God of Glory is a bit sour

Chapter 140 Puppy Love with a Big Head Ghost

Chapter 140 Puppy Love with a Big Head Ghost (1)

Facts have proved that Bai Rou's conjecture is correct.

As soon as Luo Xiaoyi went out, Mo Jing directly said to Luo Xiaoyi: "Does your mouth still hurt?"

Luo Xiaoyi was reminded by Bai Rou just now and naturally knew what Mo Jing was talking about now.

But when these words came out of Mo Jing's mouth, they were a little different when they reached Luo Xiaoyi's ears.

Luo Xiaoyi lowered her head and said, "It doesn't hurt too much."

"Really? Look up and let me see."

Hearing Mo Jing's words, Luo Xiaoyi raised her head subconsciously.

Then Luo Xiaoyi felt that her chin was picked up, and then, Mo Jing's pretty face suddenly approached her.

Luo Xiaoyi was taken aback by this move, and just about to break free, she suddenly realized that the person standing opposite was her boyfriend, not someone else, so she obeyed and didn't move.

Seeing Luo Xiaoyi like this, Mo Jing raised the corner of his mouth, and then stretched out the tip of his tongue to lick the wound on Luo Xiaoyi's mouth.

Luo Xiaoyi obviously didn't expect Mo Jing to come here suddenly, her eyes widened immediately.

After a while, Mo Jing let go of Luo Xiaoyi.

"How is it? Does it still hurt?" Mo Jing asked.

Luo Xiaoyi immediately shook her head.

Even if it hurts Luo Xiaoyi, she doesn't dare to say it anymore, she is afraid that he will lick it up again in a while, and she has no big problem, but she is afraid that Bai Rou will suddenly appear from her room, which will be embarrassing.

"Let's go, let's go, let's go downstairs to eat."

Luo Xiaoyi walked in front of Mo Jing, looking like he was fleeing.

Mo Jing smiled, and then followed.

Maybe it was because the two of them walked slowly, when Luo Xiaoyi went downstairs, she found that everyone else seemed to have arrived.

Luo Xiaoyi found her place, and reserved a place for Bai Rou by the way.

Bai Rou came very quickly, almost as soon as Luo Xiaoyi went downstairs.

Luo Xiaoyi immediately greeted Bai Rou to sit next to her.

Bai Rou didn't hesitate and sat down directly.

During the meal, Mo Jing was extremely attentive to Luo Xiaoyi, it can be said that the dishes in Luo Xiaoyi's bowl were all picked by Mo Jing.

Everyone present had complex expressions and didn't know what to say.

The only one who knew the truth felt that he had eaten a lot of dog food, and suddenly felt that he was full from eating dog food without having to eat.

Luo Chen: I don't think I should doubt my sister and the captain, they are both innocent, I must be thinking too much.

Qi Shi: I didn't see anything.

Bai Zi: The two of them must be together, must be together, must be together, right?
After eating this lunch full of dog food, Xia Li immediately sent them back to the room.

Xia Li originally wanted to build a room for Bai Rou alone.

But Bai Rou felt that it was enough for him and Luo Xiaoyi to stay in the same room, so there was no need to bother.

Because of Bai Rou's words, Mo Jing stared at her and returned to Luo Xiaoyi's room.

After returning to Luo Xiaoyi's room, Luo Xiaoyi was very interested in listening to Bai Rou talk about the love and hatred between her and her ex-boyfriend.

"Let's talk." Luo Xiaoyi sat on the edge of the bed, hugging her own pillow, as if she wanted to listen to a bedtime story.

After Bai Rou expressed her speechlessness, she began to talk about her "love and hatred".

"Xiao Yi, you know that Zhou Qi and I fell in love two years ago."

Luo Xiaoyi nodded and said: "I know, I know, my brother told me that the two of you are puppy love."

 Timed bacteria come to Liao~

  Guess how many manuscripts I have left~

  I am in Chinese morning reading class~
(End of this chapter)

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