God of Glory is a bit sour

Chapter 156 Do You Want My Girlfriend?

Chapter 156 Do You Want My Girlfriend? (1)

After sending Bai Rou to the airport, Zhou Qi still wanted to help Bai Rou move the suitcase, but Bai Rou directly refused, saying that he could do it alone, and asked Zhou Qi to go back quickly.

Seeing Bai Rou's resolute attitude and not giving himself a chance to refuse, Zhou Qi had no choice but to watch Bai Rou leave before opening the car door and preparing to get in the car.

As soon as he opened the car door, he heard the sound of his mobile phone ringing.

Zhou Qi picked up his phone and saw that it was his mother.

"Hey, Mom, what's the matter?"

Zhou Qi was not in a good mood because of what happened just now, and his tone of voice was a bit depressed at this moment.

"Xiao Qi, when are you going home? Didn't you break up with that Bai Rou? My friend's daughter has returned to China. She played with you when she was a child. Would you like to come back and see?"

Zhou Qi was stunned when he heard Zhou's mother's words, what kind of friend's daughter?When did you play together when you were young?Why don't I have any memory at all?

and also!I remember that I didn't tell my mother about my breakup!How did my mother know?

At this time, Zhou Qi felt that although he and Bai Rou broke up, he felt that he would be able to chase Bai Rou back, so he was not interested in seeing his friend's daughter at all, so he directly refused.

"Mom, I won't go, there are still things in our team."

"Xiaoqi, stop pretending. I just talked to your team coach on the phone. He said that you are outside now, and you are going to Z city tomorrow, so I will give you half a day off. Okay, don't write any more. Come back quickly." Zhou's mother on the opposite side hung up the phone before giving Zhou Qi a chance to speak.

Zhou Qi on the opposite side felt that he had to go this time, so he sighed helplessly, got into the car, and started the car while thinking about how to coldly reject the other party's idea of ​​talking to him.

When I got home, I found that the door had been opened a little bit, and a small crack was exposed. Before I opened the door, I heard the conversation inside.

"Auntie, do you think brother Zhou Qi will like me?"

Zhou Qi who was standing outside heard this, and said silently in his heart: I won't like it.

But Mother Zhou, who was sitting next to the girl, smiled like a flower, and said, "Our Xiao Ning is so good-looking and so obedient, Xiao Qi will definitely like you."

Zhou Qi: Sorry, my little soft mouth is pretty in my mind.

Sheng Ning, who was sitting next to Zhou's mother, smiled shyly after hearing Zhou's mother's words.

Zhou Qi:? ? ?What a joke, I don't like you.

"By the way, Auntie, I heard that brother Zhou Qi had a girlfriend before, do you think brother Zhou Qi would?" Sheng Ning was interrupted by Zhou's mother before he finished speaking.

"Hey, Xiao Ning, don't worry, that girl can't come to harass our Xiao Qi again. I was watching the two of them break up at the time. Also, let me tell you something, I think Xiao Qi Qi's previous girlfriend was not a good guy, I coerced that woman to break up with her, and that woman probably felt that she was too shameless, so she agreed."

Mother Zhou automatically omitted the part where she threatened Bai Rou.

Hearing Zhou's mother's words, Sheng Ning pretended to be in disbelief on purpose.

And Zhou Qi, who was standing outside the door and was just about to come in, froze instantly when he heard Zhou's mother's words.

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(End of this chapter)

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