Chapter 167

Mo Jing was dragged away by Luo Xiaoyi just after taking the photo. He felt a little strange, but he still followed.

"What's the matter, what do you want me to do?" Mo Jing asked while straightening the hair next to Luo Xiaoyi's ear.

"That's right, that, were you a little angry just now? Actually, if you don't want to take pictures, just wink with me, don't force yourself."

Mo Jing:? ? ?
Did he say he didn't want to be photographed?
Seeing that Mo Jing didn't speak, Luo Xiaoyi added a sentence.

"I just saw your reluctance, so I came here to ask you."

After listening to Luo Xiaoyi's explanation, Mo Jing understood why his little girlfriend suddenly pulled him here to say this.

Mo Jing lowered his head and smiled, and said: "My dear little girlfriend, you think too much, you are my little cutie, of course I want to take a photo with you, I show the unwilling expression to others, for you, I will never There are cases where you don't want to, understand?" Mo Jing then kissed Luo Xiaoyi's lips.

Luo Xiaoyi was taken aback by the kiss, and then nodded.

"Okay, let's go, they should look for us later." Mo Jing said, holding Luo Xiaoyi's hand and preparing to leave.

After walking a few steps, Luo Xiaoyi heard a familiar voice.

"Sister Xiaoyi!"

Luo Xiaoyi looked back, it was the group of people from the qp team, and the one who greeted him was Yan Xiao.

When Yan Xiao saw Luo Xiaoyi, he wanted to run over, but he couldn't bear Xie Ci pulling his hat beside him.


Most of the members of Team QP today are completely forced.

Because they came to watch the battle and didn't need to compete, Yan Xiao proposed to come to the amusement park. Naturally, Xie Ci had no problem.

But Yan Xiao felt that the crowd was more lively, so he wanted Si Qi and the others to accompany him.

Si Qi and the others were just about to refuse when they received Xie Ci's smile.

Facing the invisible threat, Si Xi and the others agreed.

Si Xi and the others: We were completely forced!

"Hey, what a coincidence, are you coming here too?"

Si Xi and the others were weak: "Ang——"

Luo Xiaoyi: No matter what, she looks like an overworked child.

"Hey, I said Xiaoyi, how long has it been since you dragged your boyfriend away, there is no point, I will give you more time, don't you?"

Just as Bai Rou, who came to look for someone, wanted to continue talking, she saw Zhou Qi and the others standing opposite Luo Xiaoyi and the others.

The moment she saw Zhou Qi, Bai Rou's first reaction was to run away!
"What, you guys talk first, and I'll leave first!" After speaking, Bai Rou ran away without stopping.

The moment Zhou Qi saw Bai Rou was also dazed. The moment he saw Bai Rou running away, he immediately chased after her, not forgetting to say, "I'll be back later."

After both of them ran away, the scene was awkward for a while.

In the end, it was Si Xi who broke the embarrassment.

"Why don't we go together?"

The others had no opinion and nodded.

Ten minutes later, Zhou Qi Bairou met with Luo Xiaoyi and the others.

Obviously, Bai Rou came here with a face of reluctance, as if she was forced by Zhou Qi.

The moment Bai Rou saw Luo Xiaoyi, she said, "Xiaoyi, let's go to the haunted house."

Bai Rou knew that Luo Xiaoyi was not afraid of ghosts and Zhou Qi was afraid of ghosts before she said these words.

Luo Xiaoyi nodded and said that she had no opinion, and the other members of the ZM team also had no opinion and agreed.

 I made up a class today, and then I said it was my birthday today, and then a cute girl in our class kissed the corner of my mouth directly, shit, shit, shit, I really like pretty girls (just kidding), Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

(End of this chapter)

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