Brocade legend

Chapter 105

Chapter 105 One hit ten
In the north of Daming, the grasslands and farmlands cut by the ancient Great Wall have endured the same bleak wind and sand.

Yulin City, which is riddled with holes, still stands there firmly, unmoving.

In the Mongolian camp not far away, in the fighting field full of swords, lights and swords, full of murderous aura.

A man who looked like a giant spirit, like Yulin City, stood on the solid ground, motionless.

At his feet were several Mongolian warriors who had fallen to the ground, one of whom had passed out.

Gada and the two big Mongolian men from the two sides got up, and the unconscious man was dragged aside by several other warriors and handed over to the soldiers on the side to take care of him.

Shi Shi didn't pursue, Gada and the remaining seven Mongolian warriors surrounded Shi Shi again, but they didn't dare to attack easily.

Knocked down by the stone, the big Mongolian man lying on the side was sturdy and strong, and he was a battle-tested warrior.But if he didn't check for a while, he was knocked down to the ground with a punch from the stone, which made the other warriors dare not be careless anymore.

Gada moved his body lightly, and the place where he was swept by the stone-like thighs felt unbearable pain.

Gada observed the stone carefully, and found that although there were many people on his side, they could not attack at the same time, so it was not good to surround them like this.

Gada hinted at the two warriors around the stone with his eyes, telling them to rush to the stone first.

The two warriors understood, shouted together, whipped their legs at the same time, with the sound of the wind, one attacked the stone's calf, and the other attacked the stone's lower back.

Just when the two warriors had just stepped out, the two Mongolian warriors in front of and behind the stone also followed immediately, one kicking towards the front belly of the stone, and the other kicking towards the back of the stone.

Stone already felt that avoidance was inevitable. After letting go of their contempt, these Mongolian warriors showed extremely high fighting qualities and cooperated tacitly. It can be seen that they are all experienced fighters.

Shi Shi let out a loud cry, puffing up all his muscles, he wanted to fight hard!He can't lose!
Shitou attacked the two Mongolian warriors behind him, intending to receive a blow from them with his back.

Stone raised his left foot, facing the Mongolian warrior who kicked towards the calf.

The calf of the left leg and the calf of the Mongolian warrior's right leg collided firmly!
The Mongolian warrior screamed and fell to the ground holding his calf!
And Shitou was also sweating coldly, but he gritted his teeth and refused to cry out, which made Lu Bing worry.

Shitou's injured left leg didn't even retract a bit, and he stepped down firmly on the ground, posing a steady lunge as a whole, enduring the pain and stabilizing his body in time, his lower back and back, received a hard blow from behind. A blow from those two Mongolian warriors.

The stone tasted sweet, but the feet seemed to have taken root, and they were planted on the ground. The torso was like cast iron, and did not move at all. He even hugged the leg that kicked towards his lower abdomen tightly in his arms.

Shi Shi yelled, grabbed that leg tightly, and twisted his body!He actually threw the owner of that leg up!The Mongolian warrior, regarded as a "weapon", rammed into the two Mongolian men behind the attacking stone.

The other Mongolian warriors wanted to step forward, but there was no chance. Gada gritted his teeth secretly, knowing that rescue was not in a hurry.

Sure enough, one of the two warriors attacking behind the stone, before one could react, was slammed into his body by the companion who was regarded as a "weapon" by the stone, and both vomited blood.

Another Mongolian warrior who attacked behind the stone, because his companions in front blocked him, used a donkey to roll in time, avoiding the fate of being hit and killed by his companions.

The stone threw out the "weapon" in his hand. The "weapon" rolled on the ground, vomited blood, and passed out.

The Mongolian warrior who was knocked down by him was still struggling to stand up, but he was kicked on the head and neck by the stone, and fell to the ground, unconscious.

At this time, Shishi's eyes were already black with pain. Although this round was short, he knocked down three Mongols again.However, these Mongolian warriors were not for display. The two feet behind him made him feel as if he had been hit by a rolling stone, his spine was rattling, and his internal organs were aching.

Especially the calf of the left leg, after colliding head-on with that Mongolian warrior's calf, it felt like a fracture, and the pain was unbearable.Instead, he took a firm step forward. Although at that time he had the feeling of relieving the pain with pain, but now, the numbness has disappeared, and the huge pain swept over his body again, and he was sweating profusely.

Gada's big teeth were about to be crushed. Although Shi Shi was injured in this round of attack, three more fell down on his side.

Gada glanced at it, stood aside, folded his arms, as if Wang Zhaoyi, who had nothing to do with him, secretly hated in his heart.But the pride of being a Mongolian warrior prevented him from saying what Wang Zhaoyi wanted to do.

Gada understood that if he said this, it would be as if none of the nine Mongolian warriors on his side could defeat a single warrior from Daming, and he still had to ask this Han expert for help, and the Mongols would be completely humiliated at that time.

And Alak Khan, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, couldn't keep his smile anymore. He also understood that even if Wang Zhaoyi finally defeated Shi Shi, he would lose all the face of Great Mongolia.

Gada and the four companions who were still standing looked at each other in blank dismay.Outsmart and reckless efforts have been used, but the stone is still standing, with no intention of falling down.

Gada exchanged glances with his four companions, gritted his teeth, and fought!
They don't care whether they cooperate or not!They want to turn into the most ferocious hungry wolves on the prairie, and use courage and ferocity, even life, to tear the stones into pieces!

At this moment Shitou shook his head, his eyes regained his light, he felt the fierce murderous aura, and the mortal attack!But at this moment, the stone no longer has the usual simplicity, he roared fiercely!
Desperate!Stone will too!Dare!He exudes a strong fighting spirit, like a bolide falling to the earth, smashing into the battle formation of Mongolian warriors!
I!I rock!I can't lose!

He didn't care about the iron fists that the Mongolian warriors threw at him!The iron leg kicked on the body!Because he is a real stone man!iron Man!
He fought back desperately, but it was hard to beat four hands with one punch, and his attacks became less and less. The fighting power of the desperate Mongolian warrior was completely different from before.

Shi Shi told himself that he could not fall down, if he fell down, he would never be able to stand up again, and he would lose!
He stood tenaciously to prevent himself from falling down; he desperately parried, hoping to wait until there was a gap, so that he could fight back...

But in this kind of melee, Shi Shi couldn't open his frame to exert strength. He was good at open and close play, but at this time there were fists and kicks everywhere, and he had no space and time to exert strength, so the strength of his counterattack could not reach The effect of defeating the enemy with just one move.

Shitou felt dizzy and gradually unable to do what he wanted, only his will was holding on...

 I have been silently racking my brains to write a book. A friend suggested to set up a group, saying that it would be helpful for the review of historical authenticity, so I built it. Friends who like Jinyiwei can exchange and discuss.Group number: One, two, one, one, nine, five, one——"Legend of Jin Yi" book friend group
(End of this chapter)

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