God of Glory is a bit sour

Chapter 139 I Seem To Like You A Little

Chapter 139 I Seem To Like You A Little (2)

Hearing Bai Rou's words, Luo Xiaoyi put her mouth close to the mirror, and she saw that her mouth was wrong.

Luo Xiaoyi guessed that it must have been left when the captain kissed her just now, she didn't pay much attention at that time, but now that she saw it, Luo Xiaoyi couldn't help but licked it.

I don't feel anything, just a little pain.

Just after licking, Bai Rou's voice appeared faintly behind her again.

"Oh my god, my little Yi, do you want to look like this and show your affection in different ways! Bully me for not having a boyfriend, right?"

Although Bai Rou said so, there was no complaint in her tone, it was all a blessing to her best friend.

After hearing Bai Rou's words, Luo Xiaoyi licked it again for some unknown reason, and successfully saw that Bai Rou's face turned dark.

"Haha, well, I'm done teasing you. If you want a boyfriend, you can find your Zhou Qi. It's around the villa of our team. You can find him soon."

Now Luo Xiaoyi really wants to know why her best friend broke up.

Not for the gossip, but out of sheer concern.

"Oh, my sister Xiaoyi, how many times have I told you that I broke up with him, my old lady, and it's no longer possible." Bai Rou tried to dispel Luo Xiaoyi's idea of ​​getting herself and her ex-boyfriend together. .

"Then why did you break up? If you don't tell me a better reason, it's hard not to help your ex-boyfriend."

Luo Xiaoyi felt that if she learned from Bai Rou that Zhou Qi was a scumbag, she thought she might beat Zhou Qi to death, but from the last meeting she felt that Zhou Qi didn't seem like a green man. On the contrary, it looks like it will be white and soft green.

Seeing Luo Xiaoyi acting like she wanted to know today no matter what, Bai Rou couldn't help but sighed.

"Okay, okay, I'll tell you after lunch, I'll tell you everything, so, my eldest lady, take off the makeup on your face first."

After hearing her satisfactory answer, Luo Xiaoyi began to slowly remove her makeup.

Just after taking off her makeup, Luo Xiaoyi heard the boyfriend she just talked about calling her.

"Xiaoyi, come down to eat."

Mo Jing's tone was so gentle that death would not pay for life, and goose bumps came out of everyone who heard it.

After hearing Mo Jing's words, Bai Rou clicked "tsk tsk" twice, and then said to Luo Xiaoyi: "You two really have a tacit understanding! You just finished taking off your makeup, and your boyfriend came to you."

Luo Xiaoyi was a little shy when she heard Bai Rou's words, but she felt that in front of her was the best friend who hurt her every day, Luo Xiaoyi felt that she couldn't be shy, if she was shy, she might be laughed to death by the people next to her.

"Oh" Luo Xiaoyi replied lightly.

"Okay, let's go downstairs to eat." Luo Xiaoyi immediately went to the bathroom inside the house to wash her hands, and then wanted to take Bai Rou's hand to go out.

"Wait a minute, I think my hands may not have been washed just now, you go first, I'll wash it for a while." Although Bai Rou said so, in her heart she just didn't want to disturb others just now. The young couple in love show their affection.

To be more precise, she just didn't want to be killed by the eyes of her best friend's boyfriend.

Luo Xiaoyi was puzzled when she heard Bai Rou's words, but since everyone else said that, Luo Xiaoyi couldn't say anything, so she opened the door and went out after telling her to hurry up.

 Timed bacteria come to Liao~

  I'm having breakfast~

  Try to comment and vote~
(End of this chapter)

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