Brocade legend

Chapter 126

Chapter 126
In the city of Beijing, the weather is still not very cool. At noon, even the dogs hide from the sun, and no one wants to go out except as a last resort.

But in Lu Song's mansion, Commander of Jin Yiwei, a group of men, women, old and young were standing in the street or in the doorway, chatting lightly, or looking up, not afraid of the bright sun at all.

"Here we come!" A young servant shouted, everyone listened and stopped talking, looking from a distance, a man on horseback was coming at a trot.

The first person is tall, with a fiery face and star-like eyes, a little tired between the eyebrows and eyes, but still elegant.

This person is exactly Lu Bing who rushed back to Beijing from Yulin.

Following him were Yang Sen, Shitou, Zhang Ju, Liu Biao, Xue Yang, Huang Duxian, Wang Luxiuying and others.

Lu Bing rode his horse ten steps away from the door, jumped down, walked quickly to a white-haired woman, knelt down on one knee, and said with a smile: "Mother, my son is back!"

The old lady is Lu Bing's biological mother. Seeing Lu Bing knelt down, Mrs. Lu hurriedly stepped forward to help her up, and said repeatedly: "It's good to be back! It's good to be back... Son, you've lost weight..." Old Mrs. Lu People can't help crying while talking.

Lu Bing hurriedly said: "Mother, don't worry, the baby is thinner, but stronger!"

Mrs. Lu was both sad and happy, but she held Lu Bing's hand tightly, not willing to let go.

Lu Bing had no choice but to no longer greet everyone one by one, but just nodded.

The one supporting the old lady and looking at Lu Bing affectionately is Lu Bing's first wife, Yang Lianqiu, and standing behind Lianqiu is Lianqiu's servant girl Xueyan.

Behind Lianqiu, there was a young man wearing armor, a towel hat, and an embroidered spring knife on his waist. After greeting Lu Bing, he went up and grabbed Yang Sen, and said with a smile: "Three Brother, you are back."

Yang Sen shrank his head and accompanied the smiling face, and said, "Brother, why didn't you go to work, and you have time to pick up the little brother in person?"

"Not only I'm here to pick you up, but Daddy is here too, waiting for you inside!" The young Jinyiwei who spoke was Yang Sen and Yang Lianqiu's elder brother Yang Lin, who now works in the Fusi of Beizhen, a hundred households. .

When Yang Sen heard this, he looked at his brother-in-law for help, and found that his brother-in-law was meeting his sister's eyes, and he didn't turn his back at all.

Yang Sen involuntarily turned his eyes to Shi Shi for help, only to find that Shi Shi was kneeling on the ground, crying with Nanny Li who came to pick him up, let alone caring about him, so he had to accept his fate and followed his elder brother forward. door to go.

After hearing Yang Lin's words, Mrs. Lu suddenly remembered that her in-laws were still waiting in the hall, and hurriedly said: "Yes, go in quickly, your father and Taishan are waiting for you inside, hurry up and say hello. "

Lu Bing nodded, but didn't enter the door. He went to lead Wang Lu Xiuying first, pointed to Mrs. Lu and Lianqiu, and said, "Xiuying, see grandma and mother!"

Mrs. Lu and Lian Qiu were both taken aback, seeing that Xiuying had kneeled obediently, they hurried forward and pulled Xiuying up.

"Son, don't pray for now!" Mrs. Lu saw that the child was so sincere, she knelt down regardless of the stone floor, and said distressedly: "Does it hurt?"

Lianqiu pulled Xiuying over, and gently patted the dust off Xiuying's knees. Lu Bing, who was on the side, explained: "This is the adopted daughter I adopted in the Northland. I will tell you the details later."

Lu Bing turned his head, and said to Lu An, the steward of the Lu Mansion who was leading his horse, "You take the brothers to my other courtyard to wait, and I will go over and talk later."

Lu An said yes, and took Zhang Ju, Liu Biao, and Xue Yang to another courtyard.And Huang Duxian followed his daughter and apprentice to the small courtyard where Lu's residence settled to meet his wife.Naturally, Shitou went to Nanny Li to talk to her room.

Lu Bing and his wife, Lian Qiu, supported the old lady on one left and one on the right. Xiuying obediently carried a large package and followed Lu Bing to the hall.There were two elderly people sitting in the hall, one looked weaker, it was Lu Bing's father Lu Song.Another tall and powerful man with well-rounded facial features is Lu Bing's old Taishan, Yang Shanyue, the former Jinyiwei Thousand Household Officer.

And Yang Shanyue was glaring at Yang Sen, reprimanding him for sneaking away.

Lu Bing stepped forward, first visited the two fathers, and then sat down to talk.Lianqiu also helped the old lady to sit down, while she held Xiuying by her side, and Tingting stood behind the old lady, smiling without saying a word.

Lu Song saw a little girl coming in with his daughter-in-law and son, and looked at the old lady suspiciously. Focus on Yang Shanyue and Yang Sen first.

Xueyan brought a cup of tea, and Lu Bing took it, just in time to watch Yang Sen's good show.

Yang Shanyue said angrily: "Okay, we won't mention the matter of you sneaking away, can do it, you sneaked away again before I came back last time!"

"Isn't that a military emergency?" Yang Sen muttered in a low voice, and Yang Lin laughed lightly when he heard it.

"You're so urgent, no matter how urgent you are, you can go home and say hello!" Yang Shanyue roared angrily when he saw that he dared to talk back.

"I received the emperor's decree and said it was urgent... How dare you say that the emperor's decree is fart?" Yang Sen rolled his eyes wildly and argued.

"Presumptuous!" Yang Shanyue slapped the table, stood up and was about to kick Yang Sen, Yang Sen hurriedly hid behind his brother.

"Ahem, Shan Yue, the child is already so old, don't beat him." Lu Bing's father, Lu Song, saw that the quarrel was in full swing, and hurriedly said, "But Sen'er, you too, how can you be disrespectful to the emperor? "

"That's what my father said, not me..." Yang Sen wanted to talk back, but was frightened by his father's glaring eyes, and didn't dare to continue.

"Ahem, ahem, you, you still dare to talk back. I really don't know the seriousness. It's fine for your family to hear what you say. If it spreads, you will be punished!" Yue Song said seriously.

"..." Seeing that the formation was not right, Yang Sen didn't dare to say any more, and hid behind his brother and didn't speak.

At this time, Yang Lin said: "Father, my brother has worked hard this journey. You have been a soldier all your life, and you also know that it is not easy to go out to do errands. If you don't pay attention, your life will be lost. Now my brother has not only returned in full, but also It is already a great joy to make meritorious service, so father will forgive him, right?"

When Yang Lianqiu saw his elder brother open his mouth, he also said: "Yes, Daddy, when my younger brother was away, you worried and nagged every day. The children knew that you were worried about him, so you scolded him. My younger brother must understand. You just Don't scold him yet, let him sit down and take a rest."

In fact, Yang Shanyue didn't want to scold Yang Sen in his heart, but he didn't know why he couldn't help but want to say a few words when he saw each other. At this time, seeing a pair of children trying to persuade him, he stopped talking, sighed, and sat down. Said: "Then sit down and talk!"

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(End of this chapter)

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