Brocade legend

Chapter 112 Break Out!

Chapter 112 Break Out!

Lu Bing was taken aback when he heard this, but Wang Zhaoyi quickly said: "My lord, I have made many mistakes in my life, but I didn't realize it until the time came. I only hope that if you can go back safely, please take care of me. Good daughter, if possible, help me kill a few more thieves from Dongchang, and avenge my whole family!"

Hearing Wang Zhaoyi's words, Lu Bing already knew something was wrong. It seemed that Arak Khan didn't intend to let himself wait for others to leave!
"Go!" Huang Duxian stepped forward and grabbed Lu Bing, but Lu Bing pushed the stone to him, put up the other arm of the stone, and said, "Let's go together!

Wang Zhaoyi shook his head and said, "You can't leave like this." As soon as Wang Zhaoyi finished speaking, he heard Arak Khan's order: "Shoot the arrow!"

A shower of arrows fell towards Lu Bing and the others!

Lu Bing and the others felt cold, this is a dead end!
Unexpectedly, Huang Duxian at the side suddenly threw a ball in the direction of the arrow rain.

Then he immediately took out a handkerchief-like thing from his bosom, only to see Huang Duxian waved his hand, and the handkerchief-like thing turned into a big net!
In the blink of an eye, Huang Duxian revealed his real strength under his fame.

Huang Duxian is worthy of being a ghost of lightness kung fu, proficient in mechanism hidden weapons, and possesses all kinds of strange weapons.I saw that ball exploded in the air, the explosion shook some arrows, and Huang Duxian let go of the net, gently slung it out, and skillfully picked up those arrows that were about to fall on their heads support, or change direction, or eliminate strength.

In an instant, the deadlock was resolved by Huang Duxian, but with the power of dozens of arrows, the net was torn into tatters. Huang Duxian threw it on the ground without any distress, and shouted: "Go!"

Li Jin, who was outside the Mongolian camp, saw the explosion and shouted almost at the same time: "Attack!"

The explosion shocked Arak Khan, as well as the Mongol soldiers.

Arak Khan just wanted to let the archers shoot again, but Lu Bing and others had already plunged into the panicked Mongolian soldiers under the reminder of Huang Duxian!

Arakh Khan saw that shooting arrows would kill his family by mistake, so he waved his hand to let the archer put down the arrow, and at the same time shouted: "Kill them!"

The change was too fast in an instant, the envoy of Ming Dynasty, the admirable warrior, suddenly became the enemy of Da Khan!

Many Mongolian soldiers hadn't reacted yet, but Alak Khan's personal soldiers were already carrying scimitars and rushing towards Lu Bing and others!
Huang Duxian and Lu Bing broke into the crowd with stones on their backs, and rushed towards the gate of the camp!

Those Mongolian soldiers were a little flustered at first, but by this time, they had understood the will of the Great Khan. When they saw Lu Bing and his party rushing in front of them, they also drew their swords and rushed towards Lu Bing and others!
With his right hand resting on the unconscious stone, Lu Bing kicked a Mongolian soldier in the chest with his left foot, kicking the Mongolian soldier back a few steps, bumping into a ball with the Mongolian soldier behind him.Lu Bing also took advantage of the situation with his left hand, drew the knife in his backhand, and held the Xiuchun knife upside down. With a wave of his hand, he slashed across the throat of a Mongolian soldier.

Lu Bing wanted to make another move, and Huang Duxian, who was supporting the stone on the other side, also started to show his strength. He brushed his belt with his hand, and even took out a half-foot soft sword!
I saw this soft sword, in Huang Duxian's hands, like a revived spirit snake, sparkling with silver light!
Huang Duxian pointed forward with his sword, like a cluster of silver flowers blooming, the Mongolian soldiers in front only felt their eyes light up, they had already been cut several times, and they all fell back and retreated.

Huang Duxian's wrist trembled lightly, the soft sword seemed to have turned into a soft whip, and when it swung left and right, the drawn Mongolian soldiers gave way to a path of blood and flesh.

Huang Duxian shouted loudly: "Rush over!"

Lu Bing and Huang Duxian worked together to rush out with the stone on their backs, but the stone was too heavy!

The two of them supported the stone and rushed forward for two or three feet, but they couldn't move anymore!

There are more and more Mongolian soldiers on the side, rushing forward one after another!

The two of Lu Bing seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, and there were Mongolian leather blankets and machetes everywhere...

"Hmm..." Lu Bing snorted, and swung the knife with his backhand. It was hard to defend tightly. A Mongolian soldier cut a deep bloody gash on his left arm. Lu Bing almost let go of the knife in pain and dropped the knife!

Lu Bing gritted his teeth, firmly controlled his fingers, and grabbed the handle of the knife.

Seeing this, Huang Duxian knew that going on like this was not an option, but he couldn't spare his hands to take out his "secret weapon".

Just when he was anxious, a figure flashed by!

Where the figure flashed, the Mongolian soldiers vomited blood and retreated!

The visitor came from behind the three of Lu Bing, striding fast, but as if the ground was shrinking into an inch, his legs kicked like a whip, swept like a stick, and kicked like a gun!Lu Bing, Shitou, and Huang Duxian walked around in the blink of an eye!
Before Lu Bing had time to see who it was, a limp body hung on his back. Lu Bing turned his head and saw a dirty little face with tear stains on it. It was Wang Zhaoyi's daughter!
Then I heard Wang Zhaoyi's voice behind me!

"Lord Lu, I'll leave the little girl to you, help me take care of her before I break out!"

The voice is decisive, yet calm as water...

Lu Bing was shocked, he had no idea whether he could go out, and how to rush out with a little girl, even if he did, Wang Zhaoyi would...

Thinking of this, Lu Bing immediately understood Wang Zhaoyi's intentions, and his heart ached.

Huang Duxian heard Wang Zhaoyi's words, and heard the sound of fighting behind him, and felt the pressure behind him lighten.

Huang Duxian understood that it was Wang Zhaoyi who stopped the pursuers, and he was overjoyed, he could finally stop for a while and use his "secret weapon"!

Huang Duxian stopped, put his shoulder against the stone, freed his left hand, took out several balls in his arms, flicked his fingers, and saw those balls draw several parabolas from near to far, falling into the Among the Mongolian soldiers coming forward.

"Let's go!" Huang Duxian yelled lightly, and erected the stone vigorously. Lu Bing didn't have time to think, followed Huang Duxian to set up the stone, and rushed forward!

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"...

Several loud bangs, one after another!
The explosion broke out among the Mongolian soldiers ahead!

The Mongolian soldiers screamed and made way for a passage of flesh and blood!

Huang Duxian seized the opportunity, followed the explosion closely, but kept a proper distance, and finally rushed to the gate of the camp!
Outside the Mongolian camp, the shouts of killing were deafening. It was Li Jin's troops who had rushed through the defense line outside the Mongolian camp and were directing the attack on the gate!
The Mongolian general who commanded the Mongolian soldiers to guard the gate in the camp was shocked when he saw that Lu Bing and others rushed to the gate following the explosion, and hurriedly ordered some people to intercept it!
At this time, Huang Duxian had already made up his mind, and with the last ball in his hand, he threw it towards the gate of the camp!

Seeing this, the Mongolian general didn't know what it was, but he also vaguely guessed that it must be this weird ball that caused the explosion several times just now!
This Mongolian general was also very brave, without thinking too much, he swung his knife and slashed at the ball!


 I have been silently racking my brains to write a book. A friend suggested to set up a group, saying that it would be helpful for the review of historical authenticity, so I built it. Friends who like Jinyiwei can exchange and discuss.Group number: 124199558 - "Legend of Jin Yi" book friend group
(End of this chapter)

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