God of Glory is a bit sour

Chapter 163 Have You Met Your Parents?

Chapter 163 Have You Met Your Parents? (2)

This time it really wasn't Mo Jing who didn't finish speaking on purpose, but Luo Xiaoyi interrupted himself.

"Ah, Captain, I see. Let's go out to play tomorrow, right? By the way, Captain, have you told my brother and others? If you haven't, I'll tell you?" Luo Xiaoyi thought Mo Jing was I want to take everyone out to play, but I'm too embarrassed to say it, an empathetic proposal.

Mo Jing: What should he say.

".it is good."

After getting the answer, Luo Xiaoyi went downstairs with a smile, and happened to see Luo Chen and the others at the dining table, and told what happened just now.

Qi Shi still didn't believe it after Luo Xiaoyi said this.

The captain suddenly showed mercy and took us out to play?

I remember the last time the captain took us out to play
Well, the captain never took us out to play at all.

After thinking for a long time, Qi Shi still decided to believe in Luo Xiaoyi, and felt that this is the power of love!
Love changes people!

Luo Chen felt that Mo Jing's behavior this time was completely out of good intentions.

Take them out to play?

Are you sure you didn't take us to eat dog food?
At this time, Luo Chen looked at Mo Jing more and more disliked, always felt that he was uneasy and kind in doing anything.

If Mo Jing knew what Luo Chen was thinking, he might say: Sorry, these things I did have nothing to do with you, you just happened by the way.

After dinner, Luo Xiaoyi went back to her room.

Because Luo Xiaoyi asked the manager, the venue of this competition is quite close to Luo Xiaoyi's home, so it is completely possible for Luo Xiaoyi to live in her own home.

And Mo Jing and the others can also live in their own home.

The manager has no objection to this.

Originally, Luo Xiaoyi also wanted to invite the manager and coach, but the manager refused because he thought it was not good to do so.

After all, too many people is not good.

It feels like staying in a hotel with a coach.

In fact, Xia Li's thoughts are superfluous, Luo Mu wished that there would be more people in her family.

Now it's just me, Father Luo and some nannies in my house, and there's no one to chat with at all.

In the past, Mother Luo could still chat with Luo Xiaoyi, but now that Luo Xiaoyi is gone, there is really no one to chat with.

Normally, Mother Luo didn't like to go out to drink tea with those noble ladies, she just liked to stay at home and watch dramas, and she was no different from the young people nowadays.


After returning to the room, Luo Xiaoyi called Luo Mu and said that she would go back tomorrow and stay in City Z for two days.

Luo's mother was naturally happy when she heard that, she even forgot to ask Luo Xiaoyi how her boyfriend was doing.

He also said that he would prepare delicious food for Luo Xiaoyi and the others.

After Luo Xiaoyi heard this sentence, she didn't want to go home again.

"Forget it, Mom, you'd better continue to be your noble lady, don't do these things, and leave it to the aunt at home." Luo Xiaoyi hit Luo Mu mercilessly.

Luo Mu: .
"Okay, okay, if you don't do it, you don't do it. I rarely do it for you."

Luo Xiaoyi:
After that, the mother and daughter chatted a few more words before hanging up the phone.

While hanging up the phone, Luo Xiaoyi also received a message from her boyfriend.

Mo Jing: Good night, my girlfriend.

Seeing this message, Luo Xiaoyi blushed.

Fuck!It's been said so many times!Luo Xiaoyi, can you be a little promising?
 Let me say something here, the reading is awesome, awesome, so awesome that I want to stop updating.

(End of this chapter)

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