God of Glory is a bit sour

Chapter 155 She Looks Better Than You

Chapter 155 She Looks Better Than You (2)

Bai Rou thought that if she went to find Luo Xiaoyi again at this time, the time would probably be over, so Bai Rou stopped being pretentious and sat directly on the co-pilot.

Seeing Bai Rou coming up, Zhou Qi immediately became happy.

Bai Rou just looked at the person next to her and smiled like a fool.

"By the way, are you okay with your fever this morning?" Bai Rou suddenly remembered that Zhou Qi had a fever this morning, and asked casually.

Zhou Qi touched his nose and said, "It's okay, it's okay, just lie on the bed for a few hours and you'll be fine."

"Oh," Bai Rou responded casually.

Just like that, the two of them stopped talking.


I don't know how long it took, Zhou Qi secretly glanced at Bai Rou while driving.

Although Bai Rou was not looking at Zhou Qi, she could feel his gaze.

"What are you looking at me for?"

Zhou Qi didn't expect that he would be discovered by peeking at Bai Rou.

So Zhou Qi swallowed his saliva, and then asked the question he had been asking all along.

"Well, Rourou, can you tell me why you want to break up with me?"

Bai Rou was taken aback for a moment, she didn't expect Zhou Qi to ask this.

After all, he didn't ask in the morning, and Bai Rou thought he didn't care. When he asked at this time, Bai Rou thought that the idiot in the morning was too happy to see her, so he forgot about it.

In fact, just as Bai Rou thought, Zhou Qi happened to go out in the morning, and then happened to see Bai Rou, so he happily forgot what he had to do, and just followed Bai Rou to chatter.

At this time, Bai Rou heard Zhou Qi's question and didn't want to answer it. She felt that since she broke up with the other party, there was no need to harm the mother-child relationship.

"It's nothing, I just don't like you all of a sudden."

Hearing Bai Rou's answer, Zhou Qi immediately said, "Why don't you like me? We were both pretty good before?"

Bai Rou looked indifferent: "Oh, maybe it's because I found out that there are more handsome people in the world than you, so I decided to give up on you."

Zhou Qi: .
Seeing that Zhou Qi didn't speak, Bai Rou decided to say a little more, to dispel Zhou Qi and herself from agreeing.

"You should know by now that Xiaoyi and Mo Jing are in love."

Hearing Bai Rou's words, Zhou Qi's eyes widened.

"What?! Team Mo is in love, and he's with Chen Da's sister!"

Bai Rou:.
Is he connected to the Internet with 2G?

"Well, it's true. Look at Xiaoyi's younger sister's boyfriend. He looks so good-looking. I don't know how many times more handsome than you. Then look at Xiaoyi's brother. He is also prettier than you. Then look at your team. The few inside are not bad looking, since there are so many good-looking people in the world, why should I hang on to your voice alone."

To be honest, what Bai Rou said during the alignment was actually a bit heavy.

Although those people in her mouth are really handsome, but Zhou Qichang is not bad.

After Zhou Qi heard Bai Rou's words, he felt that his young heart had been hit.

For the first time in my life, I doubted my appearance.

Don't you look good?

After Bai Rou said these words, she no longer wanted to continue chatting with Zhou Qi.

Zhou Qi also saw from the atmosphere between the two of them that Bai Rou didn't want to continue chatting with him at all, so he consciously chose to turn off the microphone.

After sending Bai Rou to the airport, Zhou Qi still wanted to help Bai Rou move the suitcase, but Bai Rou directly refused, saying that he could do it alone, and asked Zhou Qi to go back quickly.

 Hey, I don’t have many manuscripts this time
(End of this chapter)

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