Chapter 145 Hand (2)

As for the other hand, when Mo Jing sat over, it was held by Mo Jing, and Mo Jing held it in his hand to play.

Luo Xiaoyi felt that if she fell in love, she should be able to let her boyfriend do this kind of thing, so she simply let Mo Jing hold it.

It wasn't until Mo Jing went to get the charging cable that he let go.

After taking the charging cable, Luo Xiaoyi touched her nose unnaturally.

As soon as her hand reached her nose, Luo Xiaoyi smelled a scent of soap on her hand.

nice smell.

This was Luo Xiaoyi's first feeling.

The second feeling is that before Luo Xiaoyi arrived, Luo Xiaoyi saw the messages on the public screen.

Luo Xiaoyi wanted to explain but didn't know what to say.

Luo Xiaoyi immediately felt ashamed that she would not lie!
The people in the live broadcast room saw Su Kexin wanting to say something but didn't know what to say, and laughed mercilessly. After laughing, they didn't forget to "comfort" her.

[Sister Xiaoyi, you don't need to say anything, we all understand, we all understand. ]
[Yes, I know what you're going to say, isn't it because I and the captain didn't do that kind of thing, we all understand]
[Yes, yes, we all know it, no need to explain. ]
Luo Xiaoyi: Let me explain to you a big-headed ghost!

Luo Xiaoyi curled her lips, and clicked directly into the ranking, completely denying the chance to meet people who watched the live broadcast.

After entering, Luo Xiaoyi directly banned Han Xin without explaining, and then directly chose Angela's without explaining.

Seeing question marks from her teammates, Luo Xiaoyi also chose to ignore them.

Fortunately, the quality of the teammates in this round is relatively high, and they didn't directly scold, and silently chose their own heroes and stopped talking.

It wasn't because of anything else, it was just because they saw the news that Luo Xiaoyi had five hundred matches and a winning rate of 80.00%.

After entering the game, Luo Xiaoyi went directly to the middle lane to fight the minions.

After reaching the third level by playing minions, the level starts to deal with the opposite mid laner.

The moment Luo Xiaoyi saw the other party coming out of the tower, she immediately went to kill the other party in seconds by relying on her coquettish position.

While instantly killing the opponent, the opponent's jungler also came, and Luo Xiaoyi chose to go back to the tower and continue to fight the minions.

After Luo Xiaoyi's teammates saw Angela's kill, they were very thankful that they hadn't scolded just now, otherwise they would be slapped in the face now.

In this way, the whole team won the victory under the leadership of Angela.

Luo Xiaoyi is naturally the mvp.

Right after the game ended, a bunch of people came to Luo Xiaoyi's house.

Luo Xiaoyi chose to abide by the rules when signing the contract and not randomly add people, so she ignored those friend applications.

After another slap, Luo Xiaoyi saw Mo Jing who had been sitting next to her, and couldn't help but speak.

"Captain, you are also idle now, why don't you go to the live broadcast?"

Hearing Luo Xiaoyi's question, Mo Jing really wanted to say "I just want to see you", but he still endured it.

"I'll go right away." The forced Mo Jing decided to start the live broadcast that he hadn't done for several days.

The people in the live broadcast room naturally heard the conversation between Luo Xiaoyi and Mo Jing just now.

[Hahahahaha, look at the aggrieved expression of our captain just now, sister Xiaoyi, do we have to lower our EQ?The captain just wants to stay with you for a while longer! ]

[Damn, those upstairs, don’t talk about it, besides, the captain won’t broadcast live, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha]

 Beep beep, haha, guess how many manuscripts I have left~
  Right now I'm in my last class~
(End of this chapter)

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