Chapter 166

After hearing Luo Xiaoyi's words, Bai Rou was shocked, and there was only one thing in her mind: I have never seen such a brazen person.

"I'm so stupid, let's not talk about it. Anyway, after I blocked his four calls, he didn't call me again. Maybe he didn't have a phone number. I don't want to worry about it. What is your itinerary today? I remember you should be If you don’t need to participate in the competition, what are you going to do today?”

After hearing that Bai Rou finally stopped worrying about the phone call, Luo Xiaoyi breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately replied: "We are going to the amusement park today, are you going?"


After Mo Jing and the others walked out of the airport, they saw two girls chatting with their heads together.

After seeing Mo Jing and the others coming, Luo Xiaoyi smiled and said, "I just met Rourou, why don't we go play together after we pack our luggage?"

Mo Jing: Very good, another light bulb came [smile] jpg
Others didn't have any problems, and felt that it would be more lively if there were more people.

Xia Li on the side may be in a good mood because of what happened this morning, so he waved his hand and told them: "I will give you a day off today, and I will send your luggage back to the hotel when you return. go to play!"

As soon as Xia Li finished speaking, the people next to him ran away and said "thank you" by the way.

"Fuck, this group of heartless things, coach, hurry up, find someone to help them carry their luggage, and lost it later."

Coach: I just smiled and didn't speak.


After Luo Xiaoyi and the others arrived at the amusement park by car, they didn't play the amusement facilities first, but punched in and took pictures to send to Moments.

It was said that it was punching in, taking pictures and posting to Moments, but in fact, only two girls, Luo Xiaoyi and Bai Rou, did it.

"Xiaoyi, Xiaoyi, hurry up, hurry up, come and help me take pictures, remember to turn on the filter, beauty is fine, I'm born beautiful." Bai Rou said while posing.

"Okay, okay, I get it, beep again, be careful I'll make you ugly." Luo Xiaoyi cursed while taking pictures of Bai Rou.

Bai Rou, who pays attention to her appearance, immediately shut up when she heard this, and acted like a quiet and beautiful woman.

Qi Shi, who was at the side, might have had his brain opened up. He thought of all the transgressions he had done in the morning, and immediately took out his mobile phone and said, "Sister Xiaoyi, Captain, let me take a picture for you."

At this time, Luo Xiaoyi had already finished taking pictures of Bai Rou, facing Qi Shi's kindness, Luo Xiaoyi did not refuse to agree directly.

The moment Mo Jing heard Luo Xiaoyi's agreement, on the surface he looked like he had nothing to do with him, but in fact he was very happy, but his expression was that kind of reluctant.

The team members who have been with Mo Jing for a long time think that Mo Jing's expression is very normal. If he shows a happy look now, it is abnormal.

But Luo Xiaoyi said that it was the first time she saw Mo Jing's expression, and she just thought that her boyfriend didn't want to take pictures, and she couldn't be smart, right?Maybe the other party doesn't want to take photos at all?

Just like that, Luo Xiaoyi nervously finished taking the photo.

After taking the photo, Luo Xiaoyi quietly pulled Mo Jing to a place where no one was around.

Mo Jing was dragged away by Luo Xiaoyi just after taking the photo. He felt a little strange, but he still followed.

 Me, me, me, I was pushed by my classmates to watch "Hotel Del Luna", and then I found that iu is so damn good-looking, and the clothes are so cute, ahhhhhhh

(End of this chapter)

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