Brocade legend

Chapter 123 Bow to Bow

Chapter 123 Bow to Bow

Looking at Zhang Ju who was silent with his head bowed, the old shooter suddenly raised his arms and shouted: "Do you know who he is? He is not a Han! He is from Horqin, the nephew of Zhe from the previous generation! You have also seen his skills! He has Zhe Another strength! And today, I! Don’t be Sutibu, the first generation of Jebe’s tribe, I’m going to be here, to be fair, shoot him with an arrow, and regain the title of Jebe!”


"Is he from Horqin?"

"Or Zhe's nephew?"

"Didn't the previous Jebe die long ago?"

"If he is from Horqin, why is he in Ming Dynasty?"


The words of the old archer caused an uproar among the Mongols!The Mongols talked a lot.


"Zhang Ju has such a background, we don't even know about it!"

"No wonder he's so good at archery! So he's Zhebe's nephew!"

"He can't be a spy?"


There were also whispers from the Ming army, Tang Long stepped forward and said to Lu Bing in a low voice: "Lord Lu..."

Lu Bing raised his hand, interrupted Tang Long's words, and said, "Don't be impatient, just wait and see what happens."

After hearing Lu Bing's words, Tang Long hesitated for a moment, and said no more.

The old archer said to Zhang Ju: "Don't you want to avenge your uncle? Don't you want to rescue those Han slaves? Then take your bow! Kill me!"

Zhang Ju lowered his head, closed his eyes, and his mind was racing with thoughts.

The old shooter's words, like a flash of light, exploded in Zhang Ju's mind.

Zhang Ju was caught off guard by receiving so much information today.

But the words of the old shooter gave Zhang Ju the best guidance, yes!It's a good solution!Just kill him!
Zhang Ju raised his head and looked at the old archer. There was no impulse in his eyes, only sharp eyes and anger suppressed in his eyes.

After being washed with blood, Zhang Ju was transformed and reborn, his mind became more resilient, and even his temperament changed.

Zhang Ju in the past, although his arrow skills were also very good, but his whole body was covered with the smell of veteran oil from the military town in the north of Daming.

Today's Zhang Ju looks like an arrow that has just been polished, with a heroic spirit.

Seeing the changes in Zhang Ju, the old Sagittarius is not worried but happy!
If the words and deeds just now can destroy Zhang Ju and win easily, the old shooter will not hesitate to accept it.However, seeing Zhang Ju, whose mental outlook has improved to a higher level, the old Sagittarius is not at all regretful that his scheme did not succeed, but he is even happier from the bottom of his heart!
Today's Zhang Ju no longer only has philosophical techniques, but no philosophical bearing.Today's Zhang Ju is the real Zhebie-level sharpshooter!

Only by fighting against such a Jebie can he win more confidently, and only then can he change his name to be justified and take the crown of Jebie on his head!
"Come on!" The old archer hung a quiver on his waist and a quiver on his back, and then drew a long arrow from the quiver on his waist. Zhang said with pride.

Zhang Ju is the same, his eyes are piercing and sharp, and his tall and straight figure is like a long arrow shooting into the sky!

Lu Bing sent someone to bring two full quiver to Zhang Ju. Like an old archer, Zhang Ju hung the quiver on his back and waist, and then drew out a long arrow. His iron arm stretched like a moon!
The two men faced each other with their arrows facing each other, with an imposing manner, the tens of thousands of armies of the two armies were silent.

A gust of breeze rolled up a blade of grass, tumbling and spinning in the air, with a dark red stain on it, who's blood stain.

The blades of grass were lifted by the breeze and rose into the air, swaying slowly.

Grass blades gradually approached the center of sight of the two, instantly blocking their eyes!
Also in an instant, the blade of grass was hit by two long arrows at the same time, the sharp arrows cut off the blade of grass and smashed it to pieces!
The two ran wildly in a circle, but their upper bodies did not move. Arrows swished between them, and sometimes they made the sound of arrows colliding!

At this time, the two only had each other in their eyes, and the archery was like a mechanical movement, precise and fast!
The two faced each other, ran around twice and used up a whole quiver before stopping!
The headband of the old shooter was shot off, his gray hair fell down, and there were many holes in his clothes, some of which were still oozing blood.

But the old shooter didn't care at all, his eyes were full of enthusiasm and excitement!

On Zhang Ju's face, there was a trace of blood, and the same ragged clothes, especially a bloody mouth under the armpit, the flesh turned out!

The old archer seemed to be rejuvenated, and shouted: "Enjoy! Excite! Since your uncle died, no one can compete with me in archery! Kid, you are better than your uncle!"

At this time Zhang Ju also became excited, and took the lead in shouting: "Come again!"

"Okay!" The old archer was not polite at all, and shot out with one arrow!
At this time, the two of them stopped going around in circles, and they both tried their best, tossing and turning, looking ahead and suddenly looking behind.

Flat shot, projectile, back shot, high shot...

The two soldiers and horses present all held their breath, and they all saw that the life and death of the two were on the line.

Every penny, every centimeter, is life and death.

Zhang Ju twisted his waist to avoid an arrow that shot at his lower abdomen, and at the same time let go of the arrow. Without waiting to see the result, he turned around and lowered his head to dodge a long arrow that shot at his head and neck. At the same time, another arrow was already on the string. Go up, chase the previous arrow and shoot towards the waist of the old archer.

And the veteran archer was not ambiguous, first he flashed a tandem of consecutive arrows, and then shot three consecutive shots to return the color.

With the speed of their hands, the quiver was more than half empty in the blink of an eye.

Zhang Ju kept counting silently in his heart, and when there were only nine arrows left in the quiver, he grabbed two at the same time!This is exactly what he showed in front of Lu Bing back then, the multi-arrow volley stunt he learned from the archers of the Ming Dynasty!

Mongolian archers, because they practice mostly riding and shooting, they emphasize stability.Moreover, it is not easy to make arrows, especially iron arrows, which are even more rare due to lack of supplies.Therefore, the style of Mongolian archers pays attention to accuracy, practicality, and arrows without fail!Therefore, Mongolian archers often train fast archery methods, paying attention to continuous arrows, one by one, and one by one.

As for the archers of Ming Dynasty, because there is no problem of lack of materials, and most of them fight on foot, the Han people have always pursued comprehensiveness, and even pursued flower work!Therefore, various techniques for showing off skills were invented, and this time the technique of shooting multiple arrows is one of the most difficult skills for Ming archers to show off skills.

This method is well-known among the archers in the Ming Dynasty's army, and it is also reflected in the performances of running the rivers and lakes.

Two volleys are called Bingdi, three volleys are called Kaitai, and four volleys are called Four Seasons.

But because it is difficult to guarantee the accuracy of this method, it is not very important in the army, but it can be used to show the superb skills when showing off skills.

However, this technique fell into the hands of Zhang Ju, who was trained by his mother using the secret training method passed down from generation to generation by the Horqin people, and it can be said to shine brilliantly.

The Horqin people's unique training method for sharp archers, which is trained every generation, is known as the "Eagle Shooter" by the Mongols.

(End of this chapter)

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