Brocade legend

Chapter 107 Fight Again

Chapter 107 Fight Again
At this time, the stone was already unable to get up, and the Mongolian warrior was also bruised and swollen. It was with the last bit of strength that he rushed over, raised his elbow, and slammed the stone hard.

Lu Bing's heart tightened, but Alak Khan and many Mongolian soldiers held their breath!

Just when Lu Bing was about to make a move regardless of the others.

The Mongolian warrior flew back faster than he had rushed over!
"The rabbit kicks the eagle!" Lu Bing shook his fist fiercely!
The rabbit kicking the eagle is a very common move, and it can be used by all schools and even all kinds of entertainers.

When the rabbit is about to be overtaken by the eagle, it will turn over and lie on the ground, and kick the eagle's chest with its hind legs, defeating the strong with the weak.

This trick was learned by warriors. Although the movements of different schools are different, the principle is the same.

When being suppressed by the enemy, bend your legs, exert strength from your back, and kick your feet fiercely against the enemy's chest. This force is enough to turn defeat into victory.

Just now, the stone used this trick to push the Mongolian warrior out!
And the Mongolian warrior passed out immediately.

Alak Khan looked at Lu Bing with a pale face, and said with a sneer, "Lord Lu is too happy, don't forget that we still have a warrior who didn't play..." Arak Khan pointed to the stone, a little admired, Some sarcastically said: "And your warrior, I'm afraid he won't even be able to stand up!"

Lu Bing thought for a while, and said, "Then how about this game ending here? I will let you go as promised."

Alak Khan continued to sneer and said, "Master Lu, is he going to admit defeat? Then not only should I release An Da, but also keep Huang Fei'er! Let Ben Khan deal with it!"

"Yes!" Huang Duxian answered with a smile, "As long as the Great Khan is willing to send Mr. Lu out of the camp, I, Huang Duxian, will stay and let the Great Khan dispose of him."

Arak Khan sneered and said, "I'm afraid that this Khan sent Master Lu out of the camp on the front foot, and you Huang Daxia ran away on the back foot? Or should I ask Master Lu to stay and watch your execution before leaving?"

Lu Bing was secretly angry, and exchanged glances with Huang Duxian. Lu Bing decided to capture Alak Khan first, and then use Alak Khan and Alda as hostages to escort himself and others out of the camp.

But Alak Khan was heavily guarded in front of him, and around Lu Bing and Huang Duxian, at least hundreds of bows and arrows were aiming at them. If they made any movement, they would be shot into hedgehogs immediately. At this moment, it was a stalemate.

Just as Lu Bing was thinking about countermeasures, the stone lying on the ground staggered and stood up again, with ragged clothes and blood mixed with grass clippings and dirt hanging on his body.

Shi Shi wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand, tried to open his red and swollen eyes, shook his head, looked around, saw the target, turned around precariously, and faced Wang Zhaoyi who was standing with his arms folded.

"You're the only one left, come on..." Shito said vaguely, "We can go back after the fight."

"..." Wang Zhaoyi looked at the stone, a little speechless. He hesitated for a moment, but still took the first step, walked to the opposite side of the stone, still folded his arms and said, "You will die."

"..." Shitou smiled weakly, looked at Wang Zhaoyi firmly, and clenched his fists.

Wang Zhaoyi looked at the stone that could not stand firmly, and he wanted to fight to the death, he couldn't help feeling a little moved, he said to the stone: "I don't want to take advantage of you, a child, but now I can't help myself, I can't be with you It's a fair fight. However, the old man can give you half an hour to rest."

After hearing Wang Zhaoyi's words, Shitou hesitated for a while, then looked at Wang Zhaoyi.In the end, Stone chose to believe in Wang Zhaoyi.

Stone sat down on the ground, panting heavily.

At this time, the Mongolian soldiers watching the battle no longer had the noise they had before.

The Mongols worship the strong and heroes, especially a hero with a tenacious spirit.

Shi Shi suddenly called out to the Mongolian on the side: "Is there any wine and meat? Give me some!"

When the Mongolian soldiers on the side heard it, they wanted to take it, but they hesitated when they thought of the aloof Khan.

"Get it for him!" At this moment, Alak Khan spoke, and he asked the guards to send the leg of lamb, mutton and kumiss to the stone!

Lu Bing looked at Arak Khan, and Arak Khan felt it immediately, and said expressionlessly: "Let's treat it as a last meal! The Mongols can't let such a warrior die of hunger!"

Lu Bing hesitated for a while, but still bowed to Alak Khan.

Shi Shi took the plate full of meat and the skin bag full of kumiss, regardless of the dirt and blood on his hands, he directly grabbed a piece of meat, and was about to stuff it into his mouth when he suddenly remembered Wang Zhaoyi who was still at the side.

"Here, you eat!" Shito stretched out his hand and handed the meat to Wang Zhaoyi.

Surprised, Wang Zhaoyi frowned, and said coldly, "You want me to try it?"

Shi Shi was stunned for a moment, and then laughed, even though he was simple and honest, he understood that Wang Zhaoyi thought that he let him eat first, so that he could try the meat to see if there was any problem.

Shi Shi stuffed the meat into his mouth and chewed it, and Wang Zhaoyi also reacted instantly, couldn't help blushing, and sighed secretly, "Once bitten by a snake, I will be afraid of the well rope for ten years."

Having been in the rivers and lakes for half his life, he has seen too many conspiracies and tricks, but now that he is getting old, he has become timid and timid.In front of so many people, how could it be possible for Khan to poison the wine and meat?

"The old man is getting old, his teeth are bad, and he can't eat meat anymore. Give me two sips of your wine!" Wang Zhaoyi said suddenly to Shi Shi.

Shitou heard this, grinned, and threw the wine skin to Wang Zhaoyi.

Wang Zhaoyi no longer hugged his arms, reached out to take the wine bag, took a sip, wiped his lips, and threw the stone again.

Shitou laughed and ate meat and drank like no one else, enjoying himself.

The Mongolian soldiers on the side quietly looked at this warrior who regarded death as home.

The stone wiped away the wine and meat, and then returned the plate and the empty wine bag to the Mongolian soldiers on the side.

He wiped his mouth twice with his hand, then rubbed the oil on his body, and said to Wang Zhaoyi, "Come on?"

Wang Zhaoyi hesitated and said, "It's less than half an hour, why don't you rest for a while?"

Shitou shook his head and said: "No need, you can go home after the fight, and rest when you go home."

When Wang Zhaoyi heard this, he was furious in his heart, this is his decision!
Wang Zhaoyi stopped talking nonsense, he stood proudly with his arms folded, and said, "Then you come up!"

Shitou was not polite either, he let out a loud shout, and punched Wang Zhaoyi with his fist.

But Shi Shi's eyes blurred, and then he felt that his feet were empty, and he fell forward and fell.

Shi Shi got up dizzy, a little inexplicably.

But Huang Duxian and Lu Bing at the side both saw it clearly, with serious expressions.

Just now, when the stone was blasting at Wang Zhaoyi, Wang Zhaoyi didn't even let go of his hands. He twisted his waist and legs, stepped aside, and poked his leg, blocking the stone's calf, tripping the stone like a kick or a hook. on the ground.

"Is this... poking the foot...?" Lu Bing murmured.

 I have been silently racking my brains to write a book. A friend suggested to set up a group, saying that it would be helpful for the review of historical authenticity, so I built it. Friends who like Jinyiwei can exchange and discuss.Group number: One, two, one, one, nine, five, one——"Legend of Jin Yi" book friend group
(End of this chapter)

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