Brocade legend

Chapter 114 The King of Northern Legs

Chapter 114 The King of Northern Legs
Lu Bing fixed his eyes, but he answered with gritted teeth!

I refused to get out of the way, and slashed with a knife again, Lu Bing was going to fight!
One hand grabbed Lu Bing's shoulder, and a leg straight like an arrow passed through Lu Bing's side, and shot at Alda's chest, kicking Alda to the ground!
"Go!" shouted Wang Zhaoyi's voice, and a strong force came from behind, pushing Lu Bing out of the camp. Just as Lu Bing was about to turn his head, Huang Duxian came running not far away, and in the blink of an eye, he came to his side and grabbed him.

An impulse welled up in Lu Bing's heart, he wanted to break free from Huang Duxian's hand, and fight back again!

But a voice sounded in his heart, and he said to himself: "I can't go back! I can't go back!"

The rational voice in Lu Bing's heart forced him not to look back, and resolutely followed Huang Duxian's footsteps and ran towards the Ming army!

At this moment, Lu Bing lost some of the precious integrity and morality deep in his heart, but he also gained the nourishment for his growth.

Lu Bing followed Huang Duxian all the way back to the Ming army camp, and then turned his head to look at the gate of the Mongolian camp. The scene at the gate of the camp made his eyes red.

I saw Wang Zhaoyi was blocking the gate of the camp, with ragged clothes and blood running down his body, every time he twirled and kicked, blood spattered out!
Wang Zhaoyi kicked a Mongolian soldier down with a low whip kick from his right leg, and then kicked a Mongolian soldier sideways to the ground with a high whip kick neatly.

Sometimes Wang Zhaoyi swung his legs several times in a row, sweeping the area down; sometimes he kicked and kicked, making the Mongolian soldiers retreat steadily.

"Father!" At this moment, Wang Zhaoyi's daughter suddenly yelled, rushed out of the Daming army formation, and ran towards Wang Zhaoyi.

When Wang Zhaoyi heard it, he was so distracted that he was slashed again by Al Da, who was fighting beside him.

Seeing this scene, Wang Zhaoyi's daughter covered her mouth with both hands, not daring to scream anymore, and was hugged by Huang Duxian and jumped back.

Lu Bing gave Huang Duxian a wink, and Huang Duxian understood and took Wang Zhaoyi's daughter to the rear army.

At this time, Wang Zhaoyi had already been stabbed several times in the body, blood flowed like a river, and he could no longer hold on, now he was slashed again by An Da, and almost fell to the ground.

Knowing that there was no hope of survival, Wang Zhaoyi yelled, "Lord Lu! Go away! Take good care of my daughter!!!"

Lu Bing felt sour in his heart, tears almost came out of his eyes...

With the last of his strength, Wang Zhaoyi rushed towards Al Da, using the most wonderful set of kicks in his life, which is exactly the "nine-turned mandarin duck kick" in the traditional kicking routine.

Wang Zhaoyi shouted loudly, stepped forward, step by step, kicked again and again, ringing in circles, kicking the Mongolian soldiers in front of An Da, rolling and screaming on the ground one by one.

Then Wang Zhaoyi slapped his leg and went straight to the heart of I Da, and I Da backed away in panic, at the same time he raised his knife and slashed at Wang Zhaoyi.As soon as Wang Zhaoyi missed the blow, he twisted his waist and kicked An Da in the arm. When he let go, the scimitar in his hand fell down.

Wang Zhaoyi pressed on step by step, and swung his leg back again, but was blocked by An Da's arm.

Wang Zhaoyi landed on the ground and turned around, stretched his feet, his legs were like a spear piercing the air, and he pointed out with his foot, just in time to break through the hands that I Da held up in front of his chest as a defense.

I Da's heart was hit, and I spit out a big mouthful of blood. Fortunately, Wang Zhaoyi's move was deflected a lot by I Da, and the move has been used for a long time, so it didn't directly explode the heart of Al Da.

Altan himself is also an outlaw, a Mongol warrior.The huge pain in his chest actually ignited his fierceness.

Enduring the pain, he hugged Wang Zhaoyi's leg with both hands, and dragged it up and down.

Surprised, Wang Zhaoyi split the horse, barely being dragged down.

But this gap was caught by the Mongolian soldiers behind him. A Mongolian soldier with quick eyes and quick hands cut Wang Zhaoyi's leg with a knife, cutting off Wang Zhaoyi's hamstring.

Wang Zhaoyi screamed and fell down, but I replied happily: "Go! Hack him to death!"

Wang Zhaoyi still refused to accept his fate, he spun and stomped on the ground, and the Mongolian soldiers around him were helpless for a while.

I replied viciously: "Change to a long weapon! Stab him to death!"

When Wang Zhaoyi heard this, he was shocked, he didn't dare to fight on the ground anymore, so he jumped up desperately, so as to fight the Mongolian soldiers again.'s too late...


Hearing a few puffs, several spears pierced through Wang Zhaoyi's half-jumped upper body, and nailed Wang Zhaoyi to the ground...

Wang Zhaoyi faced the sky, hanging on the spear shaft.Blood flowed into the ground along the slightly trembling barrel of the gun.

At this moment, the wind was blowing the blades of grass, but it was extremely peaceful. At the last moment of his life, Wang Zhaoyi was powerlessly looking at the sky, looking at the light clouds and light wind.

He smiled slightly, let out his last breath, and said in his heart: "At least I have the face to meet my ancestor..."

A generation of northern leg kings passed away...

In this battle, no less than thirty Mongolian soldiers were kicked to death by Wang Zhaoyi, and even more were seriously injured.An Da grinned grimly and stepped forward, chopped off Wang Zhaoyi's head with one blow, held it triumphantly in his hand, and showed it to Lu Bing from afar.

Lu Bing's eyes were red, and he held the reins tightly with both hands. At some point, Shi Shi had woken up and was holding himself up weakly, looking at the tragic scene at the gate of the Mongolian camp, with tears streaming down his face.

"Father! Father!" At some point, Wang Zhaoyi's youngest daughter broke free from Huang Duxian and squeezed into the front army, witnessing this scene.

Wang Zhaoyi's youngest daughter wanted to rush over, but was stopped by several Ming soldiers.The little girl kicked and bit, and struggled desperately, but she was so weak, she couldn't break free, she just cried hysterically, heart-piercingly.

Looking at Wang Zhaoyi's youngest daughter, Lu Bing remembered that there are still many Ming people who are trapped in the Mongolian camp and become slaves and captives.

Wang Zhaoyi used his life to send his daughter out and became a Han Chinese again.

And in that big camp, how many sons and daughters of the Han people are still trapped in the tiger's den, serving as slaves and handmaids?Or even raise children for the Mongols, and eventually become Mongols from generation to generation?
Lu Bing gritted his teeth and made up his mind to rescue them!

At this moment, Alak Khan was also surrounded by warriors and walked out of the camp.

Lu Bing suddenly slapped his horse and went to Alak Khan.Seeing this situation, Li Jin hurriedly commanded the army to set up a formation, followed Lu Bing, and marched towards the Mongolian camp.

The Mongolian generals such as Alak Khan and Alta did not expect that Lu Bing did not escape, but pushed forward instead.The Mongolian generals are busy commanding the Mongolian army to line up to protect Arak Khan.

Lu Bing drove his horse and came not far from Arakh Khan, and said loudly: "Dare Khan dare to compete again?
Alak Khan was taken aback, and said, "Master Lu, how dare you compare?"

Lu Bing sneered and said, "Why don't you dare, even if you don't know, would Da Khan dare?"

Alak Khan also sneered: "Of course I dare, but I don't know what Master Lu wants to bet this time?"

Lu Bing pointed to the big camp and said, "Just bet on the Han people in your Mongolian camp!"

(End of this chapter)

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