God of Glory is a bit sour

Chapter 162 Have You Met Your Parents?

Chapter 162 Have You Met Your Parents? (1)

[I love money]: I think you can propose to her!How realistic this is!But by the way, have you two met your parents?Will this be too fast?
In fact, it's not that Mo Jing didn't think about this idea, but he was afraid that if it was too fast, his little girlfriend would be frightened.

And when I went to her house for the first time, mother Luo didn't seem to take any special care of me, right?

Thinking of this, Mo Jing suddenly felt that his future road was full of ups and downs.

Luo Xiaoyi saw that the other party didn't speak, so he started bombarding with information.

[I love money]: Are you still there?
[I love money]: Hey!still there! ?

[I love money]: Hey!Are you really going to propose to someone like this?I tell you wow!Most people would not agree with you like this!Master, wake up a little bit!

[Trumpet]: None.

[I love money]: That's good, I thought you were really stupid and wanted to propose.

To be honest, Mo Jing really had the idea to propose marriage just now.

[Trumpet]: I have nothing else to do, what else do you have to do?
To be honest, Luo Xiaoyi came to find her master purely because she was free, and now that the other party asked her, then she really had a question she wanted to ask.

[I love money]: Master, what do you boys usually like?For example, what do you and your girlfriend do every day?
Seeing this question, Mo Jing really didn't know what to say.

The two of them seem to have nothing else to do except sprinkle dog food in the live broadcast room, and then play games.

[Trumpet]: Playing games?

[I love money]: Are you two playing games every day?Your girlfriend won't dislike you?You can't do this, master, you have to take the little girl out to play and improve your relationship, okay?If you want to play, go to the haunted house. Girls are basically afraid of this.

What Luo Xiaoyi said was completely sincere.

She doesn't know about other girls, but she knows that she is very afraid of ghosts!
[Trumpet]: I'll try it next time.

[I love money]: No!Didn't I ask you a question! ?Why did I help you again! ?
[Trumpet]: Stop talking, I'm going to find my girlfriend.

Luo Xiaoyi:
what can I say? ? ?
This strong dog food smell!
Sure enough, after a while, Luo Xiaoyi saw her master's head darken.

At this time, Luo Xiaoyi realized that she had been chatting for a long time, and it was almost time for dinner.

Just at this time, there was a knock on the door.

This time, Luo Xiaoyi knew without even thinking that it was Mo Jing who came to find her, after all, half an hour ago, she asked someone to come to her during meal time.

Luo Xiaoyi went to the door and opened it, just as she thought, it was Mo Jing who knocked on the door.

"Are you going to eat?" Luo Xiaoyi walked out after saying that, and closed the door of her room.

Mo Jing gave a "hmm" and said, "I'm going to City Z tomorrow."

Luo Xiaoyi:? ? ?

"Huh? What's the matter, I know I'm going to City Z tomorrow, what's the matter?"

Mo Jing coughed and said, "We have nothing to do tomorrow."

Mo Jing suddenly stopped talking here.

Luo Xiaoyi:? ? ?Why is this person so strange?
"Go ahead?"

"Cough, should we go out tomorrow when we go to City Z?"

This time it really wasn't Mo Jing who didn't finish speaking on purpose, but Luo Xiaoyi interrupted himself.

 I'm sorry, I'm not in a very happy mood recently because of the contract and some things at home, and this year we are going to take the junior high school entrance examination in the second year of junior high school. The pressure is very high, and the update will not be stable. The cute little one who is chasing the update will save it first All right, but don't worry, I'll be done.

  (PS: Let me tell you here, the city where Luo Xiaoyi’s family is located is city z, and now they are staying in city a, but city z is bigger than city a, ah, ah, why do I feel that you don’t understand, forget it, Just look at it that way.)
(End of this chapter)

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