Brocade legend

Chapter 116

Chapter 116
Since Lu Bing got Huang Duxian's guarantee, he no longer hesitated, so he didn't say anything.

The current situation could no longer allow him to back down.

Seeing that Lu Bing had no intention of admitting defeat, Alak Khan snorted coldly and called out the warrior he arranged for Huang Duxian to carry.

A tall and thick man came out and came to the front of the Ming army, his waist was bulging. Lu Bing and Huang Duxian looked at each other and saw that it was a short blade or something.Lu Bing winked at Huang Duxian and reminded Huang Duxian that Alak Khan wanted to play tricks again.

Huang Duxian smiled slightly at Lu Bing, reassuring himself that he had already made plans, and then said loudly to Alak Khan, "Let's start?"

The Ming army retreated three miles, so the distance between the two armies was about four or five miles.

Meanwhile, Lu Bing was still worried. The sweaty BMW claimed to travel [-] miles a day. This short distance would probably be covered in a dozen fingers...

A person who does not practice martial arts can run at half the speed of a sweaty horse, which is already a scud among ordinary people.People who practice martial arts, after many years of training in explosive power, power-generating skills, light-weight kung fu, etc., can reach the speed of a sweaty horse when sprinting, and they are already considered masters among masters.Even if Huang Duxian is very talented and good at this, he can maintain this explosive speed for a long time, but what about carrying a strong man on his back?

But things have come to this point, I can only believe in Huang Duxian... I believe that his lightness kung fu is really like the legend, and he can run hundreds of miles in one night.

When Lu Bing secretly speculated, Arak Khan's knights were already preparing to take their positions on the opposite side.

Huang Duxian also came to that strong man, who hugged his shoulders defiantly and stared at Huang Duxian.

Huang Duxian smiled slightly, flicked his finger, and a silver thread was wrapped around the strong man's neck, it was the strange weapon he used to subdue Alta.

The strong man couldn't react in time, and couldn't help being furious. He touched his waist with his hand, but when he touched it, it was empty.

I saw Huang Duxian stretched out his hand behind his back, and a dagger with horns was spinning in his hand.

Huang Duxian smiled faintly, hissed, and said softly to the strong man in Mongolian: "No matter what your Khan tells you, you'd better give it up first, do you recognize this silk thread? If you dare to move rashly, the old man will move his finger , you can cut off your head, anyway, I carry a living person to the end and carry a dead body to the end is the same. If you are honest, when the old man lets you go back, I will return the knife to you."

The strong man was full of anger, but he was helpless.

Seeing that the strong man did not object, Huang Duxian picked up the strong man on his back, and the strong man obediently lay on Huang Duxian's back.

I saw Huang Duxian put his legs forward and backward, put his hands on the ground, arched his back, and slightly arched his knees, posing a strange posture. Lu Bing looked carefully and found that the toes of Huang Duxian's feet were deeply inserted into the ground without knowing when. middle.

And the hard-earned horses and riders on the opposite side are also ready.

Seeing that both sides were ready to take their positions, Alak Khan shouted: "Start!"

The Mongolian rider shook the reins and drove the horse, and the sweaty horse immediately moved forward, but it had just started and hadn't had time to accelerate.

Only Huang Duxian yelled loudly, and Lu Bing at the side suddenly felt a gust of air coming.

Huang Duxian exerted strength with both hands and feet at the same time, and flew out with a bang, like a red cannonball fired from the chamber.And his legs exploded with great force, kicking the grass out of two big holes!
Lu Bing is overjoyed!
This is Huang Fei'er's true strength, but this "flying" is not the usual light-hearted exercise that Huang Duxian uses.It's the shells fired from the chamber, the magic fire flying, and the sharp arrows that leave the string!
This is the ultimate ultimate display of power and speed!

The sweaty BMW over there had just picked up its speed, Huang Duxian had already rushed nearly half a mile, his legs were like a pile driver, hitting the ground alternately quickly, and when the ground gave him strength back, he used light force again. Body skills, so that the body rushed forward like a flying swallow, and before his strength was exhausted, his feet would kick the ground again heavily.

Huang Duxian had already run nearly two miles within a few snaps of his fingers. At this time, the sweaty BMW also picked up the speed and entered the state of running.Immediately, it was obvious that the real speed of the bloody BMW was faster than that of Huang Duxian who was carrying a strong man on his back.

The sweaty BMW runs like a horse, and its muscle lines are full of explosive power!For a moment, Huang Duxian and the sweaty BMW passed by. At that moment, Lu Bingyi was in a daze, feeling that the running posture of Huang Duxian and the sweaty BMW were so similar.

It is also the limit of speed and strength!

The advantage brought by Huang Duxian's faster start and acceleration was almost equalized by the hard-earned horses in the two miles behind, and the two sides reached the opponent's camp almost at the same time.

And this weak advantage was used by Huang Duxian again. Huang Duxian took advantage of the advantage of arriving a little earlier and the advantage of being small and easy to turn. With a spin, he turned around and ran towards the camp ahead of the bloody BMW.

Huang Duxian ran less than five feet away, and the sweaty BMW also turned around and ran towards his camp.

Although Huang Duxian cleverly used his advantages several times, he was temporarily ahead of the hard-earned BMW.However, everyone present already felt that the sweaty BMW just ran away, and it was actually accelerating at this moment!
Huang Duxian and the sweaty BMW passed by again almost in the middle!

If there is no accident, the bloody BMW will win, and the Mongols... will win...

And at this moment, the accident really happened, but it didn't happen to the sweaty horse and the Mongolian knight on it, but to Huang Duxian.

The strong Mongolian man on Huang Duxian's back suddenly made a sudden move regardless of the threat of death!It suddenly affected Huang Duxian's running rhythm!Huang Duxian made a decisive decision, and the silver thread cut into the strong man's neck.Although it wasn't cut off, the strong man's head was still limply off, obviously dead.The blood soaked Huang Duxian's back clothes and flowed down the collar to his chest.

Huang Duxian had no time to take care of it, but the trouble caused by the strong man still affected his speed, and the last advantage between him and the bloody BMW disappeared.

At this time, both sides were less than half a mile away from their own camps, that is, each other's end points.

Just when everyone thought that the overall situation was settled, before Lu Bing came and thought about how to end it, Huang Duxian yelled again!
The legs picked up speed again, and the footwork changed!

Alternating back and forth just now, the way of striding forward and catapulting the legs, following the rhythm that was disrupted just now, took advantage of the trend and turned into a striding run, one step out, and it was nearly ten feet!It may seem slow, but it's actually fast!
"This is..." Lu Bing looked familiar, and after thinking about it again, he slapped his thigh and said loudly, "Eight steps to catch the cicada!"

(End of this chapter)

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