God of Glory is a bit sour

Chapter 141 Puppy Love with a Big Head Ghost

Chapter 141 Puppy Love with a Big Head Ghost (2)

Luo Xiaoyi nodded and said: "I know, I know, my brother told me that the two of you are puppy love."

Bai Rou's face turned dark immediately after hearing Luo Xiaoyi's words.

puppy love?Puppy love a big head ghost ah!Luo Chen just didn't want his younger sister to fall in love early, and used his own affairs as a prevarication.

"Okay, okay, let's not mention that sand sculpture, and continue the topic just now."

"When we fell in love two years ago, he wasn't a professional player, and he wasn't as rich as he is now. I didn't mention my family situation at the time, but Zhou Qi can tell from my daily necessities. This kind of thing has not affected the relationship between the two of us, but Zhou Qi's mother thinks that I am poor and unworthy of Zhou Qi."

"I don't care what his mother thinks of me, because I'm in a relationship with Zhou Qi and not with his mother. After Zhou Qi knew his mother's dissatisfaction with me, he told his mother to leave it alone. The things between them, but I didn't mention my money at all."

"But in the last year or so, Zhou Qi has become a professional player, and his mother thinks that I am not worthy of his son. I don't want to talk to her so much, thinking that if I get married in the future, it will be a big deal not to be with my aunt. living together."

"But I don't know why, Zhou Qi's mother's opinions on me are getting bigger and bigger, which makes me almost speechless, but fortunately, Zhou Qi is on my side."

Hearing this, Luo Xiaoyi really wanted to ask a question, and then she asked: "Rourou, your ex-boyfriend was very kind to you, and everything was for you, why did you break up?"

"Don't worry, there are so many questions about listening to gossip, it's almost time to talk about it."

Bai Rou gave Luo Xiaoyi a white look, and then continued: "It was about a week or two ago. At that time, the two of us hadn't broken up yet. Zhou Qi's mother suddenly came to me, just like in a TV show. Give me a card to leave her son.."

Bai Rou suddenly stopped talking halfway through.

"Luo Xiaoyi, put away your envious eyes."

Luo Xiaoyi's envy lies only in cards, not in being dumped by others.

"Think about how I could possibly agree. Enduring the mentality of beating the person in front of me, I pushed the card back, expressing that I would not agree."

"But what I didn't expect was that the other party came prepared! She took out a fruit knife from her bag, and was about to stab her in the neck, and threatened me to break up."

"Although I knew it was impossible for her to kill herself, I was still afraid at the time, because the other party might be stabbed to death by accident. After all, Zhou Qi's mother is also old and can't stand shaking her hands."

"So at that time I immediately agreed, hey, don't say I'm the heart of the Virgin, Zhou Qi is only her mother, I can't just watch her stab me to death, and then she still feels worried and insists on letting me use it. Sending a WeChat message to Zhou Qi, she hadn't put down the knife in her hand at that time, so I didn't care about it, so I sent a breakup text message directly."

"Then Zhou Qi's mother felt relieved, and asked me to block Zhou Qi in front of her, and then threatened me by the way before leaving, saying that if I want to get back together with Zhou Qi, I will Continue with the behavior just now, and then of course I look at her like a fool, and then you will know."

 Beep beep beep beep, bacteria will come in time~

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  Let me come back to see a good data~
  I am in English morning reading class~

(End of this chapter)

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