Professor of Magic

Chapter 92 Chapter 91

Chapter 92 Chapter 91
The strategic transfer went well.

The Vajra Beast's size was too large. Although the dense forest in the Green Water Forest could not hinder its movement, it still couldn't maximize its speed.In addition, the running skills of a group of students are not bad, so it didn't catch up until everyone crossed the green water again.

And once you cross the green water, it means safety.

Seeing the Vajra Beast roared twice in the distance within the green water, then turned around and turned back, everyone was relieved.

"Mr. Lin, why do even level 8 monsters appear? Isn't the closer to the forest of green water, the higher the level of monsters?" Vince asked out of breath.

Even the students in Class [-], Grade [-], who had been exercising for half a year, rushed this nearly two miles with all their strength, which really exceeded their physical load, and they were all so tired that they almost collapsed to the ground.

"The problem is that the information didn't say that there are no high-level monsters near the outside." Lin Yuan shrugged and replied. "Vince, I think it's probably because you didn't help the old lady cross the road yesterday, otherwise we wouldn't have encountered even level 8 monsters."

"Ha ha……"

The students suddenly burst into laughter.

Vince blushed, and retorted: "Why don't you say it's because Larch didn't wash his face in the morning?"

"Larch's face is so fair and clean, obviously he has washed it." Lin Yuan chuckled.

"Yes, Vince, your face is not as white as that of Laqi, so there is no evidence." The boys booed one after another.

"Vince, why don't you go back and have a beauty treatment? I know a very good one. The material they use is said to be the Goddess's Dew collected in the elves. The effect is very good. I guarantee that you will become white and clean soon." In comparison, girls' teasing is much more practical.

"Damn, you guys, you want to die, don't you, look at my invincible whirlwind legs..."


After completing the task, everyone's mood is relaxed, and only then can they make jokes unscrupulously.

It's just that these jokes are still limited to the students in Class [-] of the first grade, while the students of Harman College are much more silent. Although they have just completed the task and their faces are very excited, they will not joke with each other like Vince and the others .

Mia looked at the different reactions between the students in the two classes and realized something.This may also be the reason for the differences in the performance of the students.

"Hey, Mia, the task is completed, what are you going to do?" Lin Yuan came over suddenly and asked.

"Ah? We need to stay here for a week for the trial. Counting yesterday and today, we need to stay here for at least 5 days."

"We have to go back tomorrow." Lin Yuan smiled and said, "Fenol College is much more humane than Harman College. We only need to stay for three days."

"Leave tomorrow?" While Mia was surprised, she was suddenly a little disappointed. "It's a pleasure to be with you, and our students probably think the same way."

Lin Yuan shrugged: "Unfortunately, we have to prepare for the final exam after we go back. We really can't stay here any longer."

"Oh..." Mia sighed rarely. "After returning to Harman College, I will never see such a strange teacher like you and these lovely students again."

"Haha, Mia, you listened to me for a long time yesterday, and sooner or later you will become a strange teacher. And your students are cute, aren't they?" Lin Yuan pointed to the students who were preparing for the temporary camp They said: "Besides, we still have at least one night. Don't worry about monsters and trials tonight. How about we have a half-night party together? Let the students have fun."

Mia's eyes lit up, and she nodded vigorously: "Okay, let's do this."

Lin Yuan smiled slightly, patted Mia, and took the lead to walk into the distance.

Mia asked in amazement: "Lin, what are you doing? Aren't you going to prepare for a party?"

"This is to prepare for the party. The party needs a safe environment, so now I'm going to visit the nearby monsters so that they don't come to make trouble at night."

"Interview?" Mia was taken aback, then smiled and said, "Okay, I'll go too."


After Lin Yuan and Mia made a "friendly" visit to the surrounding monsters, the students' party finally started in a harmonious, friendly and joyful sharing atmosphere.

After receiving the information from Lin Yuan telling them that they were going to hold a party, the enthusiasm of the students... especially the girls was ignited almost immediately. The camp was refreshed quietly.

For example, pin two wild flowers on the tent, for example, use earth magic to turn around the camp, and then bury the grass dug on the grassland, for example...

It was originally just a temporary camp with dozens of tents and a few scattered fires, but under their careful handling, it turned into a meeting place with a special flavor.

"Tell me, does this count as the first joint party between Harman College and our Feynor College?" Lin Yuan asked Mia with a smile.

Mia thought for a while and nodded: "I didn't know before, but if I came to Harman College, this should be the first time. In the past, the students of Feynor College would not go out when it was not necessary. In the academy, it’s hard for outsiders to see.”

"Is that so..." Lin Yuan fell into deep thought.

When he took the students to the mercenary union for the first time, that Carter had mentioned this issue to Lin Yuan, but he didn't know much about it at the time, so he didn't take it to heart.However, judging from what I have seen and heard at Feynor College in the past six months, Feynor College has indeed been closed to the outside world in recent years.

Although almost all magic academies are like this, after all magic learning and research takes a lot of time, but Lin Yuan knows that Feynor Academy was different when it was first established and now.

The founder of the academy, Finoel, the great magister, encouraged the students to go out.During his tenure as the dean, almost all mercenary regiments on the mainland were active students of Feynor Academy, so much so that some people even called Feynor Academy "the cradle of magician mercenaries."

Just why has it become like this now?Lin Yuan couldn't get more information, so naturally he couldn't make a judgment.

"Ms. Lin, Ms. Mia, the party has started, you go over quickly." Xiu Ni's shout woke Lin Yuan up from his contemplation.

Looking up, Ellis had already climbed to the top of his head at some point, and a little silvery-white light was cast down through the trunk of the Green Water Forest, covering the ground around the camp with patches of light.

Ellis' offer was rejected in the middle of the camp because there was a huge bonfire burning there.

Students from the two classes sat together in twos and threes. Judging from their intimate conversations, outsiders would never guess that they were students from different classes in different colleges.

Seeing Lin Yuan and Mia approaching, the students stopped chatting and looked at them.In other words, more eyes were focused on Lin Yuan.

"Students, this semester is coming to an end soon."

Lin Yuan's first sentence was no problem for the students of Harman College, but it moved the hearts of the students of Class [-], Grade [-].

There will be more than one month of winter vacation after the end of this semester, which means that until the second semester of next year, during this period of more than a month, they will not see this teacher Lin who has brought them countless novel experiences.

Thinking of this, the students in Class [-], Grade [-] blinked their eyes, and listened to Lin Yuan's speech with more concentration.

"For the whole semester, everyone has been busy studying...well, some people don't work too hard, but anyway, the intense study life of this semester is coming to an end soon, and everyone will go back to their homes during the winter vacation Reunite with family."

"In this semester, which is not a short period of time, we have studied together, lived together, and grown up together. Although we have not experienced any magnificent events, I think the little things we have experienced together have been firmly remembered in everyone's hearts. Next. With these things we have experienced together, I believe that there should be certain feelings among us. These feelings, in my hometown, have a nice name called "classmate love". The relationship formed by studying under a window."

The students looked at each other, and they all saw smiles and tenderness in each other's eyes.

These things are probably what Mr. Lin said about the love between classmates.

"As your teacher, my greatest hope is that you can always take care of this relationship with your heart, don't let this relationship lose, and don't let it deteriorate. When you grow up, you will experience more and more emotions. , such as the love of husband and wife, the love of comrades-in-arms, etc., but when you look back, you will definitely find that no kind of relationship is as simple and clean as the love between classmates. This relationship symbolizes your youth , It also symbolizes your growth, and represents the most important part that you determine your life journey."

(End of this chapter)

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