ocean hunter

Chapter 606

Chapter 606

The big goose fluttered its wings, ran up staggeringly, and took a bite at his thigh.


Lu Xiaolu never imagined that his big goose would dare to rebel, he took a step back in embarrassment, bumped into the tricycle, and there was a lot of movement.

The fish that had finally calmed down in the tricycle was stirred up again, and the water splashed in all directions. Xiaohong couldn't stand still, wobbled twice, and almost fell to the ground.

"Fuck you!"

Lu Xiaolu, who came back to his senses, was furious and went up and kicked the big goose for more than two meters.

After being kicked, the big goose finally calmed down. Remembering the identity of the person in front of him, he spread his wings and ran into the woods.

As long as it runs slower, or attacks Lu Xiaolu again, Xue Li and the others will be able to eat big goose stewed in an iron pot at night.

The movement outside attracted Shirley and Cheng Min, who didn't come in after filling up the meal, but when they heard chickens, ducks and geese screaming like crazy, they thought something was wrong, and hurried out to check.

Then I saw Xiaohong on the ground at a glance. There was no way, such a big bird was very eye-catching. Even though it looked a little embarrassed now, Xue Li recognized it at a glance.

"What's the matter, little donkey Ouba, how did Xiaohong become like this? You couldn't be the one to hit me, right?"

Lu Xiaolu spread his hands: "How dare I hit it, it was stupid to chase other albatrosses, was thrown into the sea and didn't get up, almost drowned, but was rescued by me, the water on its body was not dry, probably If you can’t hunt any more, just follow me.”

Xue Li's eyes widened as she digested the scene in front of her. Fortunately, she didn't quite understand it. Everything has an animus. The frigate bird is not very afraid of people, and it is common to snatch fishermen's bait.

In addition, I used to know Lu Xiaolu and Xue Li, but now that I am in trouble, I can't hunt for prey, so it is normal to come back with him.

Cheng Min also knew about Xiaohong's existence, and after witnessing the scene of this man living in harmony with nature, he felt very miraculous.

After all, this kind of scene is not easy to see, either on the news, or in fairy tales, I never thought that there would be such a miraculous thing around me, and it was my good friend who encountered it.

There was still mud and water on the tricycle, so it was inconvenient to drive into the yard. Lu Xiaolu took off his raincoat and walked into the house, saying, "Okay, let's go eat quickly, I'm starving to death."

Xueli pointed to Xiaohong: "Uh, should I feed it first? See how miserable it is."

Indeed, Xiaohong has never been so embarrassed, even when she ate the fishhook that time, after flying into the sky, she was very mighty and domineering, and she stood on the bow of their boat last time when she went to sea, facing the wind, she was very chic .

It's not like now, not to mention being drowned, sand is still sticking to his body, and his eyes look particularly dull.

"No need, I'll be full on the boat. This guy doesn't have to be fed by others, he snatched it himself."

"That's all right, let's finish our meal first, and I'll clean it up later to see how dirty it is."

After discussing Xiaohong's matter, Xue Li saw the fish in the tricycle. My good guy, most of them were half a pot, and they were still yellowtail, 80 yuan a catty.That's not 5000 yuan!
If you go out to sea casually, you can earn 5000 yuan in one morning. Isn't this too heaven-defying?How easy is it to make money offshore?
Lu Xiaolu hummed for a moment: "I happened to meet a yellowtail, good luck."

It is indeed lucky, yellowtail is not so easy to meet, and the price is relatively expensive.

There is not much to say. I used to catch so many fish with the net, but the fish were not that expensive. They were all twenty or thirty, three to forty yuan a catty, and only a thousand fish a day.

Cheng Min suddenly noticed the anglerfish, its ugly appearance startled her, and asked, "Is this also a fish? Why is it so ugly?"

Xue Li looked at her finger: "Yo, it turned out to be an anglerfish, but it's already dead, so I have to bleed it quickly and eat it at night."

"It's okay, I just died a few minutes ago, let's eat first."

"Oh, thank you for your hard work, go and wash your hands, the twice-cooked pork and dried tofu were fried at noon today."

"Well, let's go to eat."

Then, Lu Xiaolu, Xueli, and Cheng Min stopped taking care of Xiaohong, let him stay here first, and come over to help him clean up after dinner.

As a result, while eating, a head poked in, looked left and right, and made a "quack".

Cheng Min was facing the door, holding the bowl and chopsticks in his hands, and pointed at the door dumbfounded: "Xiao Hong is here."

Lu Xiaolu and Xueli were taken aback for a moment, then turned their heads to look, their eyes met, Xiaohong was looking at them stupidly, looking at it like that, going into the house.

Lu Xiaolu hurriedly got up and drove it out, and closed the door of the living room. If this guy came to the dining table and swung his body, he would not be able to eat the food on that table.

Moreover, his body still smells fishy, ​​and he is easy to poop, so don't drag him everywhere in the living room, if it sticks to the wall again, he will cry to death.

After closing the door, Lu Xiaolu saw through the glass window that Xiaohong started to stroll in the yard, and after a while she reached the entrance, stood on a chair and closed her eyes to rest.

Okay, the porch is on the porch. The shoes were still drying there, but it didn’t dry even after it rained today. At worst, it’s better to wash them with water later.

He came back to continue eating, but he was very hungry, especially looking at the shiny twice-cooked pork, his appetite was whetted.

Stir-fry the pork belly until it is browned, stir-fry the small ingredients and bean paste, boil the red oil in the bean paste, add onions, green peppers and pork belly and stir-fry together.

It tastes fat but not greasy, mouth full of oil, with crystal clear white rice, and a soup that is indispensable every day, today is tomato and egg soup.

The tomatoes bought in the market were not sour enough, so Lu Xiaolu taught Shirley and Cheng Min to add some vinegar to the egg soup to add sourness, which can not only relieve the greasy, but also appetizing. .

There is no need to put vinegar in the home-grown tomatoes. The sourness is enough, and vinegar is needed when the tomatoes are not in season.

I have also gone out to restaurants here, but I have never encountered vinegar in it, and it does not have that smell.

Two dishes and one soup were all eaten by the three of them. Xiao Hei ate dog food, and Xiao Bai ate ham sausage. The cat's appetite was relatively small, so one would be full.

After dinner, Lu Xiaolu took over the work of washing dishes, Xue Li and Cheng Min went out to clean up Xiaohong, that kind of work was impossible for Lu Xiaolu, and he had to use a brush to remove the sand bit by bit. Get rid of it, and then use a hair dryer to dry its feathers. There is no sun recently, so let it recover early and leave early. It is not good to keep wild animals at home.

(End of this chapter)

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