8 monster, which belongs to the top existence of monsters, second only to level 9 monsters and super-level monsters. Even if there is a junior warrior here, a level 4 hybrid magician whose real strength is difficult to judge, and a large group of monsters Low-level fighters and magicians are not enough for it to fit between their teeth.

Therefore, the students had no objection to the escape route chosen by Lin Yuan. Two strong fighters stooped to carry the white-backed orangutan's body, and they returned along the same route led by Lin Yuan.


(End of this chapter)

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