Brocade legend

Chapter 120

Chapter 120
Seeing that the old shooter was so serious, Alak Khan had to believe that there would really be a Horqin in Ming's army, and a Horqin who was likely to become Jebe!
Arakh Khan was worried that the old archer would be uneasy and affect the performance of the next round of competition, so he quickly comforted him: "Don't worry, don't forget, the first generation of Zhebe is only good, but don't worry about it. The people of the Besud tribe were originally known as the "Four Mastiffs of the Mongolian Empire". The title of Jebe is the glory that Genghis Khan bestowed on you Besud tribe..."

"But since then, Besut's tribe has never appeared again. It is recognized by all Mongolian archers and can be crowned as a master archer with the title of Jebe!" The old archer interrupted Alak Khan's words, regardless Alak Khan's face was only immersed in his thoughts for many years, and he said: "Since then, almost every archer who has been crowned with the title of Jebe is from Horqin! After so many years, it seems that only Only the Horqin people can be called Jebe! In order to get back the honor of Jebe for the Besuti tribe, my father sent me to the Horqin camp when I was young, and secretly learned the Horqin people’s riding and shooting skills. However, I finally Still lost to the Horqin people! The title of Jebe was actually acquired by a Horqin person who grew up in the same camp. I will never forget the look on his face when he won that day! In normal competitions, I win more than he wins Less!"

"But now he is dead! And you are still alive!" Alak Khan said gloomyly: "Dayan Khan helped you get rid of Jebe of the Horqin people, and you promised to be loyal to us all your life! Today is the time for you to repay your favor !"

The old archer sneered and said: "Dayan Khan got rid of Jebe in order to break up the cohesion of the Horqin people. He helped me just incidentally. When I was young, my mind was covered by jealousy, anger and unwillingness. Now more than 20 years have passed. I I have seen through this trick a long time ago!"

"What do you mean!" Alak Khan was furious.

The old archer said calmly: "Khan, don't get angry. I will definitely do my best in today's match. It was the biggest regret in my life that I failed to defeat Jebe in front of the public. Today is the last time in my life to rectify my name." Opportunity! I will definitely go all out.”

After hearing this, Alak Khan calmed down a little.

However, the old archer continued: "However, if I win this game, it will be for me and for myself, and it has nothing to do with you!"

After the old archer finished speaking, no matter how angry Alak Khan was, he turned his horse's head and came to the center of the open space.

On Lu Bing's side, Zhang Ju was also telling Lu Bing the worries in his heart: "The general feels that the old archer's technique, although it looks plain and not fancy, has achieved subtleties, and it is truly in the realm of returning to the basics. I am afraid that it is no less than the legendary Jebe who can shoot through double eagle glasses with one arrow. It seems that he is over half a century old, but his hands are very steady and strong. With more experience than me, he wants to win , It’s not easy, just a little bit of carelessness, a little mistake, and it will be beyond redemption.”

After listening to Zhang Ju's words, Lu Bing encouraged: "Just do your best. It's best to win, and a draw is also fine. Even if you lose, we have other plans. You just need to show your best strength."

After listening to Lu Bing's words, Zhang Ju nodded and tried to adjust his state. Seeing that the old archer on the opposite side had entered the field, he greeted Lu Bing, turned his horse's head around, and came to the center of the field.

Along the way, Zhang Ju kept taking deep breaths, adjusted his mentality, relaxed his mind, calmed down his desire to win, and regained his sense of normalcy.

Seeing Zhang Ju approaching, the old shooter suddenly asked, "Are you really from Horqin?"

Zhang Ju said casually, "My mother is from Horqin."

"Your mother?" The old archer looked at Zhang Ju carefully, and suddenly his face changed slightly, and a possibility flashed in his mind, he carefully looked at Zhang Ju's facial features, and asked anxiously: "How did your mother come to the Ming Dynasty? "

"Why are you asking this?" Zhang Ju asked suspiciously.

"Say! Say it!" the old shooter raised his voice and asked.

"Why should I tell you!" Zhang Ju retorted in disgust

The old shooter suddenly smiled strangely, and said, "Your mother... did she escape to the Ming Kingdom?"

"How do you know?" Zhang Ju felt a little uneasy.

"Just tell me, right? Did they escape from the Horqin camp on the west bank of the Xilamulun River to the Ming Dynasty more than 20 years ago?" asked the old shooter.

"It seems...isn't it?" Zhang Ju hesitated, wondering if this old shooter is also from Horqin?Know mother?

"Hahahahaha! What a coincidence! In the words of your Han people, there is nowhere to find it, and it doesn't take much effort to get it!" The old archer laughed loudly.

"Are you from Horqin too? Do you know my mother?" Zhang Ju asked suspiciously.

"I know your mother, but I'm not from Horqin!" The old archer laughed and said, "I not only know your mother, but also your uncle!"

"My uncle?" Zhang Ju remembered that his mother had mentioned that his uncle was also a great archer.

"Didn't your mother tell you? Your uncle is very famous! He is Jebe! Jebe!" the old archer shouted excitedly, his expression almost crazy.

"Zhebie? My uncle is Zhebie?" Of course Zhang Ju, who has been in the border town for many years, knows the meaning of Zhebie. He has also heard that most of Zhebie in the past was from Horqin, but he did not expect that his uncle is actually a legend. Among them, the most powerful archer - Jebe!
But why did mother never mention it?Zhang Ju was puzzled.

The old shooter saw something from Zhang Ju's expression, and laughed loudly: "Why, didn't your mother tell you?"

Without waiting for Zhang Ju to answer, the old archer said by himself: "Of course she can't tell you, Tangtang Zhebie died under the arrow, how did she speak?"

"Who the hell are you?" Zhang Ju looked coldly.

"You want to know? Then I'll tell you, so that you can do your best to fight me!" The old archer said arrogantly, and the previous calmness was swept away: "Have you heard that the first generation of Jebe Do you want to get rid of it?"

"Of course I've heard it. Which archer doesn't know Geer Huo Ahai? The title of Zhebie came from him!" Zhang Ju said
"Then do you know that Ji'er Huo Ahai is a member of my Bie Suo's department?" The old archer asked closely.

Zhang Ju shook his head, expressing that he did not know.

Seeing Zhang Ju shaking his head, the old shooter first showed anger, but immediately turned into depression.

"That's right, everyone in the world remembers that Ge'er Huo Ahai is Jebe, but they have long since forgotten that he is a member of our Beast Commander..."

Ji Er Huo Ahai, brave and good at shooting, was famous as a good archer in the grasslands when he was young. When Temujin unified the grasslands, he was a subordinate of a leader of the Taichiwu tribe, and the Taichiwu tribe was fighting against Genghis Khan. Temujin.

 I recommend a brother's book "White Eyes". If you like it, you can read it...


(End of this chapter)

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