Brocade legend

Chapter 124 Arrows and Arrows

Chapter 124 Arrows and Arrows

The precise aim, the control of strength, and the super strong arm strength made Horqin's "Eagle Shooter" famous all over the grasslands!
And Zhang Ju has long surpassed the level of "Eagle Shooter". He devoted himself to pondering, and used the foundation laid by the Horqin training method to turn salvo into a very terrifying practical bow and arrow technique.

He shoots several arrows at the same time, and all of them are accurate, which makes the comparison between him and other archers like the confrontation between bows and arrows and Zhuge crossbows.And the "Zhuge Crossbow" in Zhang Ju's hand does not have the disadvantage of short range.

One can imagine how terrifying such a technique is in battle.

It's a pity that this technique requires very high strength and control of the fingers, and not everyone can master it, and it is also difficult to promote. It has finally become Zhang Ju's unique skill.

But at this moment, Zhang Ju's calculation was just right, he had shot almost two quiver arrows, and his fingers could only withstand three volleys at this time.

And he believed that three consecutive volleys would definitely kill the old shooter!
However, the volley still has flaws, that is, even Zhang Ju's aim, when using the volley, cannot move widely or quickly, otherwise, it will affect the aim!
In the first round, Zhang Ju shot two arrows in volley, called Bingdi!
An extra arrow suddenly shot out, which was unexpected by the old archer. The old archer rolled on the spot in a panic, and barely escaped.

In the second round, Zhang Ju held three arrows in his hand, called Kaitai!
With the veteran archer's experience, he has quickly realized the shortcoming of salvo, that is, the lack of accuracy.The veteran archer who was prepared carefully dodged the three arrows, and responded with an arrow to Zhang Ju.It's a pity that the shot was a little low, and the old shooter didn't expect to hit Zhang Ju, but only hoped to disturb Zhang Ju's rhythm so that he could counterattack.

But didn't expect...

Faced with this arrow, Zhang Ju did not dodge or dodge!Stand still, let the arrow shot by the old archer be nailed to the thigh!He only cared about himself, put the four arrows in his hand on the bow, and quickly aimed at the old archer...

There was a sound of strings and four whistles of arrows.

In the third round, Zhang Ju shot four arrows in unison, called Four Seasons!
The veteran archer thought that the aim of shooting arrows in this way would definitely fall short of the standard, so the way of distracting and trying to counterattack was a little careless for a while.He never expected that this round of arrows was not what he thought...

The old archer was in a panic, but still instinctively tilted his head to let the arrow that was aimed at the head pass, and at the same time knocked away another arrow that was aimed at the chest with the bow,

But a long arrow pierced deeply into the lower abdomen, and the fourth arrow also passed through the thigh, taking away a piece of flesh!
The old archer vomited blood and fell backwards, but he did not forget to shoot Zhang Ju again, but Zhang Ju dodged it.

The old shooter vomited blood and fell to the ground, the outcome seemed to be clear.

Zhang Ju regained his composure at this moment, looked at the old shooter and said, "You lost."

The old shooter wanted to laugh, but he choked on the blood gushing out of his mouth. He spat out a mouthful of blood, coughed for a long time, and said with a miserable smile, "I lost?"

Zhang Ju looked at the old archer, who suddenly sat up, took out an arrow and put it on the bow, and said with a smile: "I think you lost, I still have arrows, but you are gone, the first to die must be you! "

After finishing speaking, the old archer let go and shot an arrow, but unfortunately he was seriously injured and lacked strength, the bow was only half-drawn, and the soft arrow was easily dodged by Zhang Ju.

But the old archer did not give up, and shot one arrow after another until the last arrow in the quiver was left. He held the last arrow tightly in his hand, and suddenly burst into tears. With bloody hands, he held the blood-stained arrow and put it on the bowstring, but he lost too much blood and his internal organs were ruptured, so he was unable to put the slippery arrow on the bow.

He actually knew that he had already failed. Even if he shot Zhang Ju to death now, he would not be able to survive. Until the end, he still failed to take the crown of Zhebie.

In his whole life, he had only one pursuit since he was born, and the choices he made were all for this pursuit.

For this pursuit, he gambled his whole life, but he failed to get it until his death.

What he cried was the sorrow of his life...

For a hundred years, I sigh in vain.

Zhang Ju suddenly lost the idea of ​​killing the old archer. Looking at the weeping old man, there was nothing he could do. He was drawn to the senior master with excellent arrow skills and the bloodthirsty and murderous Mongolian butcher just now. No.

Too many people have died today... Zhang Ju turned around and limped towards the Daming army formation.

"Be careful!" Tang Long shouted suddenly!
Zhang Ju immediately realized what was going on, and couldn't help being angry from the bottom of his heart!
Zhang Ju firmly grasped the arrow nailed to his leg, and pulled it out violently, blood gushing out several feet!

Then he heard a sound of strings, and without any time to think, he turned around and shot an arrow!
His arrow nailed the old archer's chest accurately, and the old archer fell on his back.

However, Zhang Ju was stunned...

There is no arrow on the bow in the hands of the old archer.

The last arrow was broken by the old archer at an unknown time and thrown aside.

Zhang Ju instantly understood what...

This old shooter from the Beware Department just wants to use his own hand to make a deal.

Zhang Ju quickly ran to the side of the old shooter. The old shooter's eyes were already dull, and he stared blankly at the sky.

When Zhang Ju's shadow was reflected in the eyes of the old shooter, the old shooter's eyes moved with difficulty, and said in an almost inaudible voice:

"I gave my life... back to you... Jebe..."

Zhang Ju stared blankly at this hateful and respectable enemy, opponent, and senior, at a loss.

After a while, Zhang Ju heaved a long sigh and said, "I am no longer a Mongol, are the real Jebe of the Mongols."

After Zhang Ju said the last sentence, the pupils of the old shooter suddenly dilated, and a smile seemed to be about to bloom at the corner of his mouth, but he couldn't show it in the end, and he lost his breath.

Zhang Ju watched the old archer lose his breath, dragged his injured leg, and turned around to go to the Ming army. Lu Bing hurriedly dispatched a team to meet him.

Arak Khan also sent several soldiers to bring back the old shooter's body.


This battle is over, no one cheers.

Lu Bing wanted to send someone to negotiate with Alak Khan, so that Alak Khan would return the kidnapped people in those villages according to the agreement.

But Liu Biao offered to go there, Lu Bing thought about it, and felt that Liu Biao was really suitable, so he agreed.

And Xue Yang also volunteered to go with Liu Biao.

Lu Bing called Liu Biao aside and told him Li Jin's whereabouts. After hearing this, Liu Biao came to Alak Khan's camp with confidence.

Arak Khan couldn't help hesitating when he saw Liu Biao and Xue Yang and heard Liu Biao's proposal to fulfill the agreement.

Just when Arak Khan was hesitating, a Mongolian ranger rushed to report that a large number of Ming troops had appeared between the army and the camp, and there might be as many as 2 people.

Alak Khan was furious when he heard this, he asked Liu Biao and Xue Yang, "What do you mean?"

(End of this chapter)

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