Brocade legend

Chapter 117

Chapter 117 Eight Steps to Catch the Cicada
"Eight Steps to Catch the Cicada" literally means that the lightness skill is extremely high, and you can catch up with the flying "Cicada" within a few steps

This skill is a kind of item in Da Ming's juggling, it is able to catch up with a galloping horse within eight steps!Masters can even jump up and perform various actions on the back of the galloping horse.

This skill has been circulated in the Jianghu for an unknown number of years, and it has almost become a kind of performance for the warriors who run the Jianghu to make a living.

Lu Bing had also seen this kind of performance on the flyover in the capital, and found it very novel and powerful. From the point of view of martial arts, it is a superb light kung fu stunt.

It's a pity that no one has ever been able to practice Huang Duxian.

Today, Huang Duxian's performance has lost a bit of Jianghu style and added a bit of bitter martial arts style.

Huang Duxian took a few steps, but before Lu Bing saw it clearly, Huang Duxian had already jumped into his camp, and he just dropped the corpse, and the sweaty BMW on the opposite side also reached its end.

"Good!" Li Jin applauded with high fives!The soldiers of the Ming Dynasty cheered together!

Arakh Khan's face was gloomy, and he said in a muffled voice, "I answer, return the head and the body to them!"

I was taken aback for a moment, feeling displeased, but seeing that the sweaty face was stagnant, I didn't dare to contradict him. With a muffled snort, I threw the head in my hand onto Wang Zhaoyi's corpse. There seemed to be a hint of mockery.

Both Arak Khan and Al Da were not reconciled, but Huang Duxian won this game beautifully and was impeccable.

Here Lu Bing greeted Huang Duxian with a smile, and was about to praise, but Huang Duxian fell softly.

Lu Bing caught Huang Duxian in shock, only to see Huang Duxian's face was like gold paper, sweating profusely, and his legs were shaking violently uncontrollably!

Huang Duxian spit out a mouthful of blood with a pounce, it turned out that he had suffered an internal injury!
"Huang Daxia!" Lu Bing exclaimed, Huang Duxian smiled miserably, and said: "This old man's legs are probably going to be disabled for a while."

Just as Lu Bing ordered someone to lift Huang Duxian up, Arak Khan had already sent someone to bring back Wang Zhaoyi's body. Wang Zhaoyi's daughter threw herself on her father, crying loudly.

The people sent by Arak Khan said: "Our Great Khan asks, when will the third round start?"

Lu Bing saw that two people had fallen today, and that the 5000 men he had brought had also suffered casualties in the attack on the camp just now, and there was no one around who was really good at archery, so he said to the envoy sent by Arak Khan: "Go back and tell you, Da Khan, it's getting late today, we'll go back to our camps, and tomorrow the two armies will meet in the middle, and we'll compete in the third round!"

After hearing this, the envoy went back to reply to his orders. Not long after, Alak Khan withdrew his troops and returned to the camp, and another envoy came to Lu Bing to answer, saying that he agreed to rematch tomorrow.

After hearing this, Lu Bing withdrew his troops and returned to the camp at Hongshixiakou.


Outside the camp in Red Rock Canyon, Tang Long personally led [-] infantry and deployed them outside the camp!

Tang Long stood in front of the battle with his hands behind his back, pacing and sighing.

Liu Biao was very calm, but Xue Yang, Yang Sen, and Zhang Ju were a little restless, and they jumped to look far away.

"I'm back!" Zhang Ju's marksman's gaze was really different, he was the first to spot the returning Ming army!

When Tang Long and the others heard it, they also looked forward to it. The returning army was slowly approaching, but their faces darkened instead, because they had already seen that the returning troops carried traces of battle.

When he got closer, Tang Long saw Lu Bing walking in front on a horse, he couldn't help hissing, and let go of half of his heart. The cloth strips, but the spirit is fine.

"As long as you're alive." Tang Long thought to himself, and hurriedly ordered the rangers to investigate to see if there were any enemy troops following him.At the same time, he also went up to meet him, and when he got up, he grabbed Lu Bing's horse. Lu Bing jumped off the horse, cupped his hands and said, "Master Tang, don't worry!"

Tang Long waved his hands with a smile and said, "Don't worry, as long as Mr. Lu comes back safely!"

At this time, both Xue Yang and Liu Biao noticed that Shitou, Huang Duxian, and Yang Sen had the best relationship with Shitou, who was being carried back on the horse. They rushed forward to check and saw that the two were seriously injured, and their expressions were horrifying.

Everyone also noticed the casualties and cast doubtful eyes on Lu Bing.

Lu Bing sighed and said, "Let's go back to the camp first..."

Back in the camp, Shi Shi, Huang Duxian and other injured people were taken down for treatment.

Lu Bing, on the other hand, wolfed down two bowls of rice, one plate of meat, and one plate of side dishes.Then he told everyone what happened in the Mongolian camp.

Everyone was thrilled and terrified when they heard it, and at the same time they cast their eyes on Shitou and Huang Duxian's admiration.

After listening to Lu Bing's narration, Tang Long frowned and said, "So, there will be another show tomorrow."

Lu Bing hummed and nodded.

Tang Long questioned: "With the disposition shown by the little prince today, it may be very difficult for Mr. Lu to accomplish his mission in one battle."

Lu Bing knew it well, and said: "But this is the only chance to save our Ming people after all, so try anyway, even if you fail, it's just a fight."

"What if we lose? Really give them the supplies from the horse market?" Liu Biao said suddenly
Lu Bing showed a sneer: "If it was before today, Lu might not be able to break his promise and gain weight, but after today, Lu can do it... If we lose tomorrow, we will make another plan."

Everyone heard what Lu Bing meant, and everyone also realized that tomorrow's competition will fall on Zhang Ju's head.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Zhang Ju smiled confidently and said, "Don't worry, I will do my best at the end of tomorrow to save the people!"

Everyone has seen Zhang Ju's archery skills, so they are not doubtful about it.Tang Long also nodded, and then said: "Don't be careless, you still have to prepare well."

Zhang Ju nodded his head.

At this time, a soldier came to report, saying: "My lord, Master Jiang is awake."

Lu Bing was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that "Master Jiang" is a stone.

Hearing Shitou woke up, Lu Bing was overjoyed, jumped up, and ran out of the big tent, followed by everyone.

Lu Bing came to the tent where the stone was placed, and as soon as he lifted the curtain and entered, he saw the simple and honest smile of the stone.

Shitou was lying on the bed, saw Lu Bing coming in, struggling to get up, Yang Sen hurried up to help, Lu Bing also strode forward, held Shishi down, and said, "How do you feel? What's wrong?"

Shi Shi turned his head away and said: "It's fine if you don't have anything to do." Thinking of Huang Duxian again, he hurriedly asked: "Huang Daxia?"

Lu Bing smiled and said, "Hero Huang has also returned safely."

Shi Shi didn't seem to hear clearly, and frowned.

Lu Bing repeated it again with some doubts, and Shitou heard it and smiled reassuringly.

Lu Bing felt that something was wrong, so he chatted a few more words, and found that if the volume was lowered, Shitou would have to turn his right ear hard to hear it.

"Stone? Your ears? Is there something wrong?" Lu Bingsuyan asked.

Shi Shi twisted his neck awkwardly, and turned his left ear canal: "Ear, it seems that I can't hear clearly."

(End of this chapter)

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