Brocade legend

Chapter 106

Chapter 106
Gada also discovered this, he yelled loudly, commanded his companions to keep shrinking the space of the stones, kept encouraging his companions, and made the companions who were attacked by the stones hold on!hold on!
He saw that the stone gradually had only the power to resist, as long as he persisted, he could knock down the stone!
The Mongolian soldiers watching from the side cheered in unison, and a smile appeared on the corner of Arakh Khan's mouth.

Only Wang Zhaoyi on the north leg stood there expressionless, keeping his arms crossed and motionless.

At this time, Lu Bing's face had changed, and he also saw that Shishi was at a disadvantage now, and he was already struggling to support.

Lu Bing couldn't bear it, and wanted to make a move, but a hand held him.

He glared angrily at the owner of his hand - Huang Duxian!

Huang Duxian was not afraid of Lu Bing's anger, Huang Duxian said in a low voice: "My lord, if you step forward at this time, Shitou's efforts and sacrifices will be in vain!"

"But if you wait any longer, the stone will be sacrificed!" Lu Bing said angrily in a low voice
Arak Khan on the side noticed Lu Bing's change, and winked at the guards beside him, and a group of warriors moved quietly in order to block Lu Bing's rescue path.

Lu Bing saw Alak Khan's small movements and saw that the best time for rescue had passed, so he shook his hand resentfully and broke away from Huang Duxian's hand.

Huang Duxian saw that Lu Bing had temporarily given up the idea of ​​rescue, and smiled slightly. He didn't take Lu Bing's rudeness to heart, but was in a very happy mood. For Huang Duxian, who took effect, it is the greatest good thing.

Huang Duxian has his own plan, he is confident that he can send Lu Bing out of the camp, although... the price will be relatively high, and he may even lose his life.

But as long as he desperately rescues him, with Lu Bing's character, even if he dies, he will definitely arrange for his wife, daughter, and disciples properly.

To use one's own life in exchange for the whitewashing of the whole family, and even a lifetime of prosperity and wealth, for an "old thief" like Huang Duxian who has been wandering around the world, it is worth it...

Maybe some of my descendants will be admitted as a scholar. From then on, Lao Huang's family is also a scholarly family...

After Huang Duxian secretly made up his mind, he no longer worried about anything, and his thoughts even drifted to the far, far future... and the stone has long been out of his consideration.

But Lu Bing didn't know, and Shi Shi didn't know.

Lu Bing was still looking for opportunities all the time, and even planned that if the stone was life-threatening later, he would forcefully rush over.

Alak Khan obviously discovered Lu Bing's plan, so he secretly dispatched troops to seal Lu Bing's road to death.

Lu Bing observed for a long time, but he didn't find a chance, and the stones on the field were shaking and staggering, and they were already at the end of their strength.

Lu Bing couldn't bear it anymore, and shouted at Shitou: "Shitou! Admit defeat! Don't fight!"

Seeing Lu Bing's words, Alak Khan laughed and did not stop him.

But the stone seemed to be struck by lightning, he stood up straight up suddenly, which frightened Gada and other Mongolian warriors for a moment.However, Gada and the others reacted immediately, and the rain of attacks continued to fall on the stone.

At this time, Shi Shi's body was tense, and he didn't seem to feel the pain caused by those attacks, so he looked at Lu Bing in a daze.

Lu Bing felt an inexplicable pain in his heart. He saw puzzlement, sadness, disappointment, and even pain in Shitou's eyes.

Lu Bing suddenly realized that he had hurt the stone.

He is the first "outsider" to recognize Shishi, and his approval is extremely important to Shishi, but at this moment, Shishi must think that he does not trust him.

Lu Bing regretted...

But he still looked at Shishi firmly, and told Shishi with his eyes that he hoped Shishi would give up.

Shitou still has Mammy to take care of, so he can't just throw his life here... It doesn't matter if he fails or is sad, it's better than losing his life, right?
Lu Bingru thought...

At this moment, Shi Shi also saw Lu Bing's intentions, and Shi Shi suddenly smiled...

With blood, a bruised nose and a swollen face, the smile is actually warm...

Stone suddenly lowered his body, roared, and kicked his powerful legs on the ground!

The stone was like a wounded bull, slammed out fiercely, the strength of the legs, the weight of the body, and the speed of sprinting brought the strength to smash the boulder!

The Mongolian warrior in front of him was hit by him, screamed, and flew out obliquely. The soldiers onlookers dodged one after another.

Gada was startled and shouted, "Surround him!"

But it was too late, the rampage of the stone knocked down another Mongolian warrior who tried to stop him.

At this moment, Shi Shi was already dizzy, and there was only one belief in his heart, rush!
He knew that this was his last chance to turn defeat into victory!He can no longer be surrounded and beaten!That will definitely lose!

The stone rushed towards another Mongolian warrior. The Mongolian warrior looked at the stone in fear, and yelled in horror, turned around and ran away!

Alak Khan clenched his fists!
What a shame!

Arak Khan hates to kill

He yelled at the Mongolian warrior: "Don't run away! Go back! Or kill your whole family!"

The Mongolian warrior heard the threat of the Great Khan, resisting his fear and stopped!Looking at the profuse sweat at a loss!
Alak Khan continued to shout: "Hit him! You hit him too! Knock him down! If anyone dares to run away, I will kill his whole family!"

Gada, who was still standing, and the other two Mongolian warriors, after hearing Alak Khan's words, knew in their hearts that this was the last resort!What's more, Arak Khan has ordered!
Gada and the other two Mongolian warriors also slammed into the stone!
The fleeing Mongolian warrior gritted his teeth, turned around and slammed straight into the stone!
Without any luck, he was hit by a stone and flew out, passing out.

But at this moment, another warrior slammed into the stone from the side, causing the stone to stagger to the side.

Gada's eyes lit up and he saw an opportunity!
Gada ran to the stone, shoveled at the foot of the stone, then caught the stone's leg with both legs, and twisted it hard!
The stone finally fell down and fell heavily on the ground...

The soldiers watching on the sidelines had already tensed up nervously. Seeing the hope of victory, they cheered loudly again!
Gada was also overjoyed, desperately raised his upper body, and rushed towards the stone.

However, just when Gada thought that he finally had a chance to win, his eyes went dark, his forehead hurt, and he passed out.


It turned out that when Shi Shi saw Gada rushing towards him, he slammed his head into Gada's head without thinking!

A ruthless headbutt knocked the momentarily slack Gada unconscious!
Although Shi Shi stunned Gada, he was also dizzy and had a splitting headache. When Shi Shi touched his forehead, his skin was torn apart.

The stone was lying on the ground, his whole body aching and weak, and at this moment, the last Mongolian warrior rushed over!

 I have been silently racking my brains to write a book. A friend suggested to set up a group, saying that it would be helpful for the review of historical authenticity, so I built it. Friends who like Jinyiwei can exchange and discuss.Group number: One, two, one, one, nine, five, one——"Legend of Jin Yi" book friend group
(End of this chapter)

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