God of Glory is a bit sour

Chapter 146 No appointment, goodbye

Chapter 146 No appointment, goodbye (1)

Mo Jing turned on the computer with a helpless face, thinking about how much his little girl likes money, he silently turned on his camera, thinking that his money is his little girl's money.

Because they knew in advance that Mo Jing would be broadcasting live, those people went to Mo Jing's live broadcast room and waited a long time ago. When they saw Mo Jing turn on the camera, the screen was full of shit!
[Holy shit, shit, shit, what did I see?Our Mo team actually turned on the camera!Am I dreaming? ]
[Upstairs, you are not dreaming!I saw it too! ]
[Tsk, isn't the captain rich?I usually don’t turn on the camera, do I have no money, hahahahahahaha]
[Hahaha, it’s impossible for the captain to be poor, all of us are poor, it’s impossible for our captain to be poor! ]

[Actually, I think the reason why the captain turned on the camera was probably for my sister Xiaoyi. Did you realize that my sister Xiaoyi loves money very much?Is this saving money for my little sister? ]
[Upstairs, ahahahaha, I think so too! ]

[Don't talk nonsense, okay!Our captain doesn't make an appointment. ]
"En." Mo Jing said suddenly.

[? ? ? ? ]
[? ? ? ]

[? ? ]
[? ]

[What is the captain trying to say? ]

[Ok?um what? ]

[I think the captain's hmm may be an answer to one of the above questions. ]
[Add one upstairs, I think so too. ]
[Grass, want to know which one it is? ]

Mo Jing looked at these barrages and said it was right. He was indeed replying to a certain comment, the one who said that Xiaoyi's younger sister likes money and saved money for her.

"Captain, do you want a double row?"

The account that Luo Xiaoyi is on now is the one where I am a ladyboy.

As soon as Mo Jing saw this number, he thought of the couple logo.

Although the sign had been lifted long ago, Mo Jing was still in a panic.

"Xiaoyi, change your nickname, it's not good to bear this nickname."

Luo Xiaoyi looked at her nickname after listening to Mo Jing's words.

In fact, he never noticed his nickname until Mo Jing said that.

After seeing the nickname, I felt that something was wrong, so I changed the name with the name left over from last time, and changed it to No Date.

There is no reason, just a simple no appointment, goodbye.

This is mainly due to the fact that too many people added Luo Xiaoyi as friends a few days ago, and Luo Xiaoyi didn't want to turn off the function of adding friends, so she took this name.

After seeing Luo Xiaoyi's changed name, Mo Jing twitched his lips and didn't speak.

Just now Mo Jing forgot that he was live broadcasting, and turned on the camera. Those people in the live broadcast room all captured Mo Jing's smile, and they were still smiling to the side, and immediately moved to Luo Xiaoyi's live broadcast room next door.

It doesn't matter if you look at it, why do these two nicknames look so similar!

A no appointment.

a bye.

No matter how you look at it, it looks like a couple's head portrait!
There are still a small number of people in the live broadcast room talking about Luo Xiaoyi's scheming.

Luo Xiaoyi was really wronged!My account has not yet added the captain's friend, although my captain has been sitting next to me, but the people in the live broadcast room can prove that I didn't turn my head to peek at the next door at all!

Luo Xiaoyi finally decided not to argue with these brainless people, and after adding Mo Jing's friends, she started a double row journey.

 Timed bacteria come to Liao~

  Rewards for votes and comments~
(End of this chapter)

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