Brocade legend

Chapter 113 Bloody battle at the camp gate!

Chapter 113 Bloody battle at the camp gate!
After a loud noise, within a few breaths, Lu Bing, Huang Duxian, and Shitou had only the door bolt in front of them...

Huang Duxian stepped forward, opened the latch forcefully, and shouted to Lu Bing: "My lord, let's go!"

However, Lu Bing turned his head and looked back for Wang Zhaoyi. He saw that Wang Zhaoyi was covered in blood in just half a moment, and he was tossing and turning, entangled with the pursuers, fighting and retreating.After the break, he followed Lu Bing and they were almost at the gate of the camp!

Lu Bing thought for a while, hung the stone on Huang Duxian's shoulder, and then gave Huang Duxian Wang Zhaoyi's daughter, saying: "You are good at lightness! Take them out of the camp first, and hand them over to General Li Jin. I will go meet Wang Daxia!"

Huang Duxian was in a hurry, and said: "My lord, let's go! If something happens to you, it will be in vain for all of us to sacrifice!"

Lu Bing resolutely said: "This is an order! You are good at lightness, take the stone and go first, and I will have less burden, and I will definitely be able to meet Hero Wang!"

Huang Duxian saw that Wang Zhaoyi was forced to retreat steadily by many Mongolian soldiers. If he hesitated, several people would be surrounded by Mongolian soldiers again. He didn't dare to waste time arguing.
Thinking of this, Huang Duxian gritted his teeth, held Wang Zhaoyi's daughter with one hand, and dragged the stone with the other. Regardless of the stone being dragged on the ground and his clothes being torn, he took three steps at a time and rushed out of the camp gate with all his strength. , crashed into the Ming army led by Li Jin.

Lu Bing took two steps forward with his sword, and hurriedly slashed several times to help Wang Zhaoyi get out of the entanglement!
"Hero Wang! Let's go!" Lu Bing shouted.

Wang Zhaoyi didn't expect that Lu Bing didn't leave, but came to save himself. He couldn't help being moved, thinking that he didn't help the wrong person!

In this short period of time, Wang Zhaoyi tried his best to stop the pursuers, but he was still stabbed several times, just because he was experienced and the cuts were not deep.

Seeing that the gate of the camp was wide open, Wang Zhaoyi felt that there was a possibility of escape, and he didn't want to fight any more. He thought it would be good to survive, so he ran towards the gate with Lu Bing!

Just when the two thought they could escape, a Mongolian general with a long knife and a gloomy expression suddenly stopped at the gate.

"I answer!" Lu Bing fixed his eyes and looked at it, but it was I answer who had hidden aside just now.

I replied with a sneer: "Do you think you left?"

Lu Bing gritted his teeth, intending to solve An Da quickly, but Wang Zhaoyi rushed to An Da before him!
Lu Bing was shocked, and hurriedly followed, wanting to join forces with Wang Zhaoyi to kill I Da with two moves and rush out of the gate!
But with such a flash of skill, three or four Mongolian soldiers blocked the gate from the front.

I Da sneered and accepted the move, but it was mainly fighting. It was not like Lu Bing imagined that I Da would come up to fight recklessly. It seemed that after what happened just now, I Da also grew up.

I answered that with the cooperation of several Mongolian soldiers, they entangled Lu Bing and Wang Zhaoyi.I answered very clearly that he just wanted to stop Lu Bing and the two of them. After a while, more and more Mongolian soldiers would surround them, and they would be exhausted if they were tired!
How can I let go of the shame and humiliation just now, although he has learned to swallow his anger and restrain his impulse a little, but he is still the inviolable I Da!

He must keep Lu Bing and Wang Zhaoyi behind, and then go to Yulin to kill Huang Duxian, Shitou and others to vent his shame!
Sure enough, as I expected, in these few rounds, although the first three or four Mongolian soldiers were hacked to death by Lu Bing or kicked by Wang Zhaoyi to break their neck bones, more Mongolian soldiers have already stopped in front , In a few breaths, the three or four at the beginning have become more than a dozen!

Wang Zhaoyi saw that going on like this was not an option, and thought that his daughter had already left the camp. If Lu Bing hadn't left alive, no one would remember him, and no one would take care of his daughter!

Wang Zhaoyi gritted his teeth, and once again extinguished the flame of survival that had just ignited by himself. Wang Zhaoyi turned around and was stabbed in the back by a Mongolian soldier. He rushed to the front of Lu Bing. Open a channel for Lu Bing barely!

"Master Lu, go!" Wang Zhaoyi yelled, but Lu Bing still refused to go alone.

While fighting, Wang Zhaoyi yelled at Lu Bing: "My lord! The old man has a family of [-], and only the daughter is left. Even if the old man gets out alive, he is still a sinner. For the sake of the old man and the little girl, my lord must go out alive and justify the name of the little girl." !” While speaking, Wang Zhaoyi broke the neck bone of a Mongolian soldier with a kick, then turned around and swung his legs, kicked another one down, and then alternately kicked the stomachs of two Mongolian soldiers with his left and right legs continuously, kicking the Mongolian soldiers hard. The soldier knelt down on the ground clutching his lower abdomen, which was the unique skill of poking his feet, jade ring step, chain mandarin duck feet!It can be described as fast as lightning!
After hearing what Wang Zhaoyi said, Lu Bing's eyes turned red. In the short few months since he came to Beidi, he saw and heard too many things that he hadn't seen or heard in the past 20 years.

From the high-spirited and unafraid of hardships and dangers when I left Beijing, to when I first arrived in the Northland, I tried my best to control the chaos in the face of it, and now it can be said that I am exhausted.

In the past few months, Lu Bing has grown a lot, realized a lot of his own weaknesses, and seen more human nature.

The complexity of human nature cannot be discovered by his previous cleverness...

Everyone will give up himself for the benefit, and at the same time find himself again for the benefit.

Everyone sacrifices others for himself, and at the same time sacrifices himself for something more important than himself.

Sometimes it's faith, sometimes it's the person you love...sometimes the faith is heavier, sometimes the person you love is heavier...

Human thoughts, all the time, are not struggling...

A person's life, all the time, is not a struggle...

At this moment, Lu Bing seemed to have realized something.

The blood washes away the evil, revealing cruelty!

The cruelty of heaven, the cruelty of human nature, the cruelty of the world...

Lu Bing stopped talking, his face was red, his eyebrows were dark, he gritted his teeth and rushed out the door!

At this moment, Wang Zhaoyi's legwork became wide open and closed!Sweep horizontally and vertically!For Lu Bing!
Lu Bing also slashed left and right!Killing enemies on the battlefield is completely different from competing with masters!

Competing with masters, what is important is to grasp the rhythm of the battle, the sword technique is endless, retractable and retractable, and the offense and defense are orderly!
And in this chaotic battlefield, the sword skills will be interrupted by another intruder or the knife from time to time. There is no time to think about tactics and sword skills, only...

The knife must be fast, before being cut by someone else's knife, cut him down first!

A knife must be ruthless, a knife is ruthless than a knife, and a person is ruthless than a person. Only by not hesitating and dodging can we survive!

At this time, Lu Bing only had the military flag of Ming Dynasty outside the gate, and the knife in his hand, as if it had its own consciousness, split open the things in front of Lu Bing's sight!

Just when Lu Bing was about to break out of the camp, a figure broke into his sight again. Lu Bing had no time to think about it, so he chopped it off as usual!

There was a sound of gold and iron striking!The person came to block with a knife, although he was knocked back two steps, he still caught Lu Bing's knife!

 I have been silently racking my brains to write a book. A friend suggested to set up a group, saying that it would be helpful for the review of historical authenticity, so I built it. Friends who like Jinyiwei can exchange and discuss.Group number: 124199558 - "Legend of Jin Yi" book friend group
(End of this chapter)

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