Brocade legend

Chapter 121

Chapter 121

In the 24th year of Tianxi in the Western Liao Dynasty, Genghis Khan Temujin and Jamuka led eleven coalition forces to fight in Kuoyitian. Only Er Kuo Ahai was at a disadvantage, relying on arrow skills, he shot an arrow from a distance and shot Genghis Khan's white sword. Mouth yellow horse.

In this battle, Genghis Khan won with all his might, but the Taichiwu tribe declined, and finally defected to Genghis Khan.

And when Genghis Khan asked who the person who shot his beloved horse was, Ji'er Huo Ahai did not hesitate to admit that he did it, and said: "If you spare me, give me my life, and I will do whatever I want. "

Tie Genghis Khan thought he was honest and could make friends, so he changed his name to Jebe, which means arrowhead, and asked him to "protect me like the 'Zhebe' in front of me".From then on, the first generation of Zhebe—Jierhuo Ahai became a general under Temujin's command, and was one of the main vanguards in the battle to unify the grassland, and was known as one of the "Four Mastiffs of Mongolia".

After that, he followed Genghis Khan in the southern and northern wars. In the first year of Genghis Khan, he inherited thousands of households.

In the sixth year of Genghis Khan, he followed Genghis Khan to attack the gold, led the fine cavalry to lead the charge in the battles of Wushabao, Yehuling, Huihebao, etc., cooperated with the main force to defeat the Jin army repeatedly, and then broke through Juyongguan with a roundabout raid.

At the end of that year, he led Qingqi to attack Tokyo, failed, retreated five hundred miles, took advantage of the unprepared Jin army, galloped back all day and night, conquered the city, and returned with a large plunder.

Since the 11th year of Genghis Khan, it took two years to conquer the Quchulu forces in the Western Liao Dynasty and remove obstacles for Genghis Khan's western expedition.

In the 14th year of Genghis Khan, the vanguard and Genghis Khan invaded the country of Khwarazmo.In the following year, he and Subotai led [-] fine riders to pursue King Mahamo and force him to flee to the small island in the sea of ​​Kuantian Jisi.In the next few years, he and Subotai plundered Persia, crossed Taiheling, moved to the Sea of ​​Azov and the Don River area, and defeated the Kipchak and Azov ministries.Go deep into Oros and defeat the Allied Forces of Oros and Qincha in the Kalka River.Lay a huge territory for the Mongol Empire. On the battlefield, Jebie holds a Mongolian scimitar in his hand and a five-foot hard bow hanging from his waist. He slashes left and right, taking lives from a hundred steps away. Those who are far away don't want to survive!
In the end, in the 19th year of Genghis Khan, he died of illness on the way back east.

After the death of Ji'er Huo Ahai, Genghis Khan bestowed on him the name Jebe, which became the exclusive title of Mongolia's strongest archer.

All the archers who have won the title of Jebe in the past are recognized by the whole Mongolia as true archers.

However, I don’t know from which generation, the title of Jebie has been obtained by the Horqin people in almost all generations. In addition, the Horqin people have been famous in the grassland for their many outstanding archers since ancient times. Horqin also means "bow maker".

Therefore, the Mongols gradually formed a habit, as if the most powerful archers should come from the Horqin people.

As the first generation of Zhebe's tribe, the sharp archer of the Biesuti tribe, the father of the old shooter, including the old shooter himself, are not reconciled. The title of Zhebe will always belong to the Horqin people!
After the old archer finished speaking, he told how he was sent by his father to the tribe of the Horqin people, how he learned riding and archery with the children of the Horqin people, and how he was defeated by Zhang Ju's uncle when he competed for the title of Jebe at the Naadam Conference. .In the end, he was bewitched by Dayan Khan and fell under Dayan Khan's command. Dayan Khan sent people to fight with him, and shot Zhang Ju's uncle, Jebe, with thousands of arrows through his heart and home.All of this was revealed to Zhang Ju.

Zhang Ju just listened and gritted his teeth. The sense of normalcy he had just found had already been swept away by his anger. He finally knew who the murderer of the mother clan was!
Seeing that Zhang Ju's murderous aura was successfully aroused, the old archer showed his teeth gleaming coldly, and said with a smile, "It's a pity that I didn't investigate for a while and escaped your mother. Your mother was the most beautiful girl in the camp back then."

Zhang Ju could not wait to draw out his waist knife and cut off the old archer's head!

But at this moment, a group of Mongolian soldiers drove a group of masked, topless men and women into the venue.

I saw that this group of men and women did not wear shirts, and their naked bodies were trembling. A circle was drawn with red paint on the chest of the man and the back of the woman, and there was a red dot in the middle of the circle.

Zhang Ju twitched his nose and smelled a bloody smell, his expression changed drastically.

Obviously, the people present were all battle-tested, and they all realized at this moment that the red paint was blood.

Lu Bing asked Alak Khan, "What does this mean?"

"This is the activity target for this round of competition! These people are slaves of our Great Mongolia, and now they are generous enough to contribute as targets for the competition!" Alak Khan said loudly with a smile: "You can see them in the last round. Our sharp archers are very powerful, regular competitions are no longer enough to test their abilities, and Ben Khan provides these slaves to increase the difficulty of the competition for the sake of fairness!"

Arak Khan didn't care at all, what cruel words he said.

Looking carefully at the trousers and shoes of those slaves, it is obvious that there must be Han Chinese among this group of slaves!Moreover, maybe it was Lu Bing who wanted to get it back, the people who survived the massacred villages!

"If Da Khan thinks it is necessary to increase the difficulty so much, why not use humans as targets?" Lu Bing was furious.

"Lord Lu, don't be angry." Arakh Khan knew that Lu Bing must have seen that there were Han Chinese among the slaves, and then said: "These slaves are not only Han Chinese, people from the Western Regions, Oros, Persians, Jurchens, etc. There are others. It’s just that the proportion of the Han people is slightly larger. Whoever makes the Han people have the most slaves has no choice. Whoever catches the most prey in this round will be the winner!”

The slaves who were driven into the arena, when they heard this, naturally knew that the prey was referring to themselves, and ran around crying and shouting, but anyone who ran to the border would be beaten back severely by the Mongolian soldiers, and their heads were covered. , couldn't see the way, and could only roll and crawl around in the field. It was like a wolf running around, as if it had really become poultry and livestock waiting to be slaughtered. In the yard of the butcher's house, running blindly and desperately, it was just In vain.

Lu Bing insisted on not agreeing to use this method to determine the outcome. Lu Bing winked at Xue Yang, Liu Biao and others behind him, but Li Jin was not in the army at this time, and it seemed that he hadn't followed from the beginning.

At the moment of the stalemate, there was a sound of strings, and a slave who was obviously wearing Han pants and shoes fell down screaming with an arrow in his chest!

Before Lu Bing and the others regained their senses, they heard another sound of strings, and when they looked over, another Han slave fell down!

And almost at the same time as this string sound, another string sounded, and an arrow shot at the old archer.

The old archer seemed to have foreseen it long ago, and dodged sideways, laughed and drew the bow at the nocking arrow, aimed at his own Zhang Ju and said, "If you don't have the heart to do it, I'll get rid of the Han people among these slaves for you first! Then we will use other methods." Slave is prey, fair fight!"

(End of this chapter)

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