Chapter 165

But by coincidence, Luo Xiaoyi happened to be sitting next to Qi Shi.

When Qi Shi saw Luo Xiaoyi sitting next to him, he was terrified.

Qi Shi: Mom, I'm scared!
This time, Qi Shi didn't even think about it, he just gave up his seat, looked at Mo Jing attentively, and said, "Come on, captain, captain, you sit, you sit."

The rest: Can you be any more worthless?

Qi Shi didn't care what others thought of him, anyway, he ran away immediately after giving up his position.

Mo Jing walked to the seat next to Luo Xiaoyi and sat down as if nothing had happened.

Luo Xiaoyi, who witnessed the whole process, said that she just wanted to have a meal in peace.


After eating, the door has arrived to pick up their car.

Several people moved their luggage to the car, got in the car and headed all the way to the airport.

I don't know if it's a coincidence or something, but Luo Xiaoyi's seat happened to be next to Mo Jing.

Regarding this, Luo Chen felt that this was not a coincidence at all, because this flight ticket was booked by his captain.

However, even if he knew the truth, he couldn't change anything.

Because it seems completely reasonable for people to do so.

Luo Chen, who was so stuffy and angry, got on the plane, and fell asleep straight away, out of sight and out of mind.

It might also be a tacit understanding, when the other members of the team saw Luo Chen falling asleep, they all put on blindfolds at the same time and went straight to sleep.

The aunt next to me thought after seeing it: What happened to these young people, why are they still so sleepy in broad daylight?Think about me back then.

When Luo Xiaoyi woke up, she was almost on the ground.

After being dazed for a few seconds, he began to tidy up the scattered things beside him, and he did not forget to wake up those people around him.

The first thing Mo Jing did after waking up was to pinch Luo Xiaoyi's face, which made Luo Xiaoyi look confused.

Luo Xiaoyi: "What are you doing?"

Mo Jing smiled and said, "It's okay, I just want to pinch my little girlfriend."

Luo Xiaoyi:? ? ?

Charming behavior in the world? ?
After getting off the plane and taking her luggage, Luo Xiaoyi saw an acquaintance——Bai Rou.

"Long time no see, I miss you so much!" Bai Rou stepped forward to get Luo Xiaoyi's things with enthusiasm.

Luo Xiaoyi said with a cold face: "Don't be like this, we just met yesterday, counting the time, even twelve hours have not passed, tell me, what's the matter with you?"

After listening to Luo Xiaoyi's words, Bai Rou seemed to have changed her face and said, "Grass, you still have the nerve to say, do you know that who is Zhou Qi, who called me to bombard me last night, Said that he already knew everything, he knew a piece of wool! Then I blocked one of his calls, and he called me from another phone. In one night, I blocked four of his calls, and I almost missed Tired to death!"

After Luo Xiaoyi heard Bai Rou's words, she suddenly remembered that last night, Zhou Qi seemed to ask her for a new private phone number from Bai Rou, but who would have thought that he could be so fierce!

"Ahahahahaha, I thought at the time that I wanted to help my good sister win a happy love. Besides, I think the main conflict between the two of you is Zhou Qi's mother. If the conflict is resolved, you can still Together! Besides, your good sister and I are in a relationship, you don’t want to eat dog food all day long, do you?”

 Fairy I'm back!
(End of this chapter)

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