Brocade legend

Chapter 115 Horses

Chapter 115 Horses

Lu Bing looked sadly at Wang Zhaoyi's body and the head in my hand, and said with hatred: "There is also the corpse of Wang Daxia."

Alak Khan thought for a while, and said, "Master Lu still wants a lot. If that's the case, the round just now doesn't count. Let's compete in two more rounds, how about it?"

"How does Dahan want to compare?" Lu Bing asked coldly.

Seeing Lu Bing's response, Alak Khan laughed and said, "Since Ben Khan has more chips in hand, then Ben Khan will set the rules. In the last game we competed in martial arts, then in the second and third rounds we competed in horseback riding and archery." !"

Lu Bing expressed his willingness to hear the details, and Alak Khan continued: "In the second round, we will use the open space in front of the two armies as the standard. The knights of both sides run towards the opposite side, and then run back to the camp. The winner is the one who returns to the camp first. If Master Lu wins the second round, Ben Khan will return Wang Zhaoyi's body to you. In the third round, we will compete in archery, with riding and fixed-target shooting. Whoever has the higher skill will win. If If Master Lu can win the third round, Ben Khan will return the slaves captured before to Master Lu. But... if Master Lu loses a round, he will return the goods and property in Mashi!"

"It's not fair!" Li Jin was furious after hearing Alak Khan's words.

Alak Khan sneered and said, "Who made you Master Lu want so much? Why? Master Lu, do you want to retreat in spite of the difficulties? Don't you care whether you are the people of Ming Dynasty?"

Huang Duxian glanced at Lu Bing's face, thought for a while, and stepped forward: "Okay! We can agree, but if it's such an unfair competition, then it's fine, how about changing the rules of the game a little?"

Alak Khan actually hoped that through this kind of competition, he could get back the supplies in the horse market, so as to avoid large-scale fighting.Hearing Huang Duxian said that it was just a small change of the rules of the game, he said, "Does Huang Daxia have any suggestions?"

"Horseback riding and archery are your Mongols' strengths. If we use horseback riding against horseback riding, it is actually unfair to our Ming Dynasty. If the Great Khan really wants to resolve the war between our two armies through competition, then put How about changing the second game to Mabi and I?" Huang Duxian laughed.

When Lu Bing heard Huang Duxian's proposal, he looked at Huang Duxian in surprise.

Alak Khan disagreed, and said: "Huang Daxia's lightness kung fu is unparalleled in the world, isn't this a bit flattering?"

Lu Bing and Huang Duxian exchanged glances, Huang Duxian nodded slightly, Lu Bing thought about it, looked up at Alak Khan, and said firmly: "The Great Khan disagrees? Then I will go back to the camp to prepare for the battle, and wait for the confrontation with the Great Khan. Outside the Hongshixia pass! However, Da Khan remembers that my lord is a person who must take revenge, I must take back the body of Wang Daxia, and I must avenge the slaughter of the village!"

Alak Khan was stunned by the cold light in Lu Bing's eyes, and suddenly remembered that this Ming official has a completely different style of work from other officials. Now he has hundreds of thousands of troops in nine towns on three sides, and his subordinates are amazing There are so many, if you really want to make trouble for yourself, I am afraid that the gain will not be worth the loss, and it will even affect your plan to rebuild Mongolia.

Thinking of this, Alak Khan smiled and said, "Master Lu, don't worry, Ben Khan didn't say no? would be a little unfair if Huang Daxia competed with our riders, after all, he was still hunchbacked right away, and Huang Daxia is also known for his lightness. If Huang Daxia can carry a warrior selected by Ben Khan in the competition and win in the end, Ben Khan will return Wang Zhaoyi's body to you, if not, hang Wang Zhaoyi's body here for a sky burial!"

"Okay!" Huang Duxian agreed first, and Lu Bing asked with a wry smile: "Hero Huang, we have just fought for a while, and we have exhausted a lot of energy, so we can carry another person on our backs, and compare the speed with the cavalry... Are you really sure?" ?”

Huang Duxian said with a smile: "Let's work hard! When I was young, I definitely had confidence, but now... I can only try my best!"

Lu Bing has always heard of Huang Duxian's prestige, and after getting along with him during this time, he really lamented that there are no worthless people under the great name.This time, when he came to the Mongolian Camp, Huang Duxian's strange weapons appeared one after another, which opened Lu Bing's eyes.However, it was still within the range he could accept.Even the round ball, as expected by Lu Bing, should be made of gunpowder. There are also weapons made of gunpowder in the Shenji camp in the capital.

What Huang Duxian produced is worthy of the name of ghost hand, but the lightness kung fu...although it is really superb, but Lu Bing doesn't think it can be the best in martial arts.Lu Bing only thought that Huang Duxian was getting older and his physical fitness declined, so he didn't mention it.

Today Huang Duxian proposed such a competition, to compare speed with a horse behind his back?It really made Lu Bing feel uncertain, and broke into a cold sweat for Huang Duxian.

Huang Duxian came out, twisting his waist and moving his hips, moving his body.

Arak Khan also quickly selected his own rider.

He was a small man, rare among Mongolians, but with a strong figure and rough face, and his hunchback was tightly attached to the horse's belly.

And that horse is not a typical Mongolian horse.

Mongolian horses are caught from the wild. Even if they are domesticated and bred, they are still in a semi-free range state. They eat and sleep in the open on the grasslands, endure the heat of summer and mosquitoes, and can withstand the severe cold in winter.Because of this, the evolved body is short and unattractive.However, the limbs are solid and powerful, the physique is rough and strong, the neck is short, the head is large and the forehead is wide, the chest is deep and long, the legs are short, the joints and tendons are developed, the requirements for feed are very low, and it is good at long-distance trekking.It has a strong physique, broad chest and long mane, thick skin and thick hair, and complex fur colors, mostly blue, monkey and rabbit brown, which can withstand violent storms and snowstorms; they are fierce and dare to fight, and can kick the head of a prairie wolf.

The main mount of the Mongolian cavalry is this kind of Mongolian horse.Genghis Khan can ride thousands of miles on a horse, and this hard-working horse played a key role.

But the maroon horse under the crotch of this small Mongolian rider is not a typical Mongolian horse.

This horse is a head taller than ordinary Mongolian horses, with a handsome body, plump and graceful.The head is thin and the neck is high, the limbs are slender, and the body is slender and graceful. The neck is bent and high, and it looks brisk and flexible. It is covered with maroon hair, except for a white spot from nose to forehead.

Lu Bing's expression was solemn, while Li Jin had already exclaimed: "Sweaty BMW?!"

Li Jin turned to Huang Duxian and said, "This is the real Maxima, Huang Daxia..."

In fact, Lu Bing also wanted to ask this question.

Huang Duxian saw everyone's doubts, and said with a light smile, "Don't worry, when I was young, it's not like I wasn't chased by sweaty BMWs. Is this old man still alive and well?"

Lu Bing and the others were speechless and had no choice but to believe him.

Alak Khan pointed to the batch of blood-sweat BMWs and said with a smile: "This is the descendant of Genghis Khan's royal cavalry. It was owned by the Mongolian Khans of all ages. It is a real sweat-blood BMW. It is still too late for Master Lu to give up now, as long as Give me back the supplies from the horse market, Ben Khan can still be magnanimous and hand over Wang Zhaoyi's body to you."

(End of this chapter)

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