Brocade legend

Chapter 104

Chapter 104
"You can say that." Huang Duxian ignored Alak Khan, but continued to explain to Lu Bing: "The green forests in Shanxi are different from those in other places. The wealthy families, landlords, and bandits there are from the outside. , are all a fortress with a large courtyard and high walls. The Wang family is a well-known wealthy family in the green forest of Shanxi Province. Its unique skills have been passed down for generations! In a village, 80.00% of the hundred or ten people are surnamed Wang. The males know how to work with both hands. They usually plant the land, harvest the harvest, marry and mourn like farmers. When there is a war, they will organize their own teams to protect the village. But when there is a famine, when they run out of food, they will They became bandits and plundered everywhere. It was just because the Wang family would help the surrounding villages when they were in normal times. When they came out to plunder, they would not do anything to the surrounding villages. Therefore, they were not excluded in their local area, but were respected. This Wang Zhaoyi is the patriarch and head of the Wang family. I dealt with him 20 years ago. At that time, he was not the head of the Wang family, but he was already famous in the green forest of Shanxi with a pair of iron legs. !Although we have had little contact these years, we have heard about each other. About a few years ago, I heard that the Wang family was discovered by officers and soldiers, and they sent troops to clear it up. I never thought that he would come here."

Lu Bing observed Wang Zhaoyi carefully. Wang Zhaoyi seemed to sense it. He glanced this way, and then turned his gaze to the stone.

"It looks like he's in his 50s and still so powerful?" Lu Bing hoped that this Wang Zhaoyi would be better than he was back then.

But Huang Duxian still shattered Lu Bing's fantasy, Huang Duxian glanced at Lu Bing and said: "Back then, during a forest fire, he kicked a tree as thick as a bowl, scaring off hundreds of bandits. "

When Lu Bing heard this, he clicked his tongue secretly, thinking that he couldn't do it.If it is a dry firewood stick, even if it is as thick as the mouth of a bowl, Lu Bing is confident that he can break it by kicking it. But a living tree is resilient, with its roots and crown, how fast and how much strength is needed to do it?

"Hands are two doors, and you beat people with your feet." Huang Duxian continued: "Adults are officials, and the imperial court gives them excellent weapons, which can be carried with them, so most of the effort is on weapons. Common people come first. You can't get such a good weapon, and you can't carry it around. Therefore, in the arena, most of them rely on fist and kick skills. Compared with the strength of the fist, it is not as good as the leg. Therefore, it is said that Wang Zhaoyi is It is true that he is the number one on the green forest road in Shanxi. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the number one on the Green Forest Road in Shanxi. Even though he is a little older, he is a farmer with good roots. At the age of 50, his physical strength may not regress. How much, experience and skills are the most perfect time.

Lu Bing was even more uncertain. It seemed that this Wang Zhaoyi was self-respecting and didn't bother to bully them as much as he could. But even if Shitou finally defeated Gada and the eight Mongolian men, he might not be able to pass Wang Zhaoyi's test. This battle is really bad luck.

Alak Khan was listening with a smile on his face, and thought to himself, it turned out that he had picked up a treasure!Asked Huang Duxian: "I don't know who is more powerful, Huang Daxia or this Wang Zhaoyi?
Huang Duxian glanced at Alak Khan, unwilling to hide his words, and said bluntly: "Facing the enemy head-on, I am not an opponent, but if I want to kill him, he must die."

Arak Khan snorted coldly, and sarcastically said: "Huang Daxia is really upright!" Arak Khan didn't want to wait any longer, and announced loudly: "Let's begin!"

Shi Shi raised his head abruptly, the stupidity in his eyes had long since disappeared, he roared, and he really rushed towards Gada, punching him straight!The other eight big men were not far behind, and attacked behind the stone one after another!
I saw Na Gada, facing the stone that was rushing towards the top of Mount Tai, without changing his expression, put on airs, when the shadow of the stone completely enveloped him, he exhaled loudly, gave a soft drink, turned around, bowed his head and waist, and directly He crashed into the arms of the stone, pressed his back against the stone, and shouted: "Open!"

Lu Bing recognized that this stance was a form of Bazi Quan, called Tie Shan Kao, which uses the strength of the legs and waist to perform the Beng Zi Jue with the back of the shoulders.Gada's move does not seek to injure the enemy, but only seeks to block the stone!
But Gada still underestimated the power of the stone. The stone missed a punch, but he was powerful. Although Gada blocked him, Gada was also knocked forward by the counter force. shock!

At this time, Shi Shi already felt the sound of wind coming from behind, but Shi Shi was very calm at this moment, and rushed forward in two steps!Frustrating the attack behind him, he chased after Gada who staggered forward, and kicked him out!
Gada felt a strong attack, because he has been wrestling all the year round, and he is very good at listening. He turned around and hugged the stone's thick legs. Gada took advantage of the force. This leg lifts the feet off the ground.

Gada has never met an opponent in wrestling in this Mongolian prairie. There is only one person he can't defeat, and he has no choice but to do so. This person is Batlu, the number one Mongolian warrior born with supernatural power.

Batru's overwhelming power makes Gada's superb skills useless. Any skill will be crushed and crushed by Batru's power, and the desired effect cannot be achieved.Also because of this, Gada paid great attention to strength training instead of indulging in the skills learned by Daming.

Now that he meets a stone that can compete with Batru in terms of strength, and even defeat Batru in the end, Gada's usual strength training has shown results, otherwise, Gada would not be able to hold this leg at all, and directly He was kicked away.

Gada dealt with it in a panic, but he was also secretly thankful in his heart, because Batru was in front of him, so that he did not slacken his training of strength.

Just when Gada's mind was turning like lightning, Gada didn't forget to continue the next action.

Gada hugged the stone's legs with both hands. Just as his feet hit the ground, he exerted force with his hands, turned around, and pulled back with the momentum, trying to pull the stone to the ground.

At this time, two big men had already arrived and attacked the stone at the same time.

At this time, I could see that the stone's basic skills are solid, such a huge, hard body like a stone, but it slipped down, and directly split a vertical fork, dodging the attack from behind, and Gada didn't check for a while, and was suddenly shot by the stone. With a strong leg, he broke away from his arm.

As soon as the stone lay down, an oolong kicked up, and a pair of thick and powerful legs swept across, sweeping Gada and the other two Mongolian men to the ground.

Shi Shi oolongs and panzhu, standing up with the momentum, and several other big men also attacked, Shi Shi let out a loud shout, and received several punches and kicks, and knocked a Mongolian sweat to the ground with one punch, unconscious to death!

"Good!" Lu Bing couldn't help applauding!The Mongolians who were watching were also shocked by the several rounds of fighting between lightning and flint. They fell silent for a moment, and then cursed everywhere.

Arak Khan on the side also lost his smile, but Arak Khan still thought in his heart that the victory was guaranteed!
 I have been silently racking my brains to write a book. A friend suggested to set up a group, saying that it would be helpful for the review of historical authenticity, so I built it. Friends who like Jinyiwei can exchange and discuss.Group number: One, two, one, one, nine, five, one——"Legend of Jin Yi" book friend group
(End of this chapter)

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