Brocade legend

Chapter 101 A disagreement

Chapter 101 Disagreement
At this moment, Alak Khan turned to Lu Bing and said, "Lord Lu, you came here this time to make my Great Mongolia retreat?"

Lu Bing nodded and said, "Yes!"

I replied with a sneer: "It's not sure whether you can go out by yourself? Are you asking us to retreat?"

Lu Bing said calmly, "I think Da Khan already knows about our arrangement."

"Are you talking about the five thousand cavalry outside the camp?" I replied sarcastically, "You want to compete with us in cavalry? You can't even enter within three feet of our camp gate."

"With us here, it's enough to break the camp." Huang Duxian picked up the wine bowl and calmly replied to me: "I'm afraid you will be the first one who can't get out."

I Da was furious, and was about to roar again, only to see Huang Duxian flicking his fingers, a thin silver light flashed, and I Da was about to open his mouth, but Alak Khan hurriedly shouted: "Enough!" I only felt a pain in my throat, and when I touched it with my hand, it was dripping with blood.

Huang Duxian drank the wine in the bowl calmly, and said: "You better shut up, or I will cut off your head!"

I was shocked and observed carefully, only to find that a silver thread was wrapped around his neck, and the other end was connected to Huang Duxian's sleeve.

Arak Khan only saw a silver light just now, and then he saw thin blood stains flowing out of my neck, so he was shocked and told me to shut up, and now he looked carefully, only to find that I answered A small herringbone pendant with a diamond-shaped pointed tip was hanging from the shoulder, shaking slightly.

A thin silver thread was wrapped around Alta's neck, which had already cut through the skin around the neck and cut into the flesh. As long as Alta moved a little, the silver thread would cut off Alta's head.

Alak Khan sneered: "This is what you used to cut the heads of our generals 19 years ago?"

"One" Huang Duxian said lightly, holding the hand with the silk thread in his sleeve, and the other hand did not delay drinking.

Alak Khan said to Lu Bing coldly: "Master Lu is planning to use these ingenious tricks to make our army retreat?"

"That's not the case." Lu Bingyao shook his head: "This is just one of the guarantees to ensure that we can leave the camp smoothly. The [-] cavalry outside the camp is another guarantee, and there are [-] soldiers and horses waiting outside our camp. , just waiting for an opportunity, the Great Khan can send people to investigate."

"Then I don't know what Master Lu can do to make us retreat?" Arak Khan asked again.

"I think, the Great Khan must know that we have deployed heavy troops in Hongshixia, and the Khan's sneak attack is impossible, so is the Great Khan really ready to start a full-scale war with Daming? If not, then the Great Khan has already If you don't get any benefits, why don't the two families stop fighting, so you don't have to lose troops and lose generals?" Lu Bing persuaded

"Lord Lu's words are not bad, but if we leave here, my followers will definitely be unwilling. I can't control them when they secretly come to thresh grain and grass. Wouldn't it be more troublesome by then? Why don't Master Lu put the horses away?" Return the income from the market to us, and save us to take it ourselves, otherwise we will not be sure how much we will take." Alak Khan confronted him tit-for-tat.

"It's illegal to collude with officials of our court in private, and it is illegal to set up a horse market privately. It is legal for my Ming Dynasty to confiscate it. How can there be any reason to return the dirty things?" Lu Bing continued.

"Master Lu is not willing to pay anything, and just talking empty teeth like this makes our family retreat, does Master Lu think it is possible?" Alak Khan sneered.

"It's possible! Our Ming Dynasty can be stationed in the Red Canyon for a year, and there will be a steady stream of reinforcements coming in, but Khan, do you have so many troops and supplies? Even if you have, you dare to invest all of them here Is there a war? Behind you, there are people peeping at the Khan's throne!" Lu Bing said bluntly without any fear.

After hearing Lu Bing's words, Alak Khan sighed in his heart. Lu Bing finally found the lifeblood of Mongolia...

Arakh Khan saw that it was useless to go around in circles, so he had no choice but to speak directly: "Forget it, since Mr. Lu has a mirror in his heart, let's get straight to the point! Ben Khan really doesn't want to go to war with Ming. A series of military actions this year, including opening horses The city and so on are all for the purpose of accumulating materials, going out of Hetao to the east, finding a place to build the Mongol Empire, and no longer entangled with Ming Dynasty. But the horse market was destroyed by Mr. Lu. Now we don’t have enough supplies, so we can’t go. If Lu Your Excellency can provide us with some supplies, and we will leave immediately, and Daming will no longer have to worry about the problems in the north. This is a win-win situation, okay?"

Lu Bing thought for a while, and said: "It's very rare for Da Khan to have such a heart, but the materials have been escorted back to Beijing, and they can't be raised for a while. Before Da Khan has looted several villages, the materials in those villages will be left to Da Khan , but those people who have been taken captive, please return them to the Great Khan.”

Alak Khan glared at Lu Bing, this Han man not only doesn't eat oil and salt, he doesn't eat soft and hard things.And let yourself spit out what you swallowed!

Thinking about it, I couldn't help but feel angry.

"Since Mr. Lu is so unreasonable, don't blame Ben Khan for turning his face! Anyway, I, a Mongolian, have lived like this for hundreds of years, and I don't care about continuing to live like this. My lord, just wait for my Mongolian army to come to thresh the grain and grass!" Arak Sweat.

Lu Bing was worried, only a hundred days to be a thief, how can there be a hundred days to guard against a thief?But asking him to betray Daming's interests was indeed not what he wanted.

At this moment, Alak Khan didn't care what Lu Bing was thinking, and suddenly shouted: "Come on!"

I saw that the sweat tent behind Arak Khan was suddenly lifted, and a group of warriors poured in to protect Arak Khan, while Huang Duxian was still controlling I Da, so there was no time to make a move.

When Lu Bing and the others reacted, they were already surrounded by Mongolian soldiers and archers, and only Ida was still in Huang Duxian's hands.

Shi Shi guarded Lu Bing, holding a tree trunk and looking around vigilantly, Lu Bing said loudly: "Khan, what is the meaning of this? Don't you want to kill me?"

Alak Khan sneered and said: "I can't answer a tribal leader, but you are too dangerous. Let you go back. I don't know how many Mongolian warriors will die in your hands. As the descendants of Dayan Khan, I answer To die for Great Mongol is also a worthy death!"

After hearing this, I answered, gritted my teeth secretly, but was speechless, unable to think, sighed secretly, and gave up struggling.

Arak Khan was about to give the order to shoot the arrows, but Lu Bing sneered and said, "If you want to keep fighting with Daming, then shoot the arrows."

Alak Khan suddenly remembered Lu Bing's background, and hesitated for a while.

Lu Bingdao: "Khan, if you don't agree with me, you will make a big move. This is the way of the street hooligans. It's easy for you to kill us. Anyway, we still have an answer in our hand, and we won't lose money, but it's even more impossible for you." After getting the supplies, and having to face the unending situation with Daming, the loss will be even more.

Arak Khan was angry for a moment just now, and the fierceness of the wolf totem passed down by the Mongols made him issue this order. Hearing Lu Bing's reminder, he couldn't help hesitating.

 I have been silently racking my brains to write a book. A friend suggested to set up a group, saying that it would be helpful for the review of historical authenticity, so I built it. Friends who like Jinyiwei can exchange and discuss.Group number: One, two, one, one, nine, five, one——"Legend of Jin Yi" book friend group
(End of this chapter)

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