God of Glory is a bit sour

Chapter 121 Stretched

Chapter 121 Stretched (2)

[Trumpet: Do you like him?If you like it, go straight up and kiss him, if you don't like it, just tell him you don't like it. ]
When Luo Xiaoyi saw this passage sent by her master, she really felt that her master would not be able to catch up with her sister.

[I love Qian: Master, is this how you chase girls? ]
[Trumpet: No. ]
Luo Xiaoyi:
[I love money: OK, fine, goodbye. ]
Even though he said so, Luo Xiaoyi didn't really leave.

[I love money: Seriously, master, I really don’t know how to do this. My friend said I like it, but I don’t know. ]
Mo Jing on the opposite side was in a very happy mood because he just kissed his little girl, so he decided to help his apprentice.

[Trumpet: How do you feel about him? ]

[I love money: I don't hate it, even when he kissed me just now, I didn't feel any resistance. ]
Mo Jing next door raised his eyebrows when he saw Luo Xiaoyi's words.

[Trumpet: Then since you don't resist, you must have a crush on him. By the way, what's your relationship with him, classmate? ]
Luo Xiaoyi was a little embarrassed when she saw this sentence, after all, she couldn't reveal her identity to others.

Moreover, my game-playing skills are all taught by my master, and I have become a professional player, so the master will definitely not be far behind, and it may be a colleague.

[I love money: How should I put it, living under the same roof. ]
Mo Jing, who was opposite, saw this sentence and subconsciously thought of co-renting.

[Trumpet: Then I think the two of you may be together, he likes you, you don’t hate him, and you live under the same roof, you will definitely fall in love with each other for a long time, you just follow him. ]
When Luo Xiaoyi saw this fallacy from her master, she actually believed it a little bit.

Love for a long time?It seems really possible.

[Trumpet: Is there anything else?If it's okay, I'll go solo. ]
After Luo Xiaoyi saw this sentence, she found that the other party had already entered the game.

Luo Xiaoyi: Am I still his apprentice?Shouldn't you take me to play games with you at this time?

Heh, scumbag.

Luo Xiaoyi was enlightened by her master, and felt that she shouldn't think so much.

After all, it affects training!
Thinking clearly, Luo Xiaoyi decided that it would be better for her to hide from Mo Jing these days. It just so happened that her relatives came these days, and there is another thing: there is no love in e-sports.

In this way, Luo Xiaoyi hid from Mo Jing for several days.

At first, Mo Jing thought that his little girl was shy, but later on, even his teammates and manager noticed something was wrong.

Taking advantage of Luo Xiaoyi's absence, the manager and his teammates cornered Mo Jing on the sofa to question him.

"Captain Mo, why does my sister Xiaoyi keep avoiding you these days, did she do something to make her angry?" It was the manager who said this.

The meaning in Xia Li's eyes was very obvious, did he do something worse than a beast.

Mo Jing subconsciously wanted to say that he was wronged, but then he thought of the scene when he kissed Xiaoyi that day, and subconsciously touched his nose with guilt.

"not sure."

After hearing Mo Jing's answer, the coach was a little worried.

After all, the game is about to start, what if the relationship between the team is not good?
"Captain, why don't we give the two of you a little private time, and you can communicate and solve it yourself?"

Originally, Mo Jing wanted to leave directly, but he paused after hearing the coach's words.

 Recommend my little master, Yu Shuxin, it's so cute, okay?

  When I watched her video for the first time, I thought that this girl is too pretentious, the second time, it’s okay, a little pretentious, and the third time, shit, what a peerless cutie!I love it so much!So cute! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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