God of Glory is a bit sour

Chapter 122 Just the Two of Us

Chapter 122 Just the Two of Us (1)

Originally, Mo Jing wanted to leave directly, but he paused after hearing the coach's words.

Just the two of them?
Seems like it sounds good.

"Then where are you going?" Mo Jing asked.

Hearing that Mo Jing had compromised, the coach was very pleased.

"Today we go out to eat online, space is left for you, we will bring you dinner, what do you think?" The coach immediately came up with disgust.

"Yes." Mo Jing did not hesitate.

Before finishing eating, Luo Xiaoyi wanted to take a bath in order to celebrate that her relatives had finally left.

After Luo Xiaoyi went upstairs, the coach and the manager took the other three little brats out for a barbecue.

Mo Jing, who stayed behind, sat on the sofa in the living room and looked at the computer in front of him, thinking about what to say for a while.

After Luo Xiaoyi took a shower, when she came down, she saw only the captain sitting downstairs, which was a bit strange.

Thinking that maybe they had something to do and they would come back later, Luo Xiaoyi sat on the sofa and played with her mobile phone, waiting for them to come back.

Perhaps unintentionally, Luo Xiaoyi sat at the farthest position from Mo Jing.

Mo Jing didn't talk to Luo Xiaoyi at first, the two just sat quietly like this.

After about 10 minutes, Luo Xiaoyi felt that the villa was too quiet, as if there was no one else except herself and the captain.

In the end, Luo Xiaoyi couldn't wait any longer, and felt that they were not in the house at all.

"Well, captain, what about the manager?" At this time, Luo Xiaoyi still didn't forget that Mo Jing kissed her at that time, even thinking about it felt awkward.

Mo Jing raised his eyes and said, "We've all gone out, only the two of us are left."

Luo Xiaoyi was startled, "Eh? Why?"

Mo Jing raised his eyebrows and looked at Luo Xiaoyi, and said with a smile: "What do you think? Think about your attitude towards me these few days, the manager and the others can see it, don't you want us to have a good communication."

Mo Jing specially emphasized his tone in communication.

Luo Xiaoyi didn't expect the coach and the others to notice it.

"Tell me, why are you avoiding me?" Mo Jing said, and he had already walked to Luo Xiaoyi and sat down.

Luo Xiaoyi: Are you not sure?
"It's nothing." Luo Xiaoyi felt that her reason was too nonsense.

Seeing that Luo Xiaoyi didn't say anything, Mo Jing smiled and said, "You didn't hide because I kissed you, did you?"

Luo Xiaoyi was a little embarrassed: "No."

"Oh? No? If not, why are you hiding?" Mo Jing suddenly approached Luo Xiaoyi.

After Luo Xiaoyi heard Mo Jing's words, she whispered, "You are so close suddenly, everyone will shrink back subconsciously."

Hearing Luo Xiaoyi's words, Mo Jing felt helpless.

"Actually, don't pay too much attention to what I told you last time."

Luo Xiaoyi didn't react when she heard Mo Jing's words.


"It's about the confession in the barber shop last time." Mo Jing said while playing with the hair next to Luo Xiaoyi's ear.

"Oh." Luo Xiaoyi Nuonuo replied.

Then she thought of the last time Mo Jing kissed herself in the barbershop.

My God, how are some unbearable things.

"Won't you hide in the future?" Mo Jing said suddenly.

Luo Xiaoyi was taken aback, looked at Mo Jingjing and nodded.

It took him a while to realize what he had done.

Oh my god, Luo Xiaoyi, how could you be seduced by beauty?

Seeing Luo Xiaoyi's actions, Mo Jing was very satisfied, he patted Luo Xiaoyi's head, and then...
 I'm thinking every day when this novel will end

  Crab, Crab and Mei smashing rewards

  Sisters, I will go back to school on April [-]th, the school will not bring mobile phones, and you understand
  Haha, when talking about fan names with Yaoyao, I thought of our fan names and slogans.

  Fan Name: Little Clover

  Slogan: Three leaves are impermanent, Sakurako is a fantasy in the world

(End of this chapter)

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