Brocade legend

Chapter 125

Chapter 125
A smile appeared on Liu Biao's pale face, and he said, "It's just a precautionary measure. My elders said that Da Khan often forgets the promises, so I need to give Da Khan a reminder."

"Do you think this can force Ben Khan to compromise?" Alak Khan slapped the table and cursed: "We Mongolians don't accept this! The ambush behind Ben Khan, and then attack Yulin! Or regardless of the ambush behind, eat you in front of me first! Then attack your empty Hongshixia camp! Break the Hongshixia camp, you Yulin still How many troops does it have? It can resist the plunder of this Khan!"

Liu Biao smiled confidently, and said: "First of all, correct a mistake of Da Khan. According to the orders of the imperial envoy and the commander-in-chief, the garrison troops from all over the country traveled day and night. Now Yulin has already assembled 1 troops from the surrounding military towns in Yulin, and in Yulin. The strength of the camp outside Hongshixia has already increased to [-], of which [-] are behind you. And the [-] troops led by my lord are not for retreat, but for attack. My lord The [-] soldiers and horses behind him and the [-] soldiers behind the sweat will eat the sweat first. If reinforcements come from your Mongolian camp, we have another [-] soldiers coming from the Hongshixia camp. As the second echelon, join the battle at any time!"

Seeing Alak Khan's face turn from red to green, Liu Biao suddenly felt very refreshed, and continued: "The reason why my adults agreed to bet with Da Khan is for today. After the first round of competition, Da Khan broke his promise. Well, my lord didn't intend to use the competition to get what he wanted. He just offered to compete again in order to gain time to dispatch troops. This day and night, our Ming army is no weaker than you in terms of numbers. If today If Da Khan still doesn't fulfill the agreement, my lord and Tang Long will fight against Da Khan with the power of nine sides! One battle will ensure the stability of the north for ten years!"

"..." Arak Khan was speechless after hearing this.

After a long silence, Liu Biao just calmly waited for Alak Khan to reply.

Alak Khan thought for a long time and said, "Are you really confident that you will win a decisive battle with our army?"

"My lord said that we will win!" Liu Biao said firmly, "The Great Khan has a hundred thousand soldiers, but my Ming Dynasty has a million elite soldiers, and there are millions of soldiers and civilians on the nine sides alone. We have a steady stream of troops to replenish, As long as our [-] troops can temporarily trap Da Khan here, a vortex of melee will be formed. In the end, the mill can also polish the [-] troops of Da Khan! Therefore, this battle must be won!"

"It's so vicious..." Alak Khan secretly hated

Alak Khan asked again: "Will your emperor of Ming allow you to cause such great turmoil and casualties? Your family is not afraid of being punished? Even if you win, your official career will end here?"

Liu Biao smiled and said: "It seems that Da Khan doesn't know my lord very well. My lord is the milk brother of the current Holy Majesty. This time he acted according to the order. Not to mention winning, he was defeated. At most, he was dismissed from office. Just go home, with the emperor around, no one dares to bully you. My family said that this feat in this life can keep the northern border peaceful for ten years, without any regrets."

Liu Biao saw the shaken expression on Alak Khan's face, and said, "My lord even asked me to tell Da Khan that no one had dared to humiliate him like this before. He doesn't know how to compromise. If anyone steps on him, he will step back. If Da Khan breaks the contract again, he will not stop dying, refuse to accept... come to fight!"

Arak Khan was completely speechless, he had never seen such a Ming official, so... rascal!
Arak Khan thought about it for a long time, and finally, for the sake of the country's great plan, he didn't want to make any more troubles, so he sadly sent people to release the Han slaves he had captured before.

Liu Biao finished his task, and before leaving, he said to Alak Khan: "My lord said, if Da Khan fulfills the agreement, let me tell him, the thoughts that Da Khan told my lord before, my lord thinks it is very good. The Great Khan leaves as soon as possible to avoid unnecessary bloodshed and sacrifices between the two clans. If the Great Khan is still unwilling, he will wait for you in northern Xinjiang and then compete."

Liu Biao and Xue Yang took the returned civilians back to the Hongshixia Camp and handed them over to Tang Long.

And Li Jin and Lu Bing also led their respective armies back to Hongshi Gorge, waiting in full force without any slack.

Alak Khan lingered outside Hongshi Gorge for several days, dispatching a large number of fine cavalry to investigate, but could not find any loopholes to exploit.

The Han nationality and the grassland people have fought for thousands of years. If they really made up their minds to guard against death, the grassland people would have nothing to do.

And Lu Bing doesn't just only guard against death, Tang Long is more than enough to defend.

Lu Bing was thinking about how to eat meat. He sent Li Jin and Zhang Ju several times to bring elite cavalry to attack quickly. With superior strength, before the Mongolian army could react, he quickly ate several Mongolian meat. cavalry.

Lu Bing also sent Jinyiwei's masters, in groups of three or five, to drill into the vast sky and earth, knocking off the scouting cavalry sent by Mongolia continuously.

Arak Khan saw that he could not get well, but instead suffered repeated losses. Although the losses were not large, they were still disturbing. In desperation, he had no choice but to retreat.

Since then, Jiajing's 11-year suffering in northern Xinjiang has come to an end.

After Alak Khan left, he moved to Mudongdong and was called a barbarian.And there are many other tribes in the northwest.

Because I hated Alak Khan's reluctance and indifference to him, I didn't want to move with Alak Khan, so I followed my elder brother Ji Nang Jinong, and conquered Qinghai in that year, defeating the old enemy. Erhai, annexed his tribe, Ji Nang Jinong's power expanded again.

In this way, Tang Long finally freed up his hands to manage the people's troubles. Because of the large amount of money and materials collected from the horse market, he finally lived up to the emperor's grace, rescued hundreds of thousands of hungry people who were dying, and appease the three sides.The people were rescued, and the grievances of the people were calmed down. Therefore, Tang Long made great contributions and did not disgrace the emperor's order.

Wang Qiong was overjoyed when he received the good news from Lu Bing in a hurry when he was in Beijing, and finally felt relieved, closed his eyes, and died at the age of 74.The eldest son Dynasty established the Fuling Coffin and was buried at the foot of Mount Meng, overlooking the northern border.

Datong's general Huang Zhen, commander Ma Sheng, and Yang Lin were imprisoned. Emperor Jiajing wanted to be the governor of Datong.Li Jin was promoted to be the commander-in-chief of Datong, and continued to investigate corrupt officials who violated the law. At the same time, he dug and dredged Haogou to strengthen Datong's defense.

But Zhang Ju didn't want to stay in the border town anymore, so he followed Lu Bing and entered Jinyiwei.

At this time, in the Xuan Mansion, Zhu Liu's cleansing work has also come to an end. According to Lu Bing's instructions, Zhu Liu let people with lesser crimes pay for their lives with money. In this way, he once again made a lot of money for the emperor's internal treasury. made a fortune.Many criminals, the day they are released from prison is also the day when they go bankrupt, and they can no longer run amok in the countryside, and have behaved honestly since then.

Those who committed serious crimes were recorded by Zhu Liu and kept under strict supervision, and they were only brought back to the capital when they returned to Beijing.

Lu Bing left Dong Hai and other Jinyiwei to help Zhu Liu finish the finishing work, and then return to Beijing another day.

And he took Xue Yang, Zhang Ju, Liu Biao, Huang Duxian, Shitou, Yang Sen and the newly-accepted righteous queen Lu Xiuying to set off first and return to the capital.

It is not easy for Lu Bing to embark on the road back to Beijing, because he knows that after returning to Beijing, the undercurrent will be turbulent, and it will be more dangerous than Beidi.After all, it's easy to avoid an open spear, but hard to guard against a hidden arrow!

The emperor's secret decree has arrived, and he is very happy to ask Lu Bing to go to see him immediately after returning to Beijing.At the same time as the secret decree, Bi Yun's envoy also said that the emperor had sent someone to take over the camp of Xuanfu, and he had already left Xuanfu to return to Beijing.

And Fang Xianfu's secret letter has also arrived in Lu Bing's hands. In the letter, he first thanked Lu Bing for saving his people, and at the same time asked Lu Bing to return to Beijing for a while.

It is conceivable that Chen Hong and Zhang Mo, who have already prepared for the Jedi counterattack, must have already set up their nets in the capital, and even if they cannot win, they will die and the net will be broken!

In addition, all the big shots in the capital also suppressed their emotions and waited for Lu Bing to return to the capital.

In the past few months, in the northern land of Ming Dynasty, the bloody storm caused by this group of Jinyiwei has changed the color of the world.Almost all of these bigwigs were implicated, but the bloody wind was cut off by the high walls of Beijing City, and it hadn't blown into the city yet.However, these are enough to make these bigwigs re-acquainted with the "Jinyi Pro-Army Commander" which has been dusty for a long time and seems to be re-emerging its splendor.With Lu Bing returning to Beijing, this bloody storm will definitely be brought into the capital.

In this game, the real decisive place is not the battlefield in the Northland, but the court in the capital!

The flowers bloom at the beginning when they leave, and the leaves are slightly yellow when they return.

Who looked forward to it, and several people entered the hall again.

Here there is joy and love, there there is sorrow.

Send you son off for a day, and return to my mourning hall today.


Shout out!Shout out!
The second volume of "Northern Prosperity"——End
(End of this chapter)

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