Brocade legend

Chapter 102 The Cunning King Khan

Chapter 102 The Cunning King Khan

Now that I calmed down a bit, I remembered that I Da had a very good relationship with his brother Ji Nang Jinong. If I Da lost his life because of my order, I'm afraid I won't be safe when Ji Nang comes back.

While Arak Khan was thinking, he caught sight of Huang Duxian, and suddenly had an idea in his mind. He thought about it carefully, and felt that now that both sides are in trouble, Lu Bing should accept it. Impossible. You can’t let me go, I can’t return it to your people. You can’t give me supplies, leave the name of the court to blame, I can’t just retreat so easily and make the people dissatisfied. In this case, We will replace the impossible with the impossible, and make the impossible possible."

When Lu Bing heard it, he didn't quite understand it, and asked, "I don't know what good strategy the Great Khan has?"

Alak Khan said: "We Mongols admire warriors and heroes the most. Why don't we speak with courage and strength! How about it?"

Lu Bing cupped his hands and said, "I would like to hear the details!"

Arakh Khan put his hands behind his back and said: "Hero Huang is famous all over the world. This warrior even defeated the number one warrior in Mongolia. Why don't we play a few matches! Use the competition to decide the choice."

"How does Dahan want to play? What to play?" Lu Bing asked
Alak Khan thought for a while, pointed at Huang Duxian and said, "Huang Duxian is your Ming's hero, but my Great Mongolia's sinner. We will use him as an excuse in the first match to compete against him."

Lu Bing expressed his willingness to hear the details, and Alak Khan pointed to the stone and continued: "I sent ten warriors from Mongolia, against the warrior under your command."

Lu Bing was furious: "Five against one? How could this be successful? It's too unfair!"

Alak Khan sneered and said: "Impossible? It is to exchange the impossible for the impossible. If your warrior wins, we Mongolia will let Huang Duxian go, and stop pestering him for the humiliation Dayan Khan suffered. If your If the warrior loses, let me go."

Lu Bing disagreed, and said: "If you let go of my answer, we will lose another bargaining chip. Isn't it just what you want?"

"Just wait for your words!" Alak Khan was secretly proud of himself, and then said: "Well, let's change it. If your warriors can fight ten of them, I will not only let Huang Duxian go, but also let you go." Get out of camp."

When Lu Bing heard this, he couldn't agree more, and was about to object, but Shi Shi stood up and said loudly: "Then I will hit ten!"

Lu Bing was in a hurry, and before he had time to object, Arakh Khan spoke again, saying: "Good! You deserve to be the hero who defeated the number one warrior in Mongolia!"

Shitou said to Lu Bing: "My lord, don't worry, I will definitely win, as long as I win, you and Huang Daxia will be safe!"

Lu Bing thought about it, even if he lost, he would just let go of my answer.

Even if there is no answer in hand, there is still a chance to escape. After thinking about it, Lu Bing sighed, agreed, and then said to Shi Shi: "Don't fight hard, if you can't beat it, just admit defeat."

Shitou smiled stupidly, and Arak Khan saw that he had made up his mind, and said, "Since your lord agrees, let's go outside? Let's swear in front of the [-] tribes of my Great Mongolia that the [-] people of this Khan Be a witness, so that Lord Lu can rest assured!"

Lu Bing nodded in agreement.

Huang Duxian and Lu Bing led Alta to the front, and Shitou followed behind, moving his body.

Surrounded by many warriors, Alak Khan came to the open space outside the big tent. Lu Bing raised his head and glanced around. The outside was full of swords and swords. Lu Bing and Huang Duxian looked at each other, fearless.

Alak Khan pointed to Lu Binglu and the others, and said loudly: "Warriors of the grassland! This is Daming's envoy, Lord Lu Binglu. The chief culprit who caused my Dayan Khan to die with hatred back then was Huang Feier Huang Duxian. It is said that all the descendants of Dayan Khan should cut off his head when they see Huang Duxian to pay homage to Dayan Khan’s heroic spirit in heaven. But now, it’s no longer possible , Master Lu said, Huang Duxian is now a courtier of Daming, and he can't be handed over to us. Not only can't he be handed over to us, but he also kidnapped our Alda, demanding that we retreat and return the slaves we captured to him! You are all horses on the prairie and eagles in the sky! Tell me, can we agree to such a condition!"

Lu Bing sneered in his heart when he heard Alak Khan adding fuel and embellishments, talking nonsense, but he didn't open his mouth to explain.

But many Mongols were angry and boiling, clamoring to kill Lu Bing and others.

Arakh Khan waved his hand, and after everyone quieted down, he continued: "Ben Khan has categorically rejected the unreasonable demands of the Han people, but you have also seen that now my life is in the hands of Huang Duxian. Rescue Alta, Ben Khan made an agreement with the envoy of Ming Dynasty to let his warriors fight our Mongolian warriors. If they win, we will pardon Huang Duxian’s crimes and send them out of the camp. If we win They are going to let me go, and hand over Huang Duxian to us!"

Lu Bing was furious when he heard that, he didn't say just now that if Shi Shi loses, he will keep Huang Duxian!
Lu Bing saw a smug expression from the corner of Alak Khan's mouth, and glanced at Shishi again, because he heard that his victory or loss was related to Huang Duxian's life, Shishi was a little nervous.

Lu Bing secretly sighed in his heart, knowing that the deal is done, the Mongols have been incited, and there is no room for refutation. If Lu Bing refutes, the angry Mongols will not agree, and I will lose my life at that time, no wonder Arak Khan Head up!

Lu Bing looked at the rough and heroic Alak Khan, and understood in his heart that this sweat is not as rough as his appearance, but very shrewd in his heart!In this way, Lu Bing pressed down an extra weight and made Shi Shi tense up. What a good plan!
Under the command of Arak Khan, the Mongols soon gave up an open space in the middle.

Stone looked at Lu Bing and Huang Duxian nervously.

Huang Duxian patted Shi Shi's arm and said: "Don't be nervous, don't worry about the old man, the old man can stay if he says to stay, if you can win, we will go out swaggeringly, if you can't win, it's a big deal. Jin, you should believe in the old man's ability!"

After listening to Huang Duxian's words, Shitou relaxed a little.

Shitou took off his shirt, revealing his strong muscles. He looked at Lu Bing and said, "I...I will definitely not lose!"

"It doesn't matter. If you really can't fight, it doesn't matter if you admit defeat. After all, they have a lot of people." Lu Bing thought for a while, and then said loudly to Alak Khan: "Khan, may I ask whether weapons will be used in this competition?"

Arakh Khan looked at the "weapon" in the stone's hand, thought for a while, and said: "We Mongolians respect warriors, and we have no hatred with this warrior. We should learn from each other, let alone weapons, so as not to be overwhelmed." !"

 I have been silently racking my brains to write a book. A friend suggested to set up a group, saying that it would be helpful for the review of historical authenticity, so I built it. Friends who like Jinyiwei can exchange and discuss.Group number: One, two, one, one, nine, five, one——"Legend of Jin Yi" book friend group
(End of this chapter)

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