Brocade legend

Chapter 122 The Washing of Blood

Chapter 122 The Washing of Blood

It turned out that the one who just shot and killed the Han slaves was the impatient old shooter who had been waiting.

And the arrow shot at the old archer just now was done by Zhang Ju!
Zhang Ju didn't respond to the old archer's words, but pointed the arrow firmly at the old archer. As long as the old archer dared to shoot again, he would shoot through his head!

Seeing this, the old shooter smiled slightly and said, "Since you don't want to, let's change the game. I shoot them and you shoot me. If you kill me before I kill them all, I lose. If I have one If the arrow misses the red dot, I lose. But if I kill them all, and you still fail to kill me, I win!"

After hearing this, Zhang Ju didn't know how to speak, so he had to keep silent.

The old archer raised his bow and arrow, and said: "If you don't speak, I will take it as your agreement!"

After the old archer finished speaking, regardless of whether Alak Khan agreed to such a contest, he jumped off the horse, smiled at Zhang Ju, and his figure flashed. Zhang Ju's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and the arrow pointed in the direction of the old archer, but he did not dare to let go of the arrow. .

It turned out that the old archer hid beside a crying slave who was running wildly, avoiding Zhang Ju's arrows, his footwork was always consistent with the slave, curled up, not showing his body at all.

Just when Zhang Ju paused, swish swish, three arrows flew out from behind the slave almost simultaneously, and the three slaves fell down immediately, one was hit by an arrow in the back, and the red dot was hit in the middle of the two chests.

That slave has been running and is about to run not far from Zhang Ju, just get closer!The old shooter can no longer hide!Zhang Ju was highly concentrated and ready to shoot arrows at any time.

It's out!

Just when Zhang Ju was about to release his arrow, the old archer dodged behind another slave who was approaching, and then shot an arrow at the red dot on the back of the slave he had avoided just now.

Zhang Ju shouted angrily: "What kind of a hero is a shrinking head!"

The old shooter's muffled laughter came, but he didn't hear his answer.

The only response to Zhang Ju was a long arrow, which was nailed to the body of another slave.

The old archer dodged back and forth among the slaves, shooting and killing a slave from time to time, and within a short while, seven or eight slaves fell to the ground and died.

Zhang Ju was riding on the horse, and the arrow pointed in the direction of the old archer, but he had no chance to make a move.

Just when Zhang Ju was in a state of desperation, another slave fell under the arrow.

Zhang Ju looked at the arrow shaft nailed to the back of the slave, and suddenly had a quick wit.

"Whoosh!" The old archer shot out another long arrow, but just as the long arrow was about to be nailed to the target, another arrow flew towards it, bumping it crookedly and deflecting it to one side!
This is the expedient plan that Zhang Ju came up with when he was forced to have no choice. He couldn't shoot the enemy, but he could shoot the arrow, right?Stop him from killing people first!
"Smart! Good archery." The old archer said with a sneer, "Then try this trick again!"

The speed of the old archer's shots suddenly accelerated, and the arrows flew around irregularly. Zhang Ju gritted his teeth, kept up with the rhythm, and tried his best to intercept.

But after counting the arrows, Zhang Ju gradually couldn't keep up with the old archer's rhythm. All kinds of sudden arrows made it impossible for Zhang Ju, who was riding a horse, to react in time.

Originally, Zhang Ju wanted to be condescending on the horse, but in desperation, he had no choice but to jump off the horse.

Zhang Ju decided to use offense instead of defense!

In this way, both of them dismounted, and the old archer dodged left and right, took the slaves as cover, and shot the slaves with arrows from time to time.Zhang Ju kept chasing, gritted his teeth not to look at the screaming slaves who fell down and blood flowed into rivers, and fixed his eyes on the old archer, waiting for the opportunity to appear, and shot the old archer with one arrow.He had already figured it out, only by shooting the old archer could the slaves be truly rescued.

The two walked like lightning, tossing and turning, sometimes straightening their waists and turning sideways, sometimes stepping forward and drawing their bows.

Both of them are existences with outstanding archery skills, and the two armies watching around are applauding non-stop, especially those archers, who really admire them.

The old archer was experienced and experienced, and did not give Zhang Ju the chance to attack. Although under Zhang Ju's interference, some slaves prolonged their survival time, but in the end they could not escape the fate of death. The slaves fell one by one and were still alive. less and less.

The desperate slaves were exhausted from running, and some even stood still, and even squatted down or lay down.

The slaves who are still alive at this time are clear at a glance, but there are seven left...

The old archer couldn't hide his figure anymore, so he simply stopped dodging, Zhang Ju's eyes were red, and he shot an arrow!
The old archer dodged sideways, and said with a smile: "You can't be accurate, calm down!"

Zhang Ju stood there blankly, he was also a veteran of the battlefield, but what he heard and saw today was more cruel than the battlefield.

He looked around in dismay. On the open space with a radius of no more than two miles, corpses were scattered everywhere, some of them were still twitching. Their naked skin was pale and red with blood, which was strange and terrifying.

The few who were still alive gasped heavily, but gave up running in despair, just waiting for death to come.

Zhang Ju's eyes were full of sadness. On the battlefield, it was a life-and-death struggle between soldiers. As a soldier, even if he died in battle, he would not blame others!

Soldiers, be shrouded in horse leather!

But here, in this clearing.

Those who die here are not people, but "targets", tools, and massacres with no room for struggle!

Zhang Ju never considered himself a hero, but he felt that he was at least a qualified soldier, although in this army that was no longer pure, he had no choice but to be smooth and smooth.But he still has principles in his heart, he is brave in battle, and he is always hard in training on weekdays.He has the belief that defeating the Mongols is not only for his mother, but also for more people not to fall into the hands of cruel prairie wolves.

Today, his beliefs were trampled on, his hatred was dragged out, and his principles were shattered... His confident archery is so weak today...

From the last massacre of villages to today's massacre.

Zhang Ju is being washed again with blood, this blood will wash away his slickness, and wash out his true blood!
When Zhang Ju's heart was constantly changing, the old shooter had been watching with cold eyes. His seemingly redundant actions were just for this moment.

He wants to arouse Zhang Ju's anger and let him fight with all his strength.He wants to give Zhang Ju the opportunity to fully demonstrate his strength, and let everyone in the Mongolian army see that Zhang Ju's strength is at the level of Jebe!
At the same time, he wants to attack Zhang Ju, destroy Zhang Ju, and finally take away Horqin's crown of Zhefai!
And at this moment, he saw Zhang Ju's weakness. The arrow just now lost all his standards. From his point of view, his plan could be said to have completely succeeded.

Thinking of this, the old shooter couldn't help laughing.

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(End of this chapter)

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