Brocade legend

Chapter 103

Chapter 103

Lu Bing saw that Arakh Khan said that he didn't use weapons because he saw that the stones used tree trunks as weapons, which could not take advantage of weapons.

But Lu Bing didn't reveal it, just nodded, and asked again: "Then I would like to ask Da Khan, will this match determine the outcome?"

Arak Khan said ambiguously: "Let's finish this game first!"

I replied, who stood silently by the side, suddenly said something, and said with a sneer: "If you lose this round, there will definitely be no next round!"

Lu Bing ignored my answer, just took the tree trunk from Shishi's hand, and watched Shishi play.

When the stone reached the middle of the field, the Mongols on the side shouted and even threatened.

However, Shi Shi seemed to be slowly entering the state. He moved his body first, and then stood quietly on the field, lowering his head and waiting silently.

After a while, the warriors selected by Alak Khan began to enter the field one after another. Alak Khan said loudly: "Mongolian warriors, this Ming warrior thinks that he can deal with ten Mongolian warriors! Do you accept it or not!"

Several Mongolian men shouted angrily: "I don't accept it!"

The Mongols who were watching from the side also roared in response.

"Okay! Then you have to fight hard, don't embarrass Ben Khan!" Alak Khan said loudly.

Lu Bing basked in the cold, and didn't take Alak Khan's little tricks to heart. He had already decided in his heart that if he felt that the stone was in danger, he would rescue him!Even if you provoke public anger, you must first save the stone, and then fight it out!There are Li Jin's men and horses outside to support him. Although he is close to death, there is still a chance of survival!

A group of Mongolian warriors entered the field one after another. Although they were all shorter than the stone in size, they were stocky and strong, and some were even bigger than the stone.They surrounded the stone in the middle, looked at the stone viciously, and only waited for Arak Khan to give an order, then they rushed forward and tore the stone to pieces!

Alak Khan explained to Lu Bing with a smile: "This group of warriors are all winners of the "Nadam" conference over the years. Although they are weaker than Batulu, they are also rare fighters. Master Lu must be careful. Prepare!"

Lu Bing heard the murderous intent in Alak Khan's words, and he was secretly on guard, ready to strike at any time.

Arakh Khan pointed to a Mongolian warrior who was facing a stone. This warrior was wearing a leather shoulder-wrestling suit "Zhaodege", with silver and copper foam nails on the shoulders, "Zhaodege" "Embroidered with simple and solemn animal-shaped patterns, he is wearing white trousers, which are wide and pleated.Fire shapes and auspicious figures are embroidered on the knees in front of the trousers, with bright background colors and multicolored pictures.He wears riding boots, a wide brown leather belt around his waist, and various colored stripes around his neck - "Jiang Ga". Lu Bing knows that these colored "Jiang Ga" represent strength, which means that this warrior is famous. Bo Keqing, that is, a wrestler.

Judging from his appearance, this warrior is obviously younger, but the other older Mongolian warriors left him the position facing the stone. It can be seen that the strength of this young warrior is caused by these older Mongolian warriors. Mongolian warriors agree.

Alak Khan pointed at him and said, "This young man is called Gada, and he was the winner of last year's "Nadam" conference "Bokbayledhu Competition, which is the wrestling competition you Ming mentioned!"It is the best Bok celebration of Ben Khan.Don't look at him as thinner, but he is a rare wrestling genius. He went to Daming to learn your sumo skills, and combined them with my Mongolian "Bokbayledhu". In the wrestling match at the Naadam Conference, he won easily! Those old Bo Keqing all admired him and learned from him!"

Lu Bing took a closer look. This wrestler, who was relatively thin in the words of Alak Khan, was not thin at all from the perspective of Han people. He had dark skin, dark red cheeks, sharp-edged face, and broad shoulders. , and his strong body, all show that he is not just winning with skills, but has explosive power in his body.

At this time, the young warrior was staring at the stone, but his body posture was not an attack posture. Lu Bing himself was also a master. After a little thought, he understood what this young man was thinking, and he couldn't help applauding secretly. :"so smart!"

It seems that this young warrior is not a reckless man, he intends to wait for work with leisure, he understands that the person who can defeat Butru must not be a weak person, but must be an existence with superior strength.What the Great Khan wants is victory, and if he wants to win, cooperation is the most important thing.

What this young man is best at is technique.So as long as he sealed the direction of the stone, as long as he could withstand the attack of the stone, other people would naturally attack. At that time, he would be hard to beat four hands with one punch!Just win!

Lu Bing wanted to understand this, and he was even more worried, staring at the field, waiting for an opportunity to move!

After looking carefully, Lu Bing immediately found that there were only nine people surrounding the stone. When Lu Bing looked again, he noticed that at the edge of the open space, there was a person standing there with arms folded. If he didn't look carefully, he thought it was a crowd. people.But he just folded his arms, stood quietly, and did not do anything else, and because of this, Lu Bing was able to separate him from the onlookers.

Lu Bing took a closer look and found that this person, although he was also wearing a leather robe and dressed like a Mongolian, was actually a Han!
Alak Khan also noticed that Lu Bing had discovered this different "Mongolian warrior", and said with a smile: "It seems that Master Lu has discovered it. That master is you Han!"

Huang Duxian also noticed that person and let out a "huh".

Lu Bing asked Huang Duxian, "Hero Huang knows who he is?"

"En." Huang Duxian nodded and said, "If I'm not mistaken, it seems to be Wang Zhaoyi, the head of the Wang family on Lulin Road in Shanxi.

"Wang Zhaoyi?" Lu Bing questioned.

Arak Khan at the side laughed when Huang Duxian said Wang Zhaoyi's name, and said, "So you have heard his name before, it seems that you are not the only one under Master Lu who has masters!"

Lu Bing ignored Alak Khan, but continued to ask Huang Duxian: "Is he very powerful?"

Huang Duxian nodded, and said: "On the northern border, the only one who can directly be called the Northern Leg is Wang Zhaoyi, and only he can represent the greatest power of the Northern Leg! It can only be him."

"Oh, so he is from a family of martial arts?" Lu Bing asked again, Alak Khan beside him had never heard of these anecdotes about Ming Dynasty, and he was listening with his ears up.Although Alak Khan had heard that Wang Zhaoyi was very powerful and well-known in Daming, he never expected that he would be so famous.

"You can make good use of it after reading it." Alak Khan thought to himself.

 I have been silently racking my brains to write a book. A friend suggested to set up a group, saying that it would be helpful for the review of historical authenticity, so I built it. Friends who like Jinyiwei can exchange and discuss.Group number: One, two, one, one, nine, five, one——"Legend of Jin Yi" book friend group
(End of this chapter)

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