God of Glory is a bit sour

Chapter 120 Stretched

Chapter 120 Stretched (1)

"Grass, I said sister, did you find me because I was too free, or did you come here to show me your affection? Your captain likes you, and you don't hate your captain. It's nice to be together, okay, Mo beep, I'm going to sleep."

After hearing the voice, Luo Xiaoyi was very troubled.

I. like the captain?

Luo Xiaoyi felt that it was a bit unlikely, but then she thought that Bai Rou must not be lying to herself after having been in love so many times, Luo Xiaoyi began to doubt her heart again.

Luo Xiaoyi thought about it for more than ten minutes by herself, but she didn't come up with a reason, and she didn't want to disturb Bai Rou who was going to rest.

In order to divert her attention, Luo Xiaoyi decided to fight the king.

What captain, do you have a game scent?
After Luo Xiaoyi boarded the account, she saw a very familiar person online.


That is Luo Xiaoyi's master.

Luo Xiaoyi thought that she was bored now, so she was going to harass him.

[I love money: Didi, Didi]

The opposite side returned quickly.

[small:? ]
Luo Xiaoyi almost cried when she saw this message.

For the first time!

First time!
For the first time, I didn't wait for him for more than ten minutes.

In the past, when Luo Xiaoyi was looking for her master, it would always take more than ten minutes to reply to the message. This time so early, Luo Xiaoyi almost wondered if the other party had won the lottery.

[I love money: It's nothing, it's just that after more than a month, I was a little moved when I saw the master. ]
Luo Xiaoyi said this with a blank face.


[I love money: Hey, master, don’t be silent, by the way, master, I want to ask you something. ]
[Trumpet: Say. ]
When Luo Xiaoyi saw this sentence, she felt that the person opposite must be in a very good mood. If it was normal, he would definitely ignore herself.

[I love money: Yes, master, have you ever been in love? ]
When Mo Jing in the next room saw this sentence, he was silent for a while before he started typing.

[Trumpet: I'm chasing after him for a day or two. ]
When Luo Xiaoyi saw this sentence, she really wanted to laugh at her master.

[Trumpet: Hahaha, master, your flirting skills are not very good, it's been a day or two, and you haven't caught up yet. ]
Mo Jing on the opposite side was silent for a while, and then continued typing.

[Trumpet: kissed. ]
Luo Xiaoyi didn't take it seriously when she saw this sentence.

[I love money: stick out your tongue? ]

Luo Xiaoyi typed this sentence simply because she wanted to laugh at her master.

However, the next message her master sent her back, she couldn't laugh in an instant.

[Trumpet: Yes. ]
Luo Xiaoyi:
[I love money: Master is really amazing. ]
[Trumpet: Tell me, what do you want from me? ]

Maybe the person opposite was pleased by Luo Xiaoyi's words, and he was in a very good mood.

[I love money: Well, master, that is, a boy chased me recently. ]
After Luo Xiaoyi sent this sentence, the person on the opposite side quickly sent her a message back.

[Trumpet: Do you still have someone chasing after you? ]

Seeing this sentence, Luo Xiaoyi wanted to fly to the opposite side very much, unplugged the other party's network cable, and then threw him in the face.

But now Luo Xiaoyi has something to ask from the other party, so she can only continue to smile.

[I love money: Yes, your apprentice is being pursued, but my problem now is that I don't know if I like him or not. ]
[Trumpet: Do you like him?If you like it, go straight up and kiss him, if you don't like it, just tell him you don't like it. ]
 Scumbags, adopt me, I want comments, rewards and votes, your fairy Sakura is waiting for your favor

(End of this chapter)

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