ocean hunter

Chapter 605

Chapter 605
"Come on, come on, I'm going back, you guys eat first."

"Oh, then don't worry, the road is slippery, drive slowly, we will wait for you to come back."

After saying this, Shirley hung up the phone.

Lu Xiaolu smiled knowingly, and said to Xiaohong, "I'm going home for dinner, won't you go back to your own place for dinner?"

Xiaohong looked at him calmly, like looking at a fool, if you talk to a bird, can the bird understand it?

Lu Xiaolu was in a good mood and threw a palm-sized mullet to it.

After sailing back to the harbor, Xiaohong stood on the bow of the boat. Unexpectedly, when Lu Xiaolu drove the boat to the beach, she braked suddenly. He flew out and landed on the beach.

Then he stood up angrily, because of the water on his body, the sand stuck to his feathers, and he was extremely embarrassed.

Lu Xiaolu was amused: "Who told you to stand there all the time, I didn't want to brake suddenly."

He took two buckets of seawater and poured them into the big basin behind the tricycle to prevent the wheels from getting stuck in the sand. He parked the car on it, which was quite far away, about ten meters away.

Then he took the dipping net and fished the fish into the basin again.

At the same time, he specially watched Xiaohong to prevent him from directly rushing into the basin to eat fish in a frenzy.

Fortunately, it didn't move, maybe it was full after eating fish just now, that's right, it picked up so many fish at the beach in the morning, and then Lu Xiaolu fed it some more, no matter how big its appetite is, it should be full up.

After going back and forth between the tricycle and the boat two or three times, after making sure that Xiaohong had no idea about the fish, Lu Xiaolu began to catch fish with confidence.

The vitality of these yellowtails was particularly strong, and the water in the basin was splashed everywhere, and the seat cushion of Lu Xiaolu's tricycle was wet.

But he was still wearing rain pants and a raincoat, just get wet when he gets wet, and just dry it with a towel when he gets home.

Fished all those fish into the basin, and made most of the basin, good guy, that was a lot of fun.

When Lu Xiaolu put all the garbage in bags, got on the tricycle, and drove, he was hit on the head by the water splashed by the fish, and his hair was wet.

Helpless, I had to put on the hat on the raincoat again.

As soon as I twisted the accelerator, the tricycle wobbled and went home along the path. Some fish jumped directly into the carriage, and some even jumped onto the road. Hearing the movement, Lu Xiaolu hurriedly stopped and brought the fish back.

As a result, when he stopped the car, he was stunned. He only saw a big bird running on the path when he came from the beach, flapping its wings desperately, but it couldn't fly, but with the help of wings, it ran with two short legs. The speed is fast, and from time to time, it can jump up to a height of one meter, and it is in front of it in an instant.


When he was not far from the car, he swung his wings vigorously and jumped onto the tricycle. He almost fell into the basin, but luckily stopped on the baffle behind the tricycle.

Lu Xiaolu was still a little dazed: "Brother, what are you doing?"

Xiaohong ignored him, and even the fish didn't attract her attention, she was shaking off the sand and combing her feathers.

It's obviously wild, how could it be so close to people, wouldn't it kill the wild animal? Hey, then his crime is really serious, he really shouldn't just feed wild animals casually.

Forget it, the matter has come to this point, he has no good solution, just ignore him, anyway, his family lives in the woods, and it is close to the seaside, at worst, if you don’t feed the fish to it, it will eat it when it’s hungry. Go out to find food, and slowly return to the wild.

I still have to go home for dinner. Shirley and Cheng Min are probably hungry, so let's go home first.

It was a cloudy day with light rain, and after the rain stopped, the water seeped down. Although the path was not considered muddy, it happened that this kind of slightly wet road surface without much muddy water was the easiest to slip.

Even though Lu Xiaolu's tricycle had very thin wheels and was able to walk on that kind of muddy road, it still kept slipping on this kind of road.

Lu Xiaolu didn't dare to drive fast anymore, so he drove slowly, the rear of the car turned left and right for a while, and he even started drifting. Of course, this drifting was also quite scary, and the wheels almost went out of the road up.

After more than 20 minutes, Lu Xiaolu finally arrived at home. Xueli and Cheng Min were waiting in the living room, but Xiao Hei suddenly ran outside, and they knew it was Lu Xiaolu who had returned, and got up to serve the meal.

"Wang Wang!"

Seeing Xiaohong suddenly, Xiaohei hadn't reacted yet, and barked at it twice, then his voice became smaller and smaller, and finally he was a little unconfident. Isn't this the guy I met on the boat?

Since fighting the enemy together with it on the boat, the friendship between the dog and the bird has improved a lot, at least they no longer fight like they did at the beginning.

It's just that the majestic frigatebird at the beginning turned into the embarrassed look it is now. It seems that it is not very good at mixing, so it is not as good as myself.

Xiao Hei felt a little superior at this moment.




Suddenly, the gate of the yard became lively, and the chickens, ducks and geese who were strolling in the woods all saw Xiaohong, and then started to go crazy.

Those chickens are the worst, running around in fright, the ducks are better, the geese are powerful enough, they are not afraid at all, they stretched their necks, spread their wings, screaming desperately, and ran this way while screaming , it seemed that he wanted to attack Xiaohong.

Lu Xiaolu was startled, this big goose is too brave, isn't it said that there should be blood suppression between birds, and I didn't see it at all.

In fact, the suppression of blood does not exist in every group. There are also videos on the Internet. When the eagle catches the chick, it is beaten by the hen on the ground. Unplugged.

Xiaohong was a little scared, she was no longer the sky overlord before, these big geese were indeed too ruthless, and their number increased, and they were not small in size.

Now that the feathers on its body haven't been cleaned, it can't fly, and it has no confidence in its heart. If it really fights, it will definitely suffer.

Frightened, Xiaohong hid on the tricycle and did not dare to get off. She just stood on the baffle and backed away desperately after being chased by the geese.

"Go! Go do your own thing, be careful to stew for you at night!"

Lu Xiaolu hurried forward to chase them away, but he didn't show any face if he didn't catch the big geese. He still stretched his neck and shouted "zaza", it seemed that even he was going to twist it.

It's okay, after three days without going to the house, Lu Xiaolu just slapped him, slapping the goose with the longest neck in a daze.

Unexpectedly, his actions angered the goose, and the other geese ran away. Only the one slapped by him, instead of retreating, started to fight back at him.


(End of this chapter)

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